VETtrak 17.1.3 Release Notes - 13/04/2017

Version 17.1.3 is a minor update from version 17.1.0, version 17.1.1 and version 17.1.2. It contains the following changes in response to customer feedback.

Changes in (12/05/2017)

  1. VIC SVTS rule 120087. Changed AVETMISS generation of NAT130 entries in VIC so that each unique combination of client, qualification and course commencement date in the NAT120 will have a NAT130 entry generated. This is to adhere with the new rule 120087 introduced in SVTS 8.2 on 8 May 2017. Note that it is now required that every VIC state-reportable award is linked to the corresponding reported enrolment(s) and units, and all enrolment(s) and units linked to a VIC reported award should have the same course commencement date.

Changes in (28/04/2017)

  1. VIC LVP and LVL funding. Fixed an issue in Generate AVETMISS in VIC that caused VETtrak to require there to be a contract for new funding source codes LVP and LVL.

State-based changes

  1. VIC DELTA reporting. The error that Generate AVETMISS would produce when reporting a contract that did not have a DELTA number has been changed to a warning.
  2. NSW provider calculator address export. As per version 1.10 of the Multiple Student Process guide, the NSW provider calculator exporter has been changed to export residential addresses using a comma separating the unit details from the street address, instead of a forward slash as was previously advised.
  3. WA "Not applicable" delivery strategy for "RPL not granted" results. The record results wizard will no longer produce an error in WA when recording a "Not applicable" delivery strategy for a unit that has a result of "RPL not granted".

Client changes

  1. Client info panel. The secondary email address, secondary mobile number and external code fields have been added to the client info panel in the Client Manager.
  2. Search by enrolment ID. A new search option has been added to the Client Manager allowing the client to be found that has the enrolment with the entered enrolment ID.
  3. Add new group to client. When using the handy button to create a new group in the Client wizard, the new group will now automatically be added to the list for the client, and the list of groups will be refreshed.
  4. Client importer fields.The following additional client fields are now available to be imported in the Client Importer:
    • Secondary email address
    • Email both addresses flag
    • Secondary mobile number
    • SMS both mobiles flag
    • VIC industry of employment
    • VIC occupation identifier
    • VIC Student Number (VSN)
    • South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) student number
    • Student identification confirmed
    • Student identification details
    • Nationality
    • Passport country
    • Visa effective date
    • Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)
    • CRN expiry date
    • Job seeker ID
    • 4 extra blank columns (columns not to import)
  5. Client importer AVETMISS fields. An issue with updating client AVETMISS fields for a client that has never been edited through the Client Personal wizard has been fixed.

Occurrence changes

  1. Automatically start units or tasks when class attendance recorded.A new "Attendance" tab has been added to Programme Preferences. Here, you can configure options to allow VETtrak to automatically record a starting result for a unit, and/or start activity in a task, when recording positive attendance for clients in a class that has units or tasks associated with it.

    Units can only be automatically started when positive class attendance is recorded for a client if:
    • The class in the occurrence has units assigned to it.
    • The client's enrolment in the occurrence, or its linked enrolment, contains the unit.
    • The enrolled unit does not already have a result.
  2. If all the above is true, a result will be recorded in the enrolled unit using:
    • The Result Type preference selected.
    • The start date of the result will be the start date of the attendance.
    • The end date of the result will be the start date of the attendance plus the "Months in future to set unit end date when automatically started" preference entered. This will be capped to the enrolment's end date.
  3. Tasks can only be automatically started when positive class attendance is recorded for a client if:
    • The class in the occurrence has tasks assigned to it.
    • The client's enrolment in the occurrence, or its linked enrolment, contains the task.
    • The enrolled task does not already have activity.
  4. If all the above is true, task activity will be recorded in the enrolled task using:
    • The Task Status preference selected.
    • The start date of the task activity will be the start date of the attendance.
    • This may cause the automatic triggering of unit results as per usual, if you have configured tasks to do so, even if you choose not to automatically start units due to attendance. If you have configured units to automatically start due to both task activity AND recording attendance, then the task activity setting will take precedence.
  5. Also note:
    • These settings only apply when adding new attendance, not when editing attendance.
    • These settings will also affect positive class attendance recorded through the Trainer Portal, if you update to version 17.1.4 of the Trainer Portal.
  6. Add unit or task to multiple classes. New right-click menu options have been added to occurrence units and tasks in the Programme Manager to assign that unit or task to multiple selected classes in the occurrence.
  7. Record individual attendance. You can now right-click on a client in a class in the Programme Manager to record individual attendance for that client in that class.
  8. Duplicate occurrence without events. When duplicating an occurrence in the Programme Manager, you can now choose not to duplicate the occurrence's events.
  9. Occurrence previous award message. When recording awards for an occurrence in the Programme Manager, the "Previously awarded in" message has been shortened to "Last award" to more easily see it in the grid. A new option has been added to Result, Unit and Award Preferences to only show a message when "Client already has an award in that occurrence". If this option is selected, then when recording awards for an occurrence, you will only get the "Occurrence awarded" message if the client has already been given an award in this occurrence (regardless of whether the client has any other award in that qualification).
  10. Create occurrence awards performance. The performance of creating awards for an occurrence has been improved in large Firebird databases.
  11. Occurrence events in Configuration Manager. When expanding an event in the Configuration Manager, you can now see any occurrences that have that event assigned.

Finance changes

  1. Auto create occurrence invoices review wizard. When auto-creating invoices for enrolments in an occurrence, a new review wizard will appear. This will list the enrolments in the occurrence that have uninvoiced amounts that will be invoiced, and you can choose not to invoice some of them. Also, the wizard will show any invoice alerts applicable to the invoicees.
  2. Invoice schedule attribute alerts. Any applicable invoice attribute alerts that have been set up will now also appear in the Invoice Schedule wizard for the client.
  3. Pricing grid maximum amounts. Each pricing item in the pricing grid is now limited to a maximum amount of $999,999.99.

Manager changes

  1. Manager tree node ordering. Many of the tree nodes in the Client, Employer and Staff Managers have had their ordering changed, to make orders more consistent. In general, records are now ordered from most recent (newest) to least recent (oldest). Enrolments are generally ordered by status type first (active first), then most recent to least.
  2. Past and future events and classes. Events and classes nodes for clients, employers and occurrences have now been split into separate "Today and past" and "Future" sections. Events and classes are ordered by date descending in these lists. Generally, the "today and past" section is expanded by default, so today's events or classes appear at the top of that list.
  3. Default client and employer search. New options have been added to General Preferences allowing you to choose which Client Manager search option, and which Employer Manager search option, are selected by default.

Email changes

  1. Email template attachments. You can now select a default set of attachments in an email merge template. These attachments will be added by default when using the email merge template. Note that the files themselves are not imported into the template, so the file path must still exist whenever the email template is used. VETtrak will report an error if you attempt to send an email with attachment file paths that no longer exist.
  2. Email VET Student Loans unit of study.You can now send email for VET Student Loans units of study:
    • You can set up email templates for VET Student Loans units of study. These have all the same fields as courses of study, with the additional unit-specific fields name, code, start date and census date.
    • You can right-click a unit of study to send an email, or email the CAN or fee notice.
    • The "Send email" bulk action is now available when finding units of study in Data Insights.
    • The "Email" output option is now available when bulk running a report for units of study in Data Insights. This allows you to query for units of study using any desired criteria and email an individual CAN or fee notice for each.
    • Merge fields for the campus location are now available for course of study and unit of study email merge templates.

Data Insights changes

  1. Bulk add staff deliverable units. A new "Add deliverable units" bulk action has been added when finding staff members in Data Insights, allowing you to add a set of deliverable units to a selected set of staff members in bulk.
  2. Criteria field length validation. Data Insights will now give a better error message when you attempt to run a query with string field criteria with a value longer than the field's maximum length.
  3. VET Student Loans course of study completion date. The completion year field has been removed from courses of study. You can now bulk update the completion date field, instead of the completion year.

Quality assurance changes

  1. Edit client AVETMISS details. The client's AVETMISS details can now be viewed and edited for client updates in QA. Student Portal version 17.1.4 or later now optionally allows students to update their personal AVETMISS details through the portal. Refer here for details.
  2. Save column groupings. When saving the layout of the QA Manager, any column groupings are also saved, so they are restored next time you open the manager.
  3. Refreshing improvements. After accepting or rejecting a QA item, the next item down the list in the QA Manager will be automatically selected. If you have grouped columns, the group you are in will stay expanded, and when you accept or reject the last record in a group, the next group down the list will be expanded and the first item in it selected.
  4. QA data scrolling. Scrolling of QA item data has been improved. You can now scroll the screen when viewing a QA item data history record.

Portals changes

  1. Student Portal preferences. The Student Portal preferences page has had options added to allow students to view/edit their AVETMISS details, view/edit their prior education recognition identifiers, and also allow integration with the VETsurvey product. These settings require version 17.1.4 or later of the Student Portal. Refer here for details.
  2. VTDocs portal support. This version contains support for the new VTDocs portal, which replaces the old FileTrak Online product, allowing web-based access to document database documents for various VETtrak records.
  3. Available in portal checkboxes. The "Available in Trainer Portal" checkboxes in the Result Type and Task Statuses wizards have been renamed to "Available in portals/add-ons", so they can be used in other portal products.

Other changes

  1. Extend enrolment end dates. The Extend Unit Dates wizard, and NSW Extend Unit Dates wizard, have a new tickbox allowing you to also automatically extend any enrolment's end date if it's in the past. If this is ticked, then for any unit that is to be extended but has an enrolment end date in the past, a yellow status will show, and if saved, the enrolment's end date will be updated to the end of the following month along with the unit's end date.
  2. Primary contact display. The Registration Key preferences page will now show the name of the primary contact for the software at your organisation, according to our records.
  3. Read-only session display. The "Session Management" section of the Security Manager will now indicate which VETtrak sessions are read-only, whether due to the use of a read-only role or due to running out of licences.
  4. FileTrak document list. The grid in the Documents tab in the Selected Item Information panel will now include the user and date that created the record when in "Large view mode". The "Description" column is now called "Belongs to" to better describe its contents.
  5. Employer contact default. An employer contact will no longer be selected by default when selecting an employer in the Contract wizard or Employer wizard. You should instead select the actual contact you want.
  6. Bulk verify USI exemptions. The Bulk Verify USI wizard will no longer show clients that have INTOFF or SHORT exemptions.
  7. USI Cloud System Authentication and Authorisation (CAA). This version contains preliminary support for the USI CAA solution, in preparation for upcoming beta trials, and which will be rolled out to hosted customers later in the year.

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