Download Payments from DebitSuccess

Under the Utility heading, navigate to Payment plans and select Download payments from DebitSuccess:


This will display the Download Payments from DebitSuccess wizard:

  1. Payment plan provider will display the selected Payment Plan Provider (In this case, DebitSuccess)
  2. From date allows you to specify a 'date from' to identify payments
  3. To date allows you to specify a 'date to' to identify payments
  4. Download payments from DebitSuccess will retrieve a list of processed payments ready to input into VETtrak against your Invoices with Payment Plans.
  5. Retrieved details will display data ready to input in the grid below. The Status column can be used to check any errors that may occur.
  6. Save will allow you to save these records into your VETtrak database.
  7. Export provides an option to export the payment details to an external format, such as Excel.

Process this wizard to have your retrieved payment details represented against the appropriate invoice.

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