Under the Utility heading, navigate to Payment plans and select Download payments from DebitSuccess:
This will display the Download Payments from DebitSuccess wizard:
- Payment plan provider will display the selected Payment Plan Provider (In this case, DebitSuccess)
- From date allows you to specify a 'date from' to identify payments
- To date allows you to specify a 'date to' to identify payments
- Download payments from DebitSuccess will retrieve a list of processed payments ready to input into VETtrak against your Invoices with Payment Plans.
- Retrieved details will display data ready to input in the grid below. The Status column can be used to check any errors that may occur.
- Save will allow you to save these records into your VETtrak database.
- Export provides an option to export the payment details to an external format, such as Excel.
Process this wizard to have your retrieved payment details represented against the appropriate invoice.