Entity based security in the Progress Portal


Must be running VETtrak version 19.1.x.

Entity security

The progress portal version 19.1 now uses VETtrak's role-based security system.  To adjust these settings open the Security Manager from the VETtrak desktop software.

You can set up multiple roles in the Progress Portal application in the Security Manager, configure the permissions for each role, and assign employer contacts to roles.

The "Progress Portal access" tickbox in the Employer Contact wizard has been replaced by a "Progress Portal role" drop-down as an alternative means to select which role this contact has
(or leave it empty to not allow them access to the Progress Portal).

You can choose a default Progress Portal role for new employer contacts in Global Preferences -> Progress Portal.

When a user logs into the Progress Portal, they have access to whichever employers they are a contact for (that have a Progress Portal role assigned), so they may have a different role depending on the employer they select.  Example: Timmy Trainer with access to two employers.

Eddie Employer with Progress Portal Role 1 that is hiding awards and placements:

Eddie employer now has accreditation (awards) and placements hidden and will no longer appear on the dashboard.

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