Portal SMTP override options


Must be running VETtrak version 18.3.0.x (or higher)
and Trainer Portal v18.3.0.2 (or higher)
or Student Portal v18.3.0.2 (or higher)

It is important that an experienced IT resource is available to manage this process.

Version 19.2 (or higher) of the portals and onwards will not need this over-ride, unless using NTLM email.

Feature summary

As from version there is an option to override the VETtrak configured SMTP provider.  The override allows configuration to be sourced from the Web.config file, instead of the settings stored in VETtrak.

Note: The default configuration set up in VETtrak is generally sufficient for most customer's email needs, and this override option covers some edge cases for where the VETtrak configuration works for VETtrak desktop software but does not work with the Trainer Portal such as NTLM with individual account authorisation.

Web Config options explained.


Enables or disables mail server settings configured in this file.
The SMTP Settings:

  • SmtpServerHostname,
  • SmtpServerPort,
  • SmtpServerSslMode,
  • SmtpServerAuthType, 
  • SmtpServerUsername and 
  • SmtpServerPassword

must be provided if this option is set to "true".

true: The SMTP server settings in the web.config file will be used for sending email
false: The SMTP server settings configured in VETtrak will be used for sending email

<add key="UseLegacySmtpClient" value="false" /


The hostname of the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true".

<add key="SmtpServerHostname" value="" />


The port of the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true".

<add key="SmtpServerPort" value="25" />


The SSL connection mode to use when connecting to the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true". Options available are:

  • Automatic: Will attempt to choose automatically (not recommended).
  • Implicit: Use implicit SSL connection (usually for mail servers on port 465).
    NOTE: Implicit is not supported if "UseLegacyClient" is enabled - Explicit will be used instead in this case.
  • Explicit: Use explicit (STARTTLS) SSL connection (usually for mail servers on port 587).
  • None: Do not use SSL (usually for mail servers on port 25).

<add key="SmtpServerSslMode" value="None" />


The authentication type to use to authenticate with the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true".

  • None: Anonymous (no authentication).
  • User/password: Use basic username & password authentication.
  • CRAMMD5: Use CRAM-MD5 username & password authentication.
  • NTLM: Use NTLM username & password authentication.

    NOTE: The username and password must still be set when using this option.

<add key="SmtpServerAuthType" value="None" />


The username to use when authenticating with the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true".

<add key="SmtpServerUsername" value="" />


The password to use when authenticating with the SMTP server for sending email.

NOTE: Only applies when OverrideSmtpSettings is "true".

<add key="SmtpServerPassword" value="" />

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