API Change Log for VETtrak 18.2.x

Version for VETtrak 18.2.1 - 23/07/2018

Fixed an error that occurs when calling the UpdateLMSEnrolmentStatus function.

Fixed an error when using the WebTypeFlag in the additional data for Enrolment.

Version for VETtrak 18.2.1 - 13/07/2018

VETtrak 18.2.1 now allows corporate bookings, as well as occurrences, to be published for web enrolment or LMS integration. The following API functions now include, or can be used with, published bookings as well as published occurrences:

  • SearchWebOccurrences
  • GetWebOccurrences
  • GetWebOccurrencesForDates
  • GetWebOccurrencesForProgramme
  • GetWebOccurrencesForProgrammeAndDates
  • GetWebOccurrencesForProgrammeAndDatesSince
  • GetWebOccurrencesOverlappingDateRange
  • GetWebOccurrencesOverlappingDateRangeForProgramme
  • GetWebProgrammes
  • GetWebProgrammesForDates
  • GetWebProgrammesForDatesSince
  • GetWebProgrammesForProgType
  • GetWebProgrammesForProgTypeAndDates
  • GetWebProgrammeTypes
  • GetWebProgrammeTypesForDates
  • GetWebLocationsForProgrammeAndDates
  • AddClientWebEnrolment
  • AddClientWebReservation
  • AddEmployerWebEnrolment
  • AddEmployerWebReservation
  • GetLMSOccurrencesInDateRange
  • GetLMSOccurrencesSince
  • GetLMSNewOccurrences
  • GetLMSNewEnrolmentsForOccurrence
  • AddLMSClientEnrolmentToOccurrence
  • UpdateLMSOccurrenceStatus

Note that these functions treat the booking in exactly the same way as a normal occurrence - you can still only add complete individual client enrolments, or complete employer enrolments, into published bookings, and they will use the individual pricing, not the corporate pricing. You still cannot create a web enrolment to enrol an additional employee into the existing primary employer enrolment that the booking is for (instead, use AddEmployeeEnrolmentToBooking for this purpose).

The following functions can now also return matching bookings as well as occurrences, whether published or not:

  • GetOccurrencesForEmployer
  • GetOccurrencesForStaff

The GetDeletedRecordsSince function can now be used to retrieve record IDs deleted from the following additional tables:


Version for VETtrak 18.2.0 - 27/04/2018

API version numbering has changed so that the first two parts of the number match the VETtrak major version it is compatible with.

AddAward function changes to match recently changed logic in VETtrak:

  1. It will now make the new award not-reportable (regardless of the enrolment's reportability) if the award is a statement and the enrolment qualification's recognition status is not a skill set or "other course".
  2. It prevents the creation of a reportable award if the client already has a reportable award (of any type) for the same qualification in the same year of the date completed.
  3. If the "Update end date of enrolments linked to award to the date completed" preference is on, and you specify a dateCompleted, the enrolment's end date will be updated to match that dateCompleted.

VETtrak now allows a client to have multiple external codes, one for each user-defined external system. The client's ExternalDebtorCode available through additional data functions will give you the client's primary external system code. When updating a client's ExternalDebtorCode using the additional data update functions, the new code will be recorded against the external system marked as default, and it will be made the primary external system code for the client. If you clear the ExternalDebtorCode, the primary flag will be unticked so that the client has no primary external system code.

Occurrence enrolments created through the API will now have "Copy task matrix from occurrence" ticked by default.

Fixed an error that occurs in GetClientExtendedDetails when the client has any deprecated old-style non-class attendance data.

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