API Change Log - Version 1.15.0.X for VETtrak 17.3.X

Version for VETtrak 17.3.0 - 13/10/2017

Various changes to maintain compatibility with changes made in VETtrak 17.3: AVETMISS 8 data requirements, client employment history, multiple payment plan providers, and pricing surcharges.

Note that there are some breaking API changes in this release:

  1. Award year completed is now a date completed
  2. Positions are now represented differently
  3. Employer and manager are no longer updateable via the additional data functions
  4. Change to payment plans for web enrolments to support multiple payment plan providers

Modify functions

  1. UpdateWebClient, UpdateWebEmployee, UpdateClientWebWaitlist: Added surveyContactStatusCode parameter, allowing you to optionally specify the NCVER survey contact status code for the web client. If not specified, will default to "A" (Available for survey use).
  2. AddAward: Changed yearCompleted parameter to dateCompleted. This is a breaking change. The dateCompleted is not defaulted, and is mandatory when recording a certificate-type award for a reportable enrolment. It cannot be after the recordedDate. parchmentNumber can now be up to 25 characters long.
  3. GetPositions: Now returns a TAuthPositionList instead of a TAuthQualList, containing a list of TPosition instead of TQual. This is a breaking change.
  4. UpdateClientDetails: Changing the Empl_Identifier or PositionCode will now create a new client employment record, as primary, and inactivate any existing primary record. Changing the Clie_DateLastAssessed, Clie_Commenced, TerminationDate or Clie_Salary will update these details in the client's existing primary employment record (creating one if it does not exist).
  5. AddWebPaymentPlan: Removed "provider" parameter. This is a breaking change. To allow support for multiple payment plan providers and multiple products, the VETtrak user now chooses the provider when creating the payment plan. The user will now only get the opportunity to create a payment plan, defaulted to the values in this function, when they process the web enrolment manually. If you are automatically processing web enrolments, your system should inform a user that the student wishes to pay with a payment plan, with instalment amount X, frequency Y, for invoice number Z, so the user can do so in VETtrak.
  6. GetPricingForOccurrence: The returned list of TPric will contain a new SurchargePercentage field, indicating the surcharge percentage applicable to the enrolment price. The Enpr_Amount and Enpr_GST returned will include the surcharge.
  7. AddPriceTypesToWebEnrolment: Note that the Enpr_Amount and Enpr_GST you specify will be treated as already including the surcharge, if the enrolment price has a surcharge percentage. Any SurchargePercentage you specify will be ignored.

Add classes

  1. TPosition, TAuthPositionList
    • Contains a position and list of positions respectively. Returned by GetPositions.

Modify classes

  1. TWecl
    • Added fields
      • SurveyContactStatusCode: Contains the survey contact status code for the web client.
  2. TQucl
    • Added fields
      • CompleteDate: The date the learning for the award was completed.
  3. TPric
    • Added fields
      • SurchargePercentage: Contains the surcharge percentage applicable to the enrolment price. Can be negative for a discount. 0 if no surcharge is applicable. Only used when retrieving prices, not when adding prices.

Additional data field changes

These changes affect the QueryAdditionalData, GetAdditionalDataFieldsForEntity, GetAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateAdditionalDataForWebRecord, UpdateClientAdditionalFields and UpdateEmployerAdditionalFields functions.

New fields

  1. Client
    • SurveyContactStatusName: The name of the client's survey contact status.
    • SurveyContactStatusCode: The code of the client's survey contact status.
  2. Award
    • CompleteDate: The date the learning for the award was completed.

Changed fields

  1. Client
    • EmployerId, EmployerName, PositionCode, PositionName, DateCommenced, DateLastAssessed, Salary, ManagerClientCode: These fields will now return the value for the client's primary employment record (if any). EmployerId, EmployerName and ManagerClientCode are no longer updateable - this is a breaking change. Updating the other fields will do so in the client's primary employment record (one must already exist).

Removed fields

  1. Award
    • Year: Replaced by CompleteDate. This is a breaking change.

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