API Change Log for VETtrak 19.1.x

Version for VETtrak 19.1.0 - 6/05/2019

Changes to support new "rapid registration" feature in VETenrol. No breaking changes to interface.

Modify functions

  1. ProcessWebEnrolment: Will now attempt to match to a single existing client on surname, given name and email address (if a client could not be matched based on client code, USI, or name and date of birth). Email address can match primary or secondary email, as long as only one client matches.
  2. RecordPaymentForInvoice: When paying an invoice that has outstanding invoice items with negative amounts, those negative amounts will be "closed off" first so that VETtrak shows the correct payment status.
  3. GetInvoicesForClient, GetInvoicesForEmployer: The returned list of invoice items in each invoice will now be in the order specified by the user in VETtrak.

Additional data field changes

These changes affect the QueryAdditionalData, GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity, GetAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateClientAdditionalFields and UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions.

New fields

  1. EnrolledUnit
    1. PlannedStartDate: Training plan start date for the enrolled unit.
    2. PlannedEndDate: Training plan end date for the enrolled unit.

Version for VETtrak 19.1.0 - 15/01/2019

Changes for compatibility with a VETtrak 19.1 database (no breaking changes to interface):

  1. New enrolled unit release number and Victorian fee waiver fields will be duplicated from the occurrence when enrolling.
  2. Creating an employer contact will automatically assign the default Progress Portal role if configured.
  3. Fixed a database connection leak in the UpdateResultIncludingLinked function.

Additional data field changes

These changes affect the QueryAdditionalData, GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity, GetAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateClientAdditionalFields and UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions.

New fields

  1. EnrolledUnit
    1. VICProgramCommencementDate: VIC program commencement date for the enrolled unit.

Changed fields

  1. Client
    1. IdentificationDetails: Maximum length increased from 100 to 1000 characters.

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