Standard Report Update - Version 1750


RELEASE DATE: 28/06/2022

New Standard Reports

Enrolment Reports\Status History Report

Displays Status History records per Contract or Enrolment. Includes Client, Enrolment ID, Contract Code, Start/Finish Dates, Occurrence ID, Qualification, and Current Status assigned to the Contract or Enrolment.

Quality Assurance Reports\QA Manager Export Report

Lists QA Item records per row, depending on the filtering options selected. There is an option to show the history of records per QA Item. Includes the Date and Time QA Item created, alongside the Staff Member, Entity, Description, Operation, Status, Last Action, Last Action Date, and Last Action User.

New Right-Click Reports

Dashboard\QVault History Report

Displays QVault History records in Month and Year Format, depending on the Date Range provided. Includes an optional breakdown of records showing Client, Qualification, Parchment Number, Date Completed, Date Issued, and QVault Status.

Updated Standard Reports

Award Reports\Award Register Report

  1. New Column. A new column has been added to the Excel Export Friendly page to show the VIC Specialisation assigned to the Award.

Class Reports\Class Attendance by JobActive Provider Report
Class Reports\Class Attendance Cross-Tab Report
Class Reports\Class Attendance Report
Class Reports\Class Attendance Report with Agreements
Class Reports\Class Roll Report
Class Reports\Class Timetable Report
Class Reports\Class Timetable Report by Client
Class Reports\Client Attendance Report

  1. Staff Members. The Staff Member(s) field on the reports will now include non-primary Staff Members assigned to the Class. The Staff Filter will also account for the non-primary Staff Members.
  2. Formatting Fix. Fixed a bug with the Class Roll Report, where the Extra Rows would not align with Student and Trainer Signature Columns.

Document Reports\Document Storage Report

  1. Enrolment/Occurrence ID Filter. Updated the ID Filter to allow Documents assigned to Classes, Enrolments, Enrolment Training Plans, and Events under the Occurrence ID entered to show.
  2. Applicability. Added functionality to show Documents assigned to Client Events and Enrolment Training Plans.

Enrolment Reports\Enrolment Export Report

  1. New Column. A new column has been added to show the VIC Specialisation assigned to the Enrolment.

Security Reports\User Entry Report

  1. Enrolled Tasks. This report will now allow the user to filter records on Enrolled Tasks. This will show which records have been added or edited.

VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VET Student Loan-VET-FEE-HELP Export Report

  1. New Date Filters. A new Date Range Filter option has been added, filtering on Course of Study Enrolment Date.
  2. TCSI columns. A range of columns have been added to align with the TCSI Update from VETtrak version 21.1.
  3. Legacy/Historical Data. A new section has been added to the report to show fields which were available in VETtrak for versions 20.4 or earlier.

VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VSL Statement of Covered Fees

  1. Formatting Fix. Adjusted point 3 of Important Notes to show "Department of Education, Skills and Employment", rather than "Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business".

Updated Right-Click Reports

Client Manager\CRICOS\Show CoEs Report

  1. Bug Fix. Fixed a bug which would cause % Attended to return NAN% rather than 0% if there are no Attendances recorded prior to the date that the report is run.

Client Manager\Contract\Show Invoice Schedule Report

  1. Bug Fix. Fixed a bug which would cause an error, preventing the user running the report from generating against a Contract.

Configuration Manager\File Type Report

  1. New Columns. New Columns have been added to show whether each File Type is Archived, the Review Period in Days, the System File Type, Default Applicability, Web Portal Access, and Storage Size in Megabytes.
  2. New Right-Click Menu. This report will now feature the ability to run against a single File Type.

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