Parts of this functionality were implemented in the VETtrak 2019 & 2020 version release
SVTS (Skills Victoria Training System) allows a submitting RTO to "opt-out" of receiving reject messages for reported data that cannot be claimed, to avoid cluttering your SVTS validation results with expected rejects.
Details regarding these requirements are available in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines found on the Training data collection page of the Skills Victoria website.
There can be a number of reasons for this that may differ on a user-to-user basis - it is most useful when a training provider is aware that an automatic rejection is to occur and wishes to pre-empt this and prevent it from happening.
The extent of this functionality is that VETtrak will allow a training provider several options to flag that certain training activity may be submitted, but is to be excluded from triggering a claim or funding in general.
From a reporting standpoint, the training activity will still be present within exported NAT files, but will have a unique flag present for SVTS to understand it is not to be funded. This is done within the "Purchasing contract schedule identifier" column in the NAT120 – reporting as "EXC" to exclude the unit from claim creation, and reporting as "R38" to exclude the unit from claim confirmation/invoicing.
There are several options to start reporting these claim exclusion codes in VETtrak:
When Generating State AVETMISS
The option to select Claim exclusions is immediately available when generating AVETMISS for Victoria.
This is a blanket option that allows you to choose to bulk-exclude claims based off common result types that are not funded.
These filters include Credit Transfer outcomes, RPL outcomes, Not Yet Started outcomes, and/or Withdrawn outcomes with 0 hours. Ticking these options will report the "EXC" claim exclusion code for all reported units with an outcome matching any of the options selected:
Excluding Via Client Enrolment
You can flag a particular enrolment to make use of a Claims exclusion flag by editing an existing enrolment and navigating to the VIC State-based fields area:
Within here, drop-down the Claims exclusion menu to select the relevant flag:
There is also the option to exclude on a per-unit basis within the Edit AVETMISS Values wizard:
In this area, make use of the Claims exclusion column to select the relevant exclusion for your needs:
Performing any of these options will then provide the necessary data to be collected alongside your Training Activity within your AVETMISS files, displaying either "EXC" or "R38" like so:
Excluding Via The Record Results Wizard
The Record Results wizard allows you to turn on the Claim exclusion (VIC) column:
This will then allow a user to adjust this field on the same screen of the wizard, for each unit:
This wizard will also display give a warning if the ERA claim exclusion code is used for a unit that does not have an outcome of 79: