Setting up Trainer Portal preferences in VETtrak 19.1 or higher

To set up the options for your Trainer Portal, go to File > Global Preferences, and go to the Trainer Portal page of the wizard.

  1. Use this field to store the location of your Trainer Portal deployment. This will enable the portals to generate links to resources within the portals.
  2. To allow trainers to quickly and easily schedule follow up visits with students in the portal, a special type of event can be set up in VETtrak for this purpose. Tick this box if you want to use this feature.
  3. If you are using follow up events, select the event that is to be used for this.
  4. Indicate if you want your trainers to be able to send emails to clients via the Trainer Portal.
  5. Indicate if you want your trainers to be able to send SMS messages to clients via the Trainer Portal.
  6. Choose whether student images should be displayed in the Trainer Portal. These are only displayed in the detailed modal view for a student.
  7. This tickbox controls the ability for trainers to access an iCal file subscription of their schedule.  A third party calendaring application such as (Outlook, Google calendar, iOS & Android) may then be used to subscribe to that schedule link.  see Portal iCal susbscription for further detail. 
  8. To default the portal to have the record signatures box checked on relevant modals, tick this option.


  1. Click the Quality Assurance tab to set up the QA options.
  2. Tick this box if you want any of your data entered by trainers to be submitted for Quality Assurance before being saved in VETtrak.
  3. Indicate which kinds of data and actions need to pass through Quality Assurance. In the above example, trainers can add and edit client and employer events and the information will be saved directly into VETtrak. All other items must pass through Quality Assurance first. The deletion of any item must also pass through the approval process.
  4. Untick the box if you do not want your QA events to appear on Trainer Portal's schedule whilst under Quality Assurance.


  1. You can configure which types of records in the Trainer Portal can accept file uploads using the "Documents" tab.
  2. Use the table to enable or disable uploads against specific types of records.
  3. Tick the relevant column to Allow View or Allow Upload.  Allow upload also requires Allow view to function.

  1. You can view direct messages in the trainer portal by enabling the check box against "Can view messages".
  2. You can send direct messages in the trainer portal by enabling the check box against "Can send messages". 

  1.  Legacy Attendance mode (default) is the pre existing mode for recording Trainer Portal attendance.
  2. Customisable Attendance mode.  See the separate article on set up of configuration of this feature
  3. QR code scanning. New in  See the separate article on set up of configuration of this feature.

NEXT: Configuring Attendance Types, Result Types and Task Statuses for the Trainer Portal

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