VETtrak API - Additional Data Documentation (18.1.X)

This is a list of fields that can be used with the QueryAdditionalData, UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateClientAdditionalFields or UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions in the VETtrak API (web connector). This list is for the latest VETtrak API (web connector) version, and VETtrak database version 18.1.

  • Using the UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord function, you can set only Client or Employer entity fields from this list on web enrolments. You can set these fields for a web client, web employer, web employee in a web employer enrolment, web contact in a web employer enrolment, a "loose" web employer, or a waitlisted client. You can retrieve back what you have set in a web enrolment using GetAdditionalDataForWebRecord.
  • Using the UpdateClientAdditionalFields or UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions, you can set only Client or Employer entity fields from this list on real clients or employers directly.
  • Using the QueryAdditionalData function, you can query any of these entities and fields. You pick an entity to query, and you can filter on, sort by, and/or retrieve any of the fields for that entity.
  • The definitions of the entities can be retrieved using the GetAdditionalDataEntityNames function. The definitions of all the fields for an entity can be retrieved using the GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity function.

Available entities


Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
ClientCodeThe unique VETtrak code of the client, up to 10 charactersString10
TitleThe title of the client (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr etc)String10
SurnameThe surname (or single name) of the clientString50
GivenNameThe given name of the client. For a single name client, this field must be emptyString50
OtherNameThe other names of the client, such as middle names. For a single name client, this field must be emptyString50
GenderThe gender of the client

The valid values for this field are:

StaffFlagFlag indicating whether the client is a staff member

The valid values for this field are:

NNormal client
YStaff member
UsernameThe username of the client, for loginsString50
WebPublishFlagFlag indicating whether the client can have its data accessed via the APIs

The valid values for this field are:

YIs web published
NIs not web published
BirthDateThe client's date of birthDate 
USIThe Unique Student Identifier for the client. When setting, must be 10 characters, must be upper case (allowed characters are 2-9, and A-Z except I and O), and must have a valid Luhn Mod N check character. Use the ValidateUSI function to check whether a USI is validString10
USIExemptWhether the client is exempt from the USI scheme

The valid values for this field are:

NNo, not exempt
YYes, is exempt. When updating to this value, the USI field must also be set to empty
USIVerifyStatusThe verification status of the client's USI

The valid values for this field are:

0Not verified. The client does not have a USI, or it has not been verified with the USI registrar
1Valid. The USI exists on the USI registrar, and the client's name and date of birth match the USI registrar's records
2Invalid. The USI does not exist on the USI registrar
3Deactivated. The USI is known, but it is marked as deactivated on the USI registrar's records
4Mismatched name. The USI is known, but the client's name does not match the USI registrar's records for this USI
5Mismatched date of birth. The USI is known, but the client's date of birth does not match the USI registrar's records for this USI
USIVerifyDateThe date that the client's USI was last verified with the USI registrarDate 
AddressTypeThe type of the client's address

The valid values for this field are:

0Australian address (the default). The International address fields are not used
1International address. Only the International address fields are used
UsualAddressUnitDetailsThe level/unit details of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Apartment 113", "Unit N15", "Level 4", "Suite 21A Level 8"String30
UsualAddressBuildingThe building/property details of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Government House", "Downton Abbey"String50
UsualAddressStreetNumberThe street number of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "103", "340-346", "Lot 65"String15
UsualAddressStreetNameThe street name of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Smith Avenue", "The Avenue West", "Brown Road North East", "The Esplanade", "High Street Road"String70
UsualAddressCityThe suburb/city/town of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 formatString50
UsualAddressPostcodeThe postcode of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 formatString4
UsualAddressStateCodeThe short name of the state of the client's usual/residential address in AVETMISS 7 format (Vic, NSW etc)String 
PostalAddressUnitDetailsThe level/unit details of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Apartment 113", "Unit N15", "Level 4", "Suite 21A Level 8"String30
PostalAddressBuildingThe building/property details of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Government House", "Downton Abbey"String50
PostalAddressStreetNumberThe street number of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "103", "340-346", "Lot 65"String15
PostalAddressStreetNameThe street name of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "Smith Avenue", "The Avenue West", "Brown Road North East", "The Esplanade", "High Street Road"String70
PostalAddressPOBoxThe PO Box details client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format. eg. "PO Box 88", "RMB 123", "CARE PO". If this is set, PostalAddressUnitDetails, PostalAddressBuilding, PostalAddressStreetNumber and PostalAddressStreetName should be set to blankString22
PostalAddressCityThe suburb/city/town of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 formatString50
PostalAddressPostcodeThe postcode of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 formatString4
PostalAddressStateCodeThe short name of the state of the client's postal address in AVETMISS 7 format (Vic, NSW etc)String 
SameAddressesFlag indicating whether the client's usual and postal addresses are the same. If you change any address fields, you must set this field appropriately.

The valid values for this field are:

NUsual and postal addresses are different
YUsual and postal addresses are the same
UsualAddressNotSpecifiedFlag indicating whether the client's usual address is not specified. If you change any address fields, you must set this field appropriately. As per NCVER rules, a "not specified" address is one with an empty unit and building, a street number and street address of "not specified", a suburb of "not specified", an empty state (or 0), and a postcode of "0000".

The valid values for this field are:

NUsual address is specified
YUsual address is not specified
OverseasAddressesFlag indicating whether the client's addresses are overseas. If you change any address fields, you must set this field appropriately. As per NCVER rules, an overseas address has a suburb of "not specified", a postcode of "OSPC", and a state of "Overseas".

The valid values for this field are:

NAddresses are in Australia
YAddresses are overseas
InternationalResidentialAddressInternational residential address of the client. Only used if AddressType is 1String 
InternationalResidentialAreaInternational residential address area of the client. Only used if AddressType is 1String 
InternationalResidentialCountryCodeThe code of the client's international residential address countryString 
InternationalResidentialCountryNameThe name of the client's international residential address countryString 
InternationalPostalAddressInternational postal address of the client. Only used if AddressType is 1String 
InternationalPostalAreaInternational postal address area of the client. Only used if AddressType is 1String 
InternationalPostalCountryCodeThe code of the client's international postal address countryString 
InternationalPostalCountryNameThe name of the client's international postal address countryString 
ResidentialAddressAV6The client's residential address in a single string, AVETMISS 6 (2013) format. This field cannot be updated. Use UsualAddressUnitDetails, UsualAddressBuilding, UsualAddressStreetNumber and UsualAddressStreetName insteadString170
ResidentialSuburbAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use UsualAddressCity insteadString50
ResidentialPostcodeAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use UsualAddressPostcode insteadString4
ResidentialStateCodeAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use UsualAddressStateCode insteadString 
PostalAddressAV6The client's postal address in a single string, AVETMISS 6 (2013) format. This field cannot be updated. Use PostalAddressUnitDetails, PostalAddressBuilding, PostalAddressStreetNumber and PostalAddressStreetName insteadString170
PostalSuburbAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use PostalAddressCity insteadString50
PostalPostcodeAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use PostalAddressPostcode insteadString4
PostalStateCodeAV6This field is deprecated. This field cannot be updated. Use PostalAddressStateCode insteadString 
HomePhoneThe home phone number of the client. For AVETMISS compliance, this should include the area code (thus, contain at least 10 digits)String20
WorkPhoneThe work phone number of the client. For AVETMISS compliance, this should include the area code (thus, contain at least 10 digits)String20
MobilePhoneThe primary mobile phone number of the client. For AVETMISS compliance, this should contain at least 10 digitsString20
MobilePhone2The secondary mobile phone number of the clientString20
SMSBothMobilesWhether to send SMS to both of the client's mobile phone numbers, when sending SMS to the client. If Y, you must set both MobilePhone and MobilePhone2 fields

The valid values for this field are:

FaxPhoneThe fax number of the client. For AVETMISS compliance, this should include the area code (thus, contain at least 10 digits)String20
EmailThe primary email address of the clientString100
Email2The secondary email address of the clientString100
EmailBothAddressesWhether to send email to both of the client's email addresses, when sending email to the client. If Y, you must set both Email and Email2 fields

The valid values for this field are:

ContactMethodPreferred contact method for the client. When setting, please ensure that the appropriate fields for the specified contact method are populated

The valid values for this field are:

0Not specified
FormerNameThe former name of the clientString50
PreferredNameThe preferred name of the clientString50
EmergencyNameThe name of the client's emergency contactString100
EmergencyPhoneThe phone number of the client's emergency contactString20
EmergencyMobileThe mobile number of the client's emergency contactString20
EmergencyRelationshipThe relationship to the client of the client's emergency contactString100
DateLastAssessedThe last assessment date of the client's primary employmentDate 
DateCommencedThe date of the client's primary employment commencementDate 
SalaryThe salary of the client's primary employmentDecimal 
DeltaNumberThe DELTA/LUI number of the client (the exact name is state-specific)String10
VictorianStudentNumberThe Victorian Student Number (VSN) of the client. If you set this field, it should be 9 digits long and contain a valid modulus 11 check digit, and you MUST also set the VictorianStudentNumberType field to 2String10
VictorianStudentNumberTypeThe type of the VSN

The valid values for this field are:

0Unknown - the client does not have or does not know their VSN. If this is used, the client must not have a VictorianStudentNumber
1New - the client does not have a VSN but is new to the VSR and needs one. If this is used, the client must not have a VictorianStudentNumber
2Known - the client has and knows their VSN. If this is used, the client must have a VictorianStudentNumber
VicIndustryOfEmploymentThe Victorian Industry of Employment of the client

The valid values for this field are:

AAgriculture, Forestry and Fishing
DElectricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
FWholesale Trade
GRetail Trade
HAccommodation and Food Services
ITransport, Postal and Warehousing
JInformation Media and telecommunications
KFinancial and Insurance Services
LRental, Hiring and real Estate Services
MProfessional, Scientific and Technical Services
NAdministrative and Support Services
OPublic Administration and Safety
PEducation and Training
QHealth Care and Social Assistance
RArts and recreation Services
SOther Services
VicOccupationThe Victorian Occupation Identifier of the client

The valid values for this field are:

3Technicians and Trades Workers
4Community and Personal Service Workers
5Clerical and Administrative Workers
6Sales Workers
7Machinery Operators and Drivers
SACEStudentIDThe South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) student identifier of the clientString10
ProblemPayerFlagA flag indicating whether the client is marked as a problem payer

The valid values for this field are:

NNot a problem payer
YIs a problem payer
EmployerIdThe identifier of the client's employerInt32 
EmployerNameThe name of the client's employerString 
PositionCodeThe code of the client's positionString 
PositionNameThe name of the client's positionString 
VisaTypeCodeThe code of the client's VISA typeString 
VisaTypeNameThe name of the client's VISA typeString 
PassportNumberThe number of the client's passportString50
PassportCountryThe name of the client's passport countryString 
VisaNumberThe number of the client's VISAString50
VisaEffectiveDateThe effective (start) date of the client's VISADate 
VisaExpiryDateThe expiry date of the client's VISADate 
NationalityThe client's nationalityString200
JobSeekerIdThe client's Centrelink Job Seeker IDString50
CentrelinkReferenceNumberThe client's Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)String50
CRNExpiryDateThe client's Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) expiry dateDate 
NotesNotes recorded against the clientString 
EmploymentCategoryCodeThe code of the client's employment categoryString 
EmploymentCategoryNameThe name of the client's employment categoryString 
CountryOfBirthCodeThe code of the client's country of birthString 
CountryOfBirthNameThe name of the client's country of birthString 
TownOfBirthThe town/city where the client was bornString50
ActiveFlagA flag indicating whether the client is active

The valid values for this field are:

YIs active
NIs inactive
TerminationDateThe client's date of terminationDateTime 
CitizenshipThe citizenship status of the client

The valid values for this field are:

0Not stated
1Australian Citizen
2Overseas Resident
3Permanent Resident of Australia
4New Zealand Citizen
5Visa Holder (Humanitarian)
MarketingFlagIndicates whether this client has declined to receive marketing emails and SMS

The valid values for this field are:

0Accepts marketing messages
1Declines to receive marketing messages
IdentificationConfirmedFlagIndicates whether this client's identification has been confirmed

The valid values for this field are:

0Identification not confirmed
1Identification confirmed
IdentificationDetailsIdentification details recorded for the clientString100
ExternalDebtorCodeDebtor code for this client in an external systemString20
InLMSFlag indicating whether the client has been transferred to an LMS

The valid values for this field are:

NHas not been transferred to an LMS
YHas been transferred to an LMS
DivisionIdThe identifier of the division the client belongs toInt32 
DivisionNameThe name of the division the client belongs toString 
DivisionCodeThe code of the division the client belongs toString 
ManagerClientCodeThe client code of the client's primary manager. Only available when using the Management Structure add-on featureString 
JobActiveEmployerIdThe ID of the employer that is the Job Active provider for this clientInt32 
JobActiveEmployerNameThe name of the employer that is the Job Active provider for this clientString 
JobActiveConsultantClientCodeThe client code of the Job Active consultant for this clientString 
JobActiveConsultantGivenNameThe given name of the Job Active consultant for this clientString 
JobActiveConsultantSurnameThe surname of the Job Active consultant for this clientString 
JobActiveConsultantEmailThe email address of the Job Active consultant for this clientString 
JobActiveSiteManagerClientCodeThe client code of the Job Active site manager for this clientString 
JobActiveSiteManagerGivenNameThe given name of the Job Active site manager for this clientString 
JobActiveSiteManagerSurnameThe surname of the Job Active site manager for this clientString 
JobActiveSiteManagerEmailThe email address of the Job Active site manager for this clientString 
JobActiveCurrentFlagA flag indicating whether the Job Active record is current

The valid values for this field are:

YIs current
NIs not current
StaffDepartmentThe department/school/faculty of the staff member. Only relevant if the client is a staff memberString200
StaffEmploymentThe employment type of the staff member. Only relevant if the client is a staff member

The valid values for this field are:

0Full time
1Part time
SurveyContactStatusNameThe name of the survey contact status of the clientString 
SurveyContactStatusCodeThe code of the survey contact status of the clientString 
CreatedDateThe date the client was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the clientString 
ModifiedDateThe date the client was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the clientString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
EmployerIdThe unique identifier of the employerInt32 
EmployerCodeThe code of the employerString10
NameThe unique name of the employerString100
PrefixThe prefix that can be used in the client code of a new client created as an employee of the employerString4
LegalNameThe legal name of the employerString100
ParentEmployerIdThe identifier of the employer's parent employerInt32 
ParentEmployerNameThe name of the employer's parent employerString 
TypeCodeThe code of the type of the employerString 
TypeNameThe name of the type of the employerString 
RtoNacFlagA flag indicating whether the employer is an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and/or a NAC (New Apprenticeships Centre)

The valid values for this field are:

0Neither an RTO nor a NAC
1An RTO, but not a NAC
2A NAC, but not an RTO
3Both a NAC and an RTO
AnzsicCodeThe code of the ANZSIC (Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification) of the employerString 
AnzsicNameThe name of the ANZSIC (Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification) of the employerString 
ABNThe ABN (Australian Business Number) of the employer. If set, must be set to a valid ABNString20
ACNThe ACN (Australian Company Number) of the employerString20
SizeThe approximate number of employees of the employerInt32 
UsernameThe username of the employer, for loginString50
BusinessAddressUnitDetailsThe level/unit details of the employer's business address. eg. "Apartment 113", "Unit N15", "Level 4", "Suite 21A Level 8"String30
BusinessAddressBuildingThe building/property details of the employer's business address. eg. "Government House", "Downton Abbey"String50
BusinessAddressStreetNumberThe street number of the employer's business address. eg. "103", "340-346", "Lot 65"String15
BusinessAddressStreetNameThe street name of the employer's business address. eg. "Smith Avenue", "The Avenue West", "Brown Road North East", "The Esplanade", "High Street Road"String70
BusinessAddressCityThe suburb/city/town of the employer's business addressString50
BusinessAddressPostcodeThe postcode of the employer's business addressString4
BusinessAddressStateCodeThe short name of the state of the employer's business address (Vic, NSW etc)String 
PostalAddressUnitDetailsThe level/unit details of the employer's postal address. eg. "Apartment 113", "Unit N15", "Level 4", "Suite 21A Level 8"String30
PostalAddressBuildingThe building/property details of the employer's postal address. eg. "Government House", "Downton Abbey"String50
PostalAddressStreetNumberThe street number of the employer's postal address. eg. "103", "340-346", "Lot 65"String15
PostalAddressStreetNameThe street name of the employer's postal address. eg. "Smith Avenue", "The Avenue West", "Brown Road North East", "The Esplanade", "High Street Road"String70
PostalAddressPOBoxThe PO Box details employer's postal address. eg. "PO Box 88", "RMB 123", "CARE PO". If this is set, PostalAddressUnitDetails, PostalAddressBuilding, PostalAddressStreetNumber and PostalAddressStreetName should be set to blankString22
PostalAddressCityThe suburb/city/town of the employer's postal addressString50
PostalAddressPostcodeThe postcode of the employer's postal addressString4
PostalAddressStateCodeThe short name of the state of the employer's postal address (Vic, NSW etc)String 
SameAddressesFlag indicating whether the employer's business and postal addresses are the same. If you change any address fields, you must set this field appropriately.

The valid values for this field are:

NBusiness and postal addresses are different
YBusiness and postal addresses are the same
WorkPhoneThe business phone number of the employerString20
MobilePhoneThe mobile phone number of the employerString20
FaxPhoneThe fax number of the employerString20
EmailThe email address of the employerString100
NotesNotes recorded against the employerString 
ProblemPayerFlagA flag indicating whether the employer is marked as a problem payer

The valid values for this field are:

NNot a problem payer
YIs a problem payer
ActiveFlagA flag indicating whether the employer is active

The valid values for this field are:

YIs active
NIs inactive
URLThe website address of the employerString255
MarketingFlagIndicates whether this employer has declined to receive marketing emails and SMS

The valid values for this field are:

0Accepts marketing messages
1Declines to receive marketing messages
ExternalDebtorCodeDebtor code for this employer in an external systemString20
CreatedDateThe date the employer was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the employerString 
ModifiedDateThe date the employer was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the employerString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
EnrolmentIdThe unique identifier of the enrolmentInt32 
ClientCodeThe code of the enrolled client. Empty for an occurrence or employer enrolmentString 
ProgrammeCodeThe code of the programme the occurrence is in. Empty if not an occurrenceString 
ProgrammeNameThe name of the programme the occurrence is in. Empty if not an occurrenceString 
ProgrammeIdThe internal identifier of the programme the occurrence is in. Empty if not an occurrenceInt32 
ContractIdThe identifier of the contract the enrolment belongs to. Empty for a non-contract enrolmentInt32 
ContractCodeThe code of the contract the enrolment belongs to. Empty for a non-contract enrolmentString 
LocationCodeThe code of the location the enrolment is inString 
LocationNameThe name of the location the enrolment is inString 
QualificationCodeThe code of the qualification or course the enrolment is inString 
QualificationNameThe name of the qualification or course the enrolment is inString 
StatusThe name of the status of the enrolmentString 
StatusTypeThe type of the status of the enrolment

The valid values for this field are:

OccurrenceParentEnrolIdThe identifier of the occurrence that the enrolment belongs to. Empty if it is not a client occurrence enrolment or employer occurrence enrolmentInt32 
EmployerParentEnrolIdThe identifier of the employer occurrence enrolment that the employee occurrence enrolment belongs to. Empty if it is not an employee occurrence enrolmentInt32 
TypeFlagThe type of the enrolment

The valid values for this field are:

0A "normal" enrolment or contract enrolment, not related to occurrences at all
1An occurrence
2A client occurrence enrolment
3An employer occurrence enrolment
4An employee enrolment in an employer occurrence enrolment
5A corporate booking
CancelledFlagFlag indicating whether the enrolment is cancelled

The valid values for this field are:

NIs not cancelled
YIs cancelled
StartDateThe start date of the enrolmentDate 
EndDateThe end date of the enrolmentDate 
RecordedDateThe date the enrolment was createdDate 
MinPlacesThe minimum number of places for the occurrence. Empty if not an occurrenceInt32 
MaxPlacesThe maximum number of places for the occurrence. Empty if not an occurrenceInt32 
EmployeesExpectedThe number of employees expected for the employer enrolment. Empty if not an employer enrolmentInt32 
TotalAttendeesThe total number of clients enrolled in the occurrence. Empty if not an occurrenceInt32 
ChangedFlagA flag indicating whether the occurrence has changed

The valid values for this field are:

NOccurrence has not changed
YOccurrence has changed
AmountThe amount for the enrolmentDecimal 
GSTThe GST for the enrolmentDecimal 
GovernmentAmountThe government contribution amount for the enrolmentDecimal 
AmountPaidThe total amount paid for the enrolment, including any creditsDecimal 
AmountCreditedThe total amount credited for the enrolmentDecimal 
PaymentFlagA flag indicating the payment status of the enrolment

The valid values for this field are:

0No payments
1Part paid
2Paid in full
4Credited out
EnrolmentCodeThe code of the enrolmentString 
NameThe long code of the enrolmentString 
NotesThe notes recorded against the enrolmentString 
ReportableFlagFlag indicating whether the enrolment is included in state or national AVETMISS reporting

The valid values for this field are:

0State reportable
2Nationally reportable
1Not reportable
StaffCodeThe client code of the primary staff member assigned to the enrolmentString 
EmployerIdIdentifier of enrolled or linked employerInt32 
EmployerNameName of enrolled or linked employerString 
WebPublishFlagFlag indicating whether the occurrence is published for web enrolment. Empty if not an occurrence

The valid values for this field are:

NOccurrence not available for online enrolment
YOccurrence available for online enrolment
WebTypeFlagFlag indicating the type of online enrolments the occurrence may accept

The valid values for this field are:

0Both clients and employers can enrol
1Only clients can enrol
2Only employers can enrol
ConfirmedFlagFlag indicating whether the enrolment is confirmed

The valid values for this field are:

0Enrolment is unconfirmed
1Enrolment is confirmed
2Enrolment is declined
WebEnrolIdThe identifier of the web enrolment that led to the enrolment. Empty if it wasn't created from a web enrolmentInt32 
WebEnrolDateThe date the enrolment was originally entered on the web. Empty if it wasn't created from a web enrolmentDateTime 
LmsPublishFlagFlag indicating whether the occurrence is published for an LMS

The valid values for this field are:

NOccurrence is not available for LMS
YOccurrence is available for LMS
LmsStatusFlagFlag indicating whether the enrolment has been transferred to an LMS

The valid values for this field are:

NEnrolment is not in LMS
YEnrolment is in LMS
CancellationReasonName of the cancellation reason for the enrolmentString 
DateOfEffectDate of effect of the status of the enrolmentDate 
ReferralIdIdentifier of the referral source of the enrolmentInt32 
ReferralNameName of the referral source of the enrolmentString 
EnrolmentTypeName of the user-defined type of the enrolmentString 
EnrolmentTypeCodeCode of the user-defined type of the enrolmentString 
EmployerContactClientCodeClient code of the client assigned as a contact for the enrolmentString 
VocationName of the vocation of the enrolmentString 
RTOEmployerIdIdentifier of the employer assigned as the RTO (or delivery provider) for the enrolmentInt32 
RTOEmployerNameName of the employer assigned as the RTO (or delivery provider) for the enrolmentString 
DivisionIdThe identifier of the division the enrolment belongs toInt32 
DivisionNameThe name of the division the enrolment belongs toString 
DivisionCodeThe code of the division the enrolment belongs toString 
OrganisationIdThe identifier of the organisation the enrolment belongs toInt32 
OrganisationNameThe name of the organisation the enrolment belongs toString 
AutoWebProcessFlag indicating whether completed web reservations in this occurrence should be automatically processed. Meaningless for other types of enrolments.

The valid values for this field are:

NNo, do not auto process web enrolments
YYes, auto process web enrolments
AutoLMSTransferFlag indicating whether processed web enrolments in this occurrence should be automatically transferred to an LMS. Meaningless for other types of enrolments.

The valid values for this field are:

NNo, do not auto transfer web enrolments to an LMS
YYes, auto transfer web enrolments to an LMS
CreatedDateThe date the enrolment was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the enrolmentString 
ModifiedDateThe date the enrolment was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the enrolmentString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
ContractIdThe unique identifier for the contractInt32 
ClientCodeThe client code of the client on the contractString 
QualificationCodeThe code of the qualification or course for the contractString 
QualificationNameThe name of the qualification or course for the contractString 
ContractCodeThe code of the contractString 
EmployerIdThe identifier of the employer for the contractInt32 
EmployerNameThe name of the employer for the contractString 
StatusThe name of the status of the contractString 
StatusTypeThe type of the status of the contract

The valid values for this field are:

StartDateThe start date of the contractDate 
EndDateThe end date of the contractDate 
DateOfEffectThe date the contract status takes effectDate 
ContractTypeThe name of the user-defined type of the contractString 
ContractTypeCodeThe code of the user-defined type of the contractString 
StaffCodeThe client code of the primary staff member assigned to the contractString 
PriorTrainingCreditFlagFlag indicating whether the contract is eligible for a prior training credit

The valid values for this field are:

NNo prior training credit
YYes prior training credit
FullTimeFlagFlag indicating whether the contract is full time

The valid values for this field are:

YContract is full time
NContract is not full time
AwardThe award the contract is underString 
AmountThe total amount the contract is worthDecimal 
GSTThe GST in the contract amountDecimal 
NotesNotes recorded against the contractString 
RTOEmployerIdIdentifier of the employer assigned as the RTO for the contractInt32 
RTOEmployerNameName of the employer assigned as the RTO for the contractString 
NACEmployerIdIdentifier of the employer assigned as the NAC for the contractInt32 
NACEmployerNameName of the employer assigned as the NAC for the contractString 
EmployerContactClientCodeThe client code of the client assigned as a contact for the contractString 
WorkPlacePostcodeThe postcode of the contractString 
StateCodeThe short name of the state of the contract (Vic, NSW etc)String 
CancellationReasonThe cancellation reason for the contractString 
VocationThe vocation of the contractString 
CommencementClaimDueDateThe commencement claim due date of the contractDate 
CommencementClaimDateThe commencement claim date of the contractDate 
CommencementClaimPaidDateThe commencement claim paid date of the contractDate 
CommencementClaimAmountThe commencement claim amount of the contractDecimal 
ProgressClaimDueDateThe progress claim due date of the contractDate 
ProgressClaimDateThe progress claim date of the contractDate 
ProgressClaimPaidDateThe progress claim paid date of the contractDate 
ProgressClaimAmountThe progress claim amount of the contractDecimal 
CompletionClaimDueDateThe completion claim due date of the contractDate 
CompletionClaimDateThe completion claim date of the contractDate 
CompletionClaimPaidDateThe completion claim paid date of the contractDate 
CompletionClaimAmountThe completion claim amount of the contractDecimal 
DeltaNumberThe DELTA/LUI number of the client on the contractString 
CreatedDateThe date the contract was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the contractString 
ModifiedDateThe date the contract was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the contractString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
ClassIdUnique identifier of the classInt32 
ClassCodeCode of the classString 
RoomCodeCode of the room linked to the classString 
RoomNameName of the room linked to the classString 
StaffClientCodeClient code of the staff member linked to the classString 
EnrolmentIdIdentifier of the occurrence the class is part ofInt32 
StartDateStart date and time of the classDateTime 
EndDateEnd date and time of the classDateTime 
CurrentAttendeesThe current number of attendees for the classInt32 
NotesNotes recorded against the classString 
CreatedDateThe date the class was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the classString 
ModifiedDateThe date the class was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the classString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
ClassIdThe identifier of the class the attendance is forInt32 
ClassCodeThe code of the class the attendance is forString 
ClientCodeThe client code of the client the attendance is forString 
AttendanceNameThe name of the attendance typeString 
AttendanceCodeThe code of the attendance typeString 
AttendanceEffectThe effect of the attendance on the client's total attendance hours. May be 1, 0 or -1Int32 
StartDateThe start date and time of the class attendanceDateTime 
EndDateThe end date and time of the class attendanceDateTime 
CreatedDateThe date the class attendance was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the class attendanceString 
ModifiedDateThe date the class attendance was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the class attendanceString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
EventIdUnique identifier of the client eventInt32 
EventNameName of the event for the client eventString 
EventCodeCode of the event for the client eventString 
ClientCodeClient code of the client the client event is forString 
StaffClientCodeClient code of the staff member the client event is linked toString 
ContractIdIdentifier of the contract the client event is linked toInt32 
EnrolmentIdIdentifier of the enrolment the client event is linked toInt32 
RecordedDateThe date the client event was createdDate 
StartDateThe start date of the client event. May or may not contain a time portionDateTime 
EndDateThe end date of the client event. May or may not contain a time portion. If the event is a "milestone" event, it will be emptyDateTime 
CompleteFlagFlag indicating whether the client event is marked as complete

The valid values for this field are:

NClient event is not complete
YClient event is complete
DocumentReferenceFull path to a file linked to the client eventString 
NotesNotes recorded against the client eventString 
CreatedDateThe date the client event was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the client eventString 
ModifiedDateThe date the client event was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the client eventString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
EventIdUnique identifier of the employer eventInt32 
EventNameName of the event for the employer eventString 
EventCodeCode of the event for the employer eventString 
EmployerIdIdentifier of the employer the employer event is forInt32 
EmployerNameName of the employer the employer event is forString 
StaffClientCodeClient code of the staff member the employer event is linked toString 
RecordedDateThe date the employer event was createdDate 
StartDateThe start date of the employer event. May or may not contain a time portionDateTime 
EndDateThe end date of the employer event. May or may not contain a time portion. If the event is a "milestone" event, it will be emptyDateTime 
CompleteFlagFlag indicating whether the employer event is marked as complete

The valid values for this field are:

NEmployer event is not complete
YEmployer event is complete
DocumentReferenceFull path to a file linked to the employer eventString 
NotesNotes recorded against the employer eventString 
CreatedDateThe date the employer event was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the employer eventString 
ModifiedDateThe date the employer event was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the employer eventString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
ClientAwardIdUnique identifier of the client awardInt32 
AwardCodeCode of the award type for the client awardString 
AwardNameName of the award type for the client awardString 
AwardTypeType of the client award

The valid values for this field are:

ClientCodeThe client code of the client for the client awardString 
RecordedDateThe date the client award was recordedDate 
CertificateNumberThe certificate number of the client awardString 
LocationCodeThe code of the location of the client awardString 
LocationNameThe name of the location of the client awardString 
QualificationCodeThe code of the qualification or course for the client awardString 
QualificationNameThe name of the qualification or course for the client awardString 
LicenseNumberThe license number of the client awardString 
LicenseExpiryDateThe license expiry date of the client awardDate 
CompleteDateThe completed date of the client awardDate 
IssuedFlagFlag indicating whether the client award has been issued

The valid values for this field are:

NClient award not issued
YClient award issued
IssuedDateThe issued date of the client awardDate 
ReportableFlagFlag indicating whether the client award is included in state or national AVETMISS reporting

The valid values for this field are:

0State reportable
2Nationally reportable
1Not reportable
DocumentReferenceFull path to a file linked to the client awardString 
NotesNotes recorded against the awardString 
OrganisationIdThe identifier of the organisation the client award belongs toInt32 
OrganisationNameThe name of the organisation the client award belongs toString 
CreatedDateThe date the client award was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the client awardString 
ModifiedDateThe date the client award was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the client awardString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
EmployerIdThe identifier of the employer the employer contact is forInt32 
EmployerNameThe name of the employer the employer contact is forString 
ClientCodeThe client code of the client the employer contact is forString 
SurnameThe surname of the client the employer contact is forString 
GivenNameThe given name of the client the employer contact is forString 
HomePhoneThe home phone number of the client the employer contact is forString 
WorkPhoneThe work phone number of the client the employer contact is forString 
MobilePhoneThe mobile phone number of the client the employer contact is forString 
EmailThe email address of the client the employer contact is forString 
PositionCodeThe code of the position of the client the employer contact is forString 
PositionNameThe name of the position of the client the employer contact is forString 
PrimaryFlagFlag indicating whether the employer contact is the primary contact for the employer

The valid values for this field are:

NNot the primary contact
YIs the primary contact
CreatedDateThe date the client the employer contact is for was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the client the employer contact is forString 
ModifiedDateThe date the client the employer contact is for was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the client the employer contact is forString 
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Field nameDescriptionTypeLength
UnitCodeThe code of the unitString 
UnitNameThe name of the unitString 
EnrolmentIdThe identifier the enrolment the unit enrolment is part ofInt32 
ClientCodeThe client code of the client the unit enrolment is forString 
StartDateThe start date of the unit enrolmentDate 
EndDateThe end date of the unit enrolmentDate 
ResultNameThe name of the result of the unit enrolmentString 
ResultCodeThe code of the result of the unit enrolmentString 
ResultTypeThe type of the result of the unit enrolment

The valid values for this field are:

1Not complete
PercentageThe percentage score of the unit enrolmentInt32 
PointsThe points score of the unit enrolmentInt32 
HoursThe number of hours of the unit enrolmentInt32 
NotesThe notes recorded against the unit enrolmentString 
AmountThe total dollar value of the unit enrolment, including any GSTDecimal 
GSTThe total GST value of the unit enrolmentDecimal 
GovernmentAmountThe total value of the government contribution for the unit enrolmentDecimal 
ReportableFlagFlag indicating whether the unit enrolment is included in state or national AVETMISS reporting

The valid values for this field are:

0State reportable
2Nationally reportable
1Not reportable
ResultedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last recorded a result for the unit enrolmentString 
ResultedDateThe date a result for the unit enrolment was last recordedDateTime 
ExpiryDateThe date the competency in this unit enrolment expiresDateTime 
IsDefaultFlag indicating whether this unit is included by default in enrolments in this occurrence. Only applies to units in occurrences

The valid values for this field are:

YThis is a default unit
NThis is an optional unit
RTOEmployerIdIdentifier of the employer assigned as the RTO (or delivery provider) for the unitInt32 
RTOEmployerNameName of the employer assigned as the RTO (or delivery provider) for the unitString 
TransferredToLMSDateThe date the unit was transferred to an LMS. Empty if the unit has not been transferred to an LMSDateTime 
TransferredToLMSUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that transferred the unit to an LMSString 
CreatedDateThe date the unit enrolment was createdDateTime 
CreatedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that created the unit enrolmentString 
ModifiedDateThe date the unit enrolment was last modifiedDateTime 
ModifiedUserThe client code of the VETtrak user that last modified the unit enrolmentString 

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