Once an enrolment has been created in VETtrak, you then need to transfer it to FinPa so the client can undertake their training in the LMS.
To transfer a single enrolment, right-click on a client's enrolment or occurrence enrolment and select Transfer enrolment to FinPa LMS.
- Select the FinPa brand that you want to transfer the enrolment to. (If you only have one instance of FinPa, this should already be selected.)
- A message will indicate if the client already exists in FinPa, or if they are a new client to be created in FinPa.
- You can choose to transfer the entire qualification to FinPa, or
- Transfer one or more individual units.
- If you have selected to transfer individual units, tick the unit(s) that you want to transfer to FinPa.
- If any units are mapped to more than one FinPa course, select the FinPa course it is to be transferred to.
- It is possible to transfer both the qualification and the individual units to FinPa by running through the wizard twice.
- A validation error will occur in the following circumstances:
- When transferring an entire qualification:
- The enrolment doesn't have a qualification.
- The qualification has not been mapped to a FinPa course.
- The FinPa course that the qualification is mapped to has a Closed status.
- The enrolment has already been transferred to FinPa.
- When transferring either a qualification or a unit:
- The enrolment is not active.
- The end date of the enrolment is in the past.
- The FinPa LMS Brand Configuration Wizard has not been set up.
- The client does not have a username/password recorded in VETrak.
- When transferring an entire qualification:
- When transferring individual units, the units will not appear in the grid in the following circumstances:
- The enrolled unit already has a completed result.
- The enrolled unit has already been transferred to FinPa.
- The unit is not mapped to any FinPa course.
- The FinPa course that the unit is mapped to has a Closed status.