Student Portal Configuration - When Changes Take Affect


It is important that an experienced IT resource is available to review this information.

The student portal has configuration settings in two places (web configuration and VETtrak Global configuration manager) and VETtrak security settings under the VETtrak security manager that determine global data availability. Depending where the configuration sits and how it is checked from within the application will determine when the setting will take affect.  In general all settings take affect when the application starts for the first time or restarts (where the IIS server application pool restarts).

  1. Web.Config file: Any change to the web configuration file will cause a restart of the application and therefore all settings will be as they are set.
  2. Student Portal global configuration: Change to these settings vary depending on when the portal is checking them.  In order to optomise the user experience those settings that are deemed to be unlikely to change are set at application start while others are read when visiting a relevant part of the application that they apply too.
  3. VETtrak entity security: Where these affect menus they are checked on every page refresh.  To optomise the user experience the permissions settings are cached in memory and it may take upward of the default cache time to live interval before the change occurs.  This is a setting found in Web.Config and if not present will default to 10 seconds.  A setting of zero will effectively query the database on every check removing the optomisation. 


Web.Config settingsScreen RefreshApplication Startup
Company nameNo Yes
Theme changeNo Yes
Google mapsNo Yes
Number of Dashboard classesNo Yes
Number of Dashboard eventsNo Yes
Number of Dashboard messagesNo Yes
Number of Dashboard resultsNo Yes
VETtrak Student Portal Global ConfigurationScreen RefreshApplication Startup
Account recovery settingsNoYes
Show External linkNoYes
Show/edit AVETMISS detailsYesYes
Allow iCal calendar subscriptionYesYes
File upload declaration Yes
Show VET Survey NoYes
Messaging PermissionsYesYes
VETtrak Application security default Student roleSecurity entityScreen Refresh
View awardsClient award Cached
View classesClient classCached
View direct messageClass message or Client message Cached
View eventsClient eventCached
View enrolmentsClient enrolment Cached
View tasksEnrolment taskCached
Upload documents*Document managementCached
View invoiceInvoiceCached
View emailEmail messageCached
View SMS Sent SMS messageCached
View unitsEnrolled unitCached

* Requires the Document database add-on

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