Process: Creating An Employer

To create a new employer, go to the Create menu and select Employer:

This will display the Add Employer Wizard:

  1. Enter the name of the Employer.

    This must be unique in the database, i.e. no two employer can have the same name.
  2. Optionally select another of your employers to serve as the Parent Employer. You can have any number of hierarchical levels of your employers.
  3. The User Code is available should you need a unique code for this Employer.
  4. Enter the full Legal Name of the employer.
  5. Enter the company's ABN. Only a valid ABN can be entered here.
  6. Enter the company's ACN.
  7. Fill in the rest of the Contact Information as required. The External Code field exists if you want to link your employers to an external application, such as debtors in an accounting system. Enter the code that identifies the employer in that application.
  8. You can set a Prefix if you want to have the clients from this employer to have a particular prefix added to their ID code.
  9. Enter the employer's Website Address, if applicable.
  10. Indicate if this employer is to be considered as an RTO or AAC. This information can be used in the Contract Wizard and Enrolment Wizard.
  11. Select any applicable Credit Terms for this employer.
  12. If you are using VETtrak's inbuilt Email and SMS functions, tick this box if this employer has indicated that they do not wish to receive any marketing messages from you.
  13. If this Employer is considered an Agency for the sake of Student Referral Agents, tick this box to flag it.
  14. Later you may choose to Archive this employer by ticking this box.

Press the Next button to progress the wizard, this will display the option to enter additional Address and Employer Type information:

Note that all the fields on this page are optional. 
  1. Enter the Business Address.
  2. Untick this box if the employer's postal address is different to its physical address.
  3. You can indicate what Employer Type suits  this employer.
  4. If required, you can record a Referral Source.
  5. What specific industry classification they are part of.

Press the Next button to progress the wizard, this will display the option to enter additional Notes and Employer Images:

On this page you can store an employer's logo or any other image. This can be used on reports. 

  1. Click this button to Load an Image from your computer.
  2. If you have the image open in another Programme, you can copy it from there, and click Paste to put it in here.
  3. Click this button if you want to Copy the current image to the clipboard.
  4. Click this button to Clear the selected image.
  5. Enter any Notes about the employer here, if required.

Press the Next button to progress the wizard, displaying the File Notes page: 

At this time, and relevant File Notes can be entered.

Press the Next button to progress the wizard, this will display the Finish page:

Tick the Create a Primary Contact for this new employer box if you want to go on to enter details for the primary contact person for the employer. A new wizard will open to allow you to do so.

Additional contacts can be added later by right-clicking on the Contacts tree in the Employer Manager.

Click Finish to save the Employer.


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