The VTDocs Portal uses a robust set of particular fields to looks up the appropriate VETtrak record to attach files.
When searching Clients or Staff, the following fields can be used:
- Code
- Surname
- Given Name
- Debtor Code (External Code)
When searching Employers, the following fields can be used:
- Employer Code
- Employer Name
- External Debtor Code
- Employer ID
When searching Enrolments (Including Contract Enrolments, Non-Contract Enrolments or Occurrence Enrolments), the following fields can be used:
- Enrolment ID
- Enrolment Start / Finish Dates
- Code
- Programme Name
When searching Qualifications, the following fields can be used:
- Qualification Name
- Qualification Code
When searching Tasks, the following fields can be used:
- Task Name
- Task Code
When searching Units, the following fields can be used:
- Unit Code
- Unit Name