API Change Log for VETtrak 20.2.x

Version for VETtrak 20.2.0 - 25/05/2020

Changes for compatibility with VETtrak 20.2.

Some changes have been made to positions (used in client employment) that may require some small changes if you are using them:

  • If you are using code generated from the WSDL to consume the API, it is recommended that this be re-generated as a field has been added to TClieDetail, to avoid any issues using this class that the change may cause for some code generation tools.
  • Positions are now uniquely identified by the name rather than the code. Code is now optional, but if a position has a code it must still be unique. As it is now possible for VETtrak users to set up positions without codes, if you are using functions UpdateClientDetails (with TClieDetail), UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord or UpdateClientAdditionalFields to update a client's employment position, it is recommended that you change this to use position name instead of code to identify the position.

With the addition of accounts payable invoices to VETtrak 20.2 in the Agent Commissions Add-on, all functions that return invoices will only return accounts receivable invoices to maintain current functionality.

Bug fixes

If Edit AVETMISS Values has been used to vary AVETMISS fields for individual units in an occurrence, these unit-level values will now be used for the new enrolled units in new enrolments created in that occurrence through the API, instead of using the values from the occurrence level.

The QLD-only "School type" field is now correctly copied from the occurrence to enrolments created in it through the API.

Add functions

  1. AddPosition: Adds a new client employment position with the specified name and optionally code. Does nothing if it already exists.

Modify classes

  1. TClieDetail
    1. Added fields
      1. PositionName: The name of the position of the client's primary employment. Can be used for retrieval or update.

Additional data field changes

These changes affect the QueryAdditionalData, GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity, GetAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateClientAdditionalFields and UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions.

Added fields

  1. Employer
    1. Agency: Indicates whether the employer is marked as an agency.
  2. Enrolment
    1. AgencyEmployerId: Identifier of the employer assigned as the agency for the enrolment. Only available in VETtrak with the Agent Commissions Add-on.
    2. AgencyEmployerName: Name of the employer assigned as the agency for the enrolment. Only available in VETtrak with the Agent Commissions Add-on.
    3. AgentClientCode: Client code of the agent assigned to the enrolment. Only available in VETtrak with the Agent Commissions Add-on.
  3. EmployerContact
    1. AccountsFlag: Indicates whether the employer contact is the accounts/finance contact for the employer.
    2. Agent: Indicates whether the employer contact is marked as an agent.

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