Student Portal Dashboard

The Student Portal provides students with access to details regarding their training.

When you log into the Student Portal, you will find yourself at the dashboard pictured below:


NOTE: Shows default styling. Your training organisation may have a different colour scheme.

The key areas of the Dashboard are as follows:

  1. Navigation menu
  2. To Do List
  3. Recent Classes
  4. Upcoming Classes
  5. Recent Unit Completions
  6. Upcoming Events.
  7. Recent Messages
  8. Wait-Listed Programmes


Navigation menu

The page header consists a series of icons in addition to the main navigation:

  • The Notifications icon will display any items that are configured to show as an alert for the student, such as messages from your trainer.
  • The help icon toggles context sensitive help, which link back to articles here in the help centre.
  •  Log Off button to exit the student portal.

The navigation menu:

  • Personal Details - view/edit your information.
  • Schedule - A calendar view of training related events.
  • Courses - display the courses you are currently enrolled in and access history of courses completed with the training organisation.
  • Messages - An archive of communications between yourself and your trainer.
  • Awards - a list of certificates/qualifications awarded to you by the training organisation.
  • Invoices -
  • More - an optional menu item to display links deemed useful by the training organisation.
  • Survey - access surveys to complete for your course, if required.


To Do List

This feature is displayed when you are needed to complete important tasks, such as payment plan requests.

External links

This lists your external links that a student can navigate to. Only shows if there is more than one external link configured. Configuration for external links can be found in VETtrak Desktop under Manage → Configuration → External links → Student Web Portal. Please note: only links with type set to ‘General’ will appear in this list.


Recent Classes

This lists your classes that have occurred recently. View the full calendar of events by clicking the Schedule button in this section or from the navigation menu.

See also: Student Portal Schedule

Upcoming Classes

This lists your future classes. View the full calendar of events by clicking the Schedule button in this section or from the navigation menu.

See also: Student Portal Schedule


Recent Unit Completions

This shows units that were finished recently. You can see more detailed information on your courses by clicking the Courses button in this section or from the navigation menu.

See also: Student Portal Courses


Upcoming Tasks

This lists your future tasks. View the full calendar by clicking the Schedule button in this section or from the navigation menu.

See also: Student Portal Schedule

Upcoming Events

This lists relevant events occurring in the near future. View the full calendar of events by clicking the Schedule button in this section or from the navigation menu.

See also: Student Portal Schedule


Recent Messages

The Recent Messages section on the Dashboard provides quick access to recent communications sent via Student Portal (direct message), SMS, or email.

It is also possible to send a message to your trainer using the New Message button.

A full record of communications can be accessed by clicking the View All button, or selecting Messages from the navigation menu.


Wait-listed Programmes

This is a list of courses you have indicated your interest in, but for which you are not formally enrolled in. If your training organisation permits it for wait-listed programmes, you can also sign up to show your interest in a future course.

See also: Student Portal Wait List


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