VETtrak 17.1.2 Release Notes - 10/02/2017

Version 17.1.2 is a minor update from version 17.1.0 and version 17.1.1. It contains the following bug fixes and changes in response to customer feedback.

  1. NSW Smart and Skilled AVETMISS Generation result validations. The validations "This Unit/Module has a start date in the past and a finish date in the future, so must have an outcome code of 70" and "This Unit/Module has a final outcome code, so its finish date cannot be in the future" will now be based on the current date rather than the end date of the generation year, so that these errors no longer occur when generating Smart and Skilled AVETMISS for a previous year. This change is necessary due to the change in 17.1.0 to no longer convert completed results that finish in a future year to a 70 outcome in NSW, to work-around validation issues in STS.
  2. NSW Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator Export "Another SS Qual" field. The logic of the "Another SS Qual" field has been corrected to only report Yes if the client has another NSW state-reportable Smart and Skilled enrolment with a different qualification, where its dates overlap the current year.
  3. VET Student Loans export completions. There are now extra options to export records based on completion date rather than census date. One of these options is to select courses of study completed within the specified date range to populate the VCC export. The other new option is to select units of study completed within the specified date range to populate the VCU export. In either case, the other exports are populated with records related to the completed records found.
  4. VET Student Loans student statuses. The list of VET Student Loans student statuses has been updated to reflect the changed 2017 wording.
  5. "Complete" flag when duplicating occurrence events. When duplicating occurrences that have events, the duplicated events will now have the "Complete" flag turned off.
  6. Duplicate occurrence with document database files. When duplicating occurrences that have document database files attached, VETtrak was incorrectly re-importing the files for the duplicated occurrence into the document database from their original file locations, which would cause a "File to import cannot be found" error if the files were no longer in their original locations. This issue has been fixed.
  7. Trainer Portal show student images. A new Trainer Portal Preference has been added to "Show student images in the Trainer Portal". For this to work, you will need to upgrade to the latest version of the Trainer Portal. See View Student Images in the trainer portal web guide.
  8. NZ NSN expired token. An issue causing the New Zealand Student Number integration to fail after a while because of expired access tokens has been fixed.

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