VETtrak 4.4.3 Release Notes

Important - please read this first

  • If you are upgrading from any 4.3.x.x version of VETtrak, it is strongly recommended that you read the version 4.4.0 release notes first.
  • Victorian users - users reporting in Victoria must not upgrade to version 4.4.3 until after their final SVTS submission for 2014 is successful (the cut-off date is January 15, 2015). Version 4.4.3 of VETtrak has Vic reporting changes for the 2015 reporting year.
  • Reports - if you have any customised finance reports, some may not be compatible after the upgrade to version 4.4.3. Please plan the timing of your upgrade to allow time for updating of any finance reports before you need them.
  • API - If you are running the VETtrak web connector (API), it must also be upgraded to the latest version. The API for previous versions of VETtrak (4.4.2 and earlier) is not compatible with VETtrak version 4.4.3. This will also have an impact on online enrolment websites using the API, if they show or specify pricing. For details of the API changes, refer to the ChangeLog.txt file in the VETtrak API download. We recommend that you first install VETtrak 4.4.3 and the new API into a test environment with a test version of your website, and have your web developers test and adjust the website as necessary, before making these changes in your production environment.

Release - 30/07/2015

This small revision to version adds the following:

  1. Quarterly ACT AVETMISS generation. A new Submission Period drop-down has been added to the Generate State and National AVETMISS wizards. This defaults to the entire year, but can be changed to the "1st", "1st and 2nd", or "1st, 2nd and 3rd" quarters. This should be used when generating AVETMISS in ACT. A new rule has also been added when using quarterly submissions: when reporting a unit with any result, and its end date is after the quarters being reported but before the end of the same calendar year, the unit will be reported with an outcome code of 90 instead of 70.

Release - 14/07/2015

This small revision to version adds the following two items:

  1. NSW Smart and Skilled - Reporting SBATs. When performing a Smart and Skilled AVETMISS generation, enrolments with a commitment ID starting with S will be included in addition to those that start with C.
  2. Victorian Reporting - Purchasing Contract Validations. Due to the recent changes around reporting superseded qualifications, there has been a modification to the validations relating purchasing contract year to Course Commencement Date (CCD). This validation has been relaxed to allow the CCD year to be in the same, or later, year than the purchasing contract.

Release - 15/04/2015

This minor update from version has some improvements in response to feedback.

NSW Smart and Skilled reporting

  1. Generate AVETMISS. In NSW, the Generate AVETMISS wizard has a new "Smart and Skilled" tickbox. Tick this when performing a NSW Smart and Skilled generation, to apply the Smart and Skilled rules.
  2. Reporting units in other collection periods. Generate AVETMISS for NSW Smart and Skilled will now report all units in all of a client's enrolments for a Commitment ID (even if they start in future years), as long as the Commitment ID starts with C and at least one unit in an enrolment with that Commitment ID has a result in the generation year.
  3. Additional validation. The following additional validation is now performed when doing a Generate AVETMISS for NSW Smart and Skilled:
    1. Client's title must be entered (NAT85).
    2. At least one of the client's home phone, mobile phone or work phone fields must be entered (NAT85).
    3. Client's email address must be entered (NAT85).
    4. Unit enrolments with a start date in the past and a finish date in the future must have an outcome of "Continuing" or "Not yet available" (NAT120).
    5. Unit enrolments with a finish date in the past must have a final outcome (NAT120).
    6. Unit enrolments with a final outcome cannot have a finish date in the future (NAT120).
  4. Provider Calculator export. The NSW Provider Calculator export will now export the parent qualification if there is one.
  5. Enrolling into and duplicating occurrences. Any NSW Smart and Skilled information from an occurrence is now included when duplicating an occurrence or enrolling into an occurrence.
  6. Primary key constraint violation error. A primary key constraint violation error that could occur when changing a NSW enrolment between Smart and Skilled and APL reporting has been fixed.

ACT AVETMISS reporting

  1. Reporting contract enrolments. To report contract enrolments in ACT, fill in both the Sequence No and Student File No fields in the Contract wizard. These will be reported in the "Training contract identifier" and "Client identifier - apprenticeships" fields in the NAT120, and the "Purchasing contract identifier" field will be reported empty.
  2. Reporting "Skilled Capital" non-contract enrolments. To report non-contract enrolments in ACT, fill in the new "Student File Identifier" field in the Enrolment wizard. This will be reported as the "Purchasing contract identifier" field in the NAT120, and the "Training contract identifier" and "Client identifier - apprenticeships" fields will be reported empty.
  3. Purchasing contract in Enrolment wizard. The purchasing contract field in the Enrolment wizard is now disabled in ACT, as it is not used for reporting.
  4. Client Personal wizard. The "Student File No" field in ACT has been renamed to "STA Client No", and is no longer used for reporting.

Other changes

  1. Statement of fees by occurrence or invoice. You can now show a statement of fees report for all enrolments in an occurrence by right-clicking the Enrolments node in the Programme Manager. You can also now show a statement of fees report for all enrolments linked to an invoice by right-clicking the invoice. You must perform a report update in VETtrak before this will work.
  2. Images in employers and organisations. Employers and Organisations now have two image fields available, similar to clients. These are intended for storing logo images, which could then be included on reports. Any image added will be converted to PNG format.
  3. Converting unit to module. In the Qualification Manager, the "Remove from package" option is available when right-clicking a unit in a training package (as long as the unit is not in any qualifications in the training package). If this is the only training package that the unit is in, the unit will be converted to a module (you will be warned). You can convert a module back to a unit by dragging and dropping it onto a "Units in package" node in a training package.
  4. QLD funding calculations - indigenous status. In QLD, if a client is indigenous, concession fees will now be applied from a funding model when calculating tuition fees.
  5. Update system reports within System Report Manager. A panel has been added to the bottom-right of the System Report Manager, allowing a web update of the system reports to be performed directly from the manager.
  6. Reportability column in Award Register. The Award Register now includes a column of the award's reportability.
  7. Show occurrence in Programme Manager. When using a menu option to show an occurrence in the Programme Manager, or using the occurrence ID search in the Programme Manager, if the occurrence is outside the current date range, the date range will be automatically increased to include the occurrence so that it can be located.
  8. Invoicing linked occurrences. When invoicing occurrence enrolments, the list will now also include occurrence enrolments that themselves have no un-invoiced pricing items, but are linked to other enrolments that have un-invoiced pricing items.
  9. VIC VSN Download. A "Cannot perform this operation on a closed data set" error that could occur when performing a VSN Download using invalid VSR login details has been fixed.
  10. Funding model calculations when enrolling into occurrence. The Calc button will now work correctly to calculate pricing from a funding model when enrolling into an occurrence in states other than VIC, QLD and WA. In addition, any unit-level pricing from the funding model will be determined from the year of the entered start date of the new enrolment (not the start date of the occurrence you are enrolling into).
  11. Inactive specific funding. A "Parameter ITEM_ID not found" error that could occur when editing an enrolment that has an inactive specific funding identifier has been fixed.
  12. Adjusting corporate pricing. It is now possible to record an adjustment against an invoice that contains an employer enrolment that uses corporate pricing.
  13. "Postal address same as usual" unticking issue. In the Client Personal wizard, an issue that could cause the postal address to still be updated when changing the usual address after unticking the "postal address same as usual" tickbox has been fixed.
  14. Reversing adjustments. The option to reverse an adjustment has been removed, as this was not appropriate.
  15. Contract ordering. In the Client Manager, if a client has multiple contracts with the same code, they will now be listed together in order of creation.
  16. Suburb fields. Wizards with suburb fields (including the Client Personal and Employer wizards) will now open faster, as the list of suburbs will not be loaded until you type in or drop-down a suburb field (you will notice a short delay when you do this).

Release - 26/02/2015

This minor update from version has some improvements in response to feedback.

  1. Calculate GST button. A Calculate GST button has been added to the GST column in the pricing grid in the Enrolment and Contract wizards. Pressing this will calculate the GST portion of the amount entered on that row and update it into the GST field.
  2. GST in funding models. Checkboxes for GST and Concession GST have been added to the prices in the Funding Model wizard. If ticked, VETtrak will calculate and apply GST when this price is applied to an enrolment using the funding model.
  3. Invoicing units from linked enrolments. If you are using enrolment linking, any unit amounts from linked enrolments are now available when invoicing a client occurrence enrolment.
  4. Reset invoice export status. A right-click menu option to "Reset export status" has been added to invoices. This is available if the user has Delete access to invoices and the invoice has been marked as exported. Clicking this option will reset the export status of the invoice, allowing it to be edited and re-exported.
  5. NSW reporting of un-resulted unit dates. For units without results, NSW Generate AVETMISS will now report the dates from the unit start and end dates, instead of the enrolment start and end dates.
  6. NSW Provider Calculator Export wizard. Various issues have been fixed in the NSW Provider Calculator Export wizard, including an error that occurs when using Microsoft SQL Server.
  7. NSW Enrolment wizard. The tab order on the NSW APL and Smart and Skilled pages in the Enrolment wizard has been fixed.
  8. Reporting pre-2015 WA enrolments. As per advice received from WA DET, WA enrolments with a start date before 2015 no longer require course fee, resource fee or loan liability pricing items (in either the Enrolment wizard or the WA Enrolment Export wizard) - if they are missing, 0 is reported.
  9. WA export errors. The WA Enrolment Export wizard will no longer produce "invalid floating point exception" or "no units found" errors when exporting an enrolment where all its units have a Credit Transfer result.
  10. WA export of single name clients. The WA Student and Enrolment exports will now export clients with a single name by repeating the single name as both the given name and surname, as per advice received from WA DET.
  11. Vic VSN Download when missing Identifiers. If your Vic VSN Download from the VSR is missing Identifiers for some records, VETtrak will now still update the VSNs for any records that do have Identifiers.
  12. ACT reporting short Student File Numbers. The Contract Identifier will now be correctly reported in ACT if a client has a Student File No less than 8 characters long.
  13. National AVETMISS generation end-of-year rules. When performing a National AVETMISS final submission, VETtrak will no longer allow 90 results to go through.
  14. Payment exporter. A new "Export payments" option has been added to the Utility -> Invoicing Utilities menu. This works similar to the Invoice exporter, allowing a specifically-designed custom report to be used to export payment data from VETtrak in a format you require, which you can import into a finance system.
  15. Invoice exporter and Payment Status importer. Various bug fixes and improvements have been made to these two wizards.
  16. New merge fields. New merge fields for QualCode, QualName and EnrolmentId have been added to the Occ Enrolment merge context for email and SMS merge templates.
  17. Invoice schedule payment status. The Invoice No column in the Invoice Schedule wizard will now also show the payment status of the invoice.
  18. Client bitmap images converted to JPEG. In the Client Personal wizard, if you use the Load or Copy button to load a bitmap (.bmp) image into the client, the image will be automatically converted to a JPEG and the result shown in the preview, to save database space. You can control the quality of the conversion (and thus the size of the data) using a new "Bitmap image compression quality" preference in the Client tab in General Preferences.
  19. Add contracts by employer to invoice. An error that occurs when adding contracts by employer to an invoice when using Microsoft SQL Server has been fixed.
  20. Email validation. The validation of the email address field in the Client Personal wizard will now accept other characters that are valid in email addresses.
  21. Applying funding models to enrolments. When using the Calc button in the Enrolment wizard to apply a funding model, the default merge template is now applied for occurrence enrolments, and the default pricing item ledgers are now applied. In addition, it will now only update existing pricing items in the enrolment that are the same pricing item as those in the funding model (not just the same type), allowing you to have multiple pricing items of the same type in a funding model.
  22. Create USI with OSPC postcode. If you have a client with an "Australian" address with a postcode of OSPC, the Create USI function will now pass that "Australian" address to the USI registrar as an international address. Note that this means you also need to specify the client's residential country - to allow you to do so, both the Australian and International address tabs are now always available in the Client Personal wizard and can have data entered into (the "Use Australian addresses" tickbox indicates which address is primary), so you can enter the residential country into the International address tab even when the client has an "Australian" address with postcode OSPC.
  23. USI Drivers Licence Identity Document. In the Identity Document wizard for a Drivers Licence, the state will now be correctly validated when it has been entered using the keyboard.
  24. Occurrence Receipts. The possibility of some Receipts being double-counted in the Details node for an occurrence in the Programme Manager has been fixed.
  25. Copying client DELTA from contract to client. When entering a contract for a client that does not have a DELTA (called different things in different states), the client DELTA entered into the contract is now only copied to the client if the state on the contract (not the state at the top of the screen) is Vic, Tas or NT.
  26. Re-invoicing corporate bookings. An issue that could occur when re-invoicing changes made to an already-invoiced corporate booking has been fixed.
  27. Invoice item merge templates in the Pricing Item wizard. If you add or remove Invoice Item Merge Templates, the Pricing Item wizard will now correctly show those changes without requiring VETtrak to be restarted.
  28. Suburb refresh. If you add or remove Suburbs, all address fields will now correctly show the updated list of suburbs when clicking Load All without requiring VETtrak to be restarted.

Release - 09/01/2015

This minor update from version has some small improvements in response to feedback.

  1. Reporting "Client identifier - apprenticeships" to NCVER. The "DELTA Student No" field in the Contract Wizard is now available in all states. This allows the "Client identifier - apprenticeships" to be recorded and reported for NCVER-reported enrolments. Note that this field is still not required and not used for state-reportable enrolments in states other than Vic, Tas and NT.
  2. Edit AVETMISS Values options for nationally-reported enrolments. The study reason and funding source fields in the Edit AVETMISS Values wizard will now show the correct list of national options if the enrolment is nationally reportable.
  3. Recalculate enrolment pricing for last AVETMISS generation. A new tickbox to "Use enrolments from last AVETMISS generation" has been added to the Recalculate Enrolment Pricing wizard. This assists in migrating tuition fee pricing to version 4.4.3, by allowing you to perform an AVETMISS generation (even if it has errors and is not exported), and then use this option to calculate and store tuition fees for the enrolments that were included in that AVETMISS generation.
  4. Applying a funding model to an enrolment. An issue causing the rounding of values when clicking the Calc button in the Enrolment wizard to apply a funding model has been fixed.
  5. Vic industry of employment and occupation identifier. VETtrak has received clarification from DEECD that the "Industry of employment" and "Occupation identifier" fields in Victoria are not required for units continuing from 2014. This change has been reflected in the Generate AVETMISS validation in VETtrak.
  6. Invoice items. When adding an employer enrolment to an invoice, the search will default to the employer's name instead of VT Code. In addition, the "Invoices (as item)" node in the Client Manager now correctly shows invoice items for the client's enrolments for invoices created in version 4.4.3.
  7. F1 help. Some wizards have had the F1 key corrected to bring up the correct section of the help.

Release - 05/01/2015

Version 4.4.3 is a major update from 4.4.2.x and includes extensive database upgrades. Ensure you have a backup of your database before upgrading. If at all unsure please contact VETtrak support on 03 6333 0166.

The most significant changes are:

Pricing changes

Significant changes have been made to pricing functionality in VETtrak. This is to support reporting requirements in some states, as well as ASQA requirements to be able to produce a statement of fees before enrolment.

  1. Pricing items. "Price types" are now called "Pricing items". A pricing item can now have a default ledger. Another pricing item type of "Government contribution" has been added.
  2. Pricing grid. The pricing grid in the Enrolment wizard has changed significantly:
    1. Unit-level pricing. You can now enter pricing against the enrolment itself, as well as against individual units in the enrolment.
    2. Inventory item pricing. You can now enter inventory items with prices.
    3. Pricing grid in Contract wizard. The Contract wizard now has a pricing grid, similar to the Enrolment wizard (but without unit-level pricing). The total amount of the contract is the total of all the pricing items on it.
    4. Ledgers. Each pricing item and inventory item can have its own ledger assigned. This defaults to the ledger set up in the pricing item or inventory item, but can be changed.
    5. Invoice item merge templates. Each pricing item (excluding inventory items) must have an invoice item merge template assigned. This is used to generate the line item description when this pricing item is invoiced, with your own custom format. This defaults to the merge template set up for the context in the pricing item, but can be changed.
    6. Adding pricing items. To add a pricing item, click on a heading in the pricing grid to add the pricing item to (such as Enrolment, Contract, Units - to add the pricing item to every unit, a specific unit code, or Inventory), then click the Add button on the top-right and select the pricing item or inventory item to add. Alternatively, you can right-click the heading in the pricing grid and select the pricing item or inventory item to add from the pop-up menu.
    7. Repeat pricing items. The same pricing item can now be added to the same Enrolment or Contract multiple times.
    8. Pricing item status. The pricing grid will show a Status for each pricing item, indicating whether or not it has been invoiced or scheduled for invoicing. For simplicity, a single pricing item can only ever be on one invoice. This makes it simple to trace every price on the enrolment, through its schedule (if any), through its invoice, and to its payment(s).
    9. Deleting pricing items. Use the Delete button to delete a pricing item from the grid. You can use the Delete button on a heading row to delete all the pricing items under that heading.
    10. Locked pricing items. If a pricing item has been invoiced, it cannot be changed or deleted. If a pricing item has been scheduled for invoicing, it can be changed but not deleted.
    11. Use tickbox. Due to popular demand, the Use tickbox has returned when enrolling a client or employer into an occurrence. You can now specify the prices in the new occurrence enrolment by deleting the ones you don't want, or using the Use checkboxes to select the ones you do want (perhaps by clicking the Use header to untick them all and then just ticking the ones you want).
    12. Pub tickbox. If you have the VETtrak API, you can now web publish each pricing item and inventory item separately in an occurrence.
  3. Invoice item merge templates. You can now set up invoice item merge templates in the Configuration Manager, which are used to generate the line item description on the invoice when a pricing item is invoiced. A range of merge fields are available, allowing VETtrak to automatically put information about what is being invoiced into the line item description. A default merge template for each context is provided, which looks similar to how VETtrak used to format the invoice line items, but these can be customised and more added. In the Pricing Item wizard, you can specify the default merge template that should be used when the Pricing Item is added to an enrolment or contract, and this can be changed on individual enrolments or contracts. In the Enrolment or Contract wizards, a merge template must be specified for each pricing item. There are five different contexts for invoice item merge templates:
    1. Enrolment pricing. These are used for enrolment-level prices, for non-occurrence enrolments.
    2. Client occurrence enrolment pricing. These are used for enrolment-level prices, for client occurrence enrolments. It adds fields like Programme Code and Name.
    3. Enrolled Unit pricing. These are used for unit-level prices within an enrolment. It has fields like Unit Code and Name.
    4. Contract pricing. These are used for contract-level prices.
    5. Employer enrolment/booking pricing. These are used for enrolment-level prices, for employer occurrence enrolments or bookings.
  4. Schedule invoices. The Invoice Schedule wizard (only available in VETtrak Pro) has changed significantly:
    1. Pricing grid. The Invoice Schedule wizard now uses a similar pricing grid as the Enrolment wizard. To edit the amounts, use the Enrolment wizard.
    2. Pricing items. Each pricing item, as well as inventory items, on an enrolment or contract can be scheduled individually. There is now a direct relationship between the prices in the enrolment and what is scheduled and eventually invoiced.
    3. Schedule types. Schedule types no longer exist. Instead, use pricing items and merge templates. Default amounts can be set up at the qualification level in Funding Model wizard, or unit level in the Unit wizard.
    4. Invoice enrolment employer. There is a new Invoicee option to invoice the enrolment's employer, if the enrolment has an employer assigned. This can also be used in invoice schedules in profiles.
    5. Generate scheduled invoices. The "Generate Scheduled Invoices" menu option has been moved to a new "Invoicing utilities" submenu in the Utility menu. The wizard now has only one page, and lists both client and employer invoices on the one page.
  5. Unit pricing setup. A new pricing grid has been added to the Unit wizard in the Qualification Manager. This allows you to setup the default pricing for the unit. You can define multiple pricing items with different amounts, ledgers, and also vary them by state. This default pricing will be applied when the unit is added to an enrolment or occurrence, for the state that the enrolment's location is in.
  6. Statement of fees. A new "Statement of fees" built-in report has been added to the "Show reports" submenu when right-clicking an enrolment. This shows a breakdown of the enrolment pricing.
  7. Data migration. During the 4.4.3 database upgrade, existing pricing data has been migrated to suit the new structure. In particular, the following has occurred:
    1. Each contract amount is converted to a "migrated" pricing item against the contract with the same amount. Additional pricing items may be created for invoiced or scheduled amounts for the contract.
    2. Each schedule type has been converted to a pricing item, as well as a merge template (with the new field format) for each context that the schedule type has been used in.
    3. Each invoice schedule is converted to a pricing item against the enrolment or contract. For enrolments, a negative "balancing" pricing item is also added, to avoid increasing the total value of the enrolment. This is necessary, as VETtrak previously had no relationship between enrolment pricing and invoice schedules.
    4. Each amount recorded against a unit (in the Record Results wizard) has been converted to a "migrated" pricing item against the unit in the enrolment, with the same amount. Note that this has the side-effect of increasing the total value of the enrolment. The Record Result wizard will still show the total of any prices against the unit, but it is no longer editable - instead, use the pricing grid in the Enrolment wizard to change unit prices.
    5. For Vic and QLD enrolments with a funding model, the last reported tuition fee for each unit is converted to a tuition fee pricing item against the unit. Note that this has the side-effect of increasing the total value of the enrolment.

Funding Model changes

Significant changes have been made to funding models and how they are applied to enrolments. In VETtrak 4.4.2, they were used only to calculate tuition/course fees in Vic, QLD and WA. In VETtrak 4.4.3, they are now available in every state and are a way to set up a "pricing template" that can be used to apply default pricing items, of any type, with amounts, to enrolments.

  1. Multiple pricing items. A single funding model can now have multiple pricing items in it, not just tuition fees. Each pricing item has year entries underneath it, and can have a different amount for each year. In the Funding Model wizard, use the "+ Item" button to add a pricing item to the grid. Select a pricing item and use the "+ Year" button to add a year entry to the pricing item.
  2. Rate types. Each pricing item in a funding model has a rate type. You can have different pricing items with different rate types in the one funding model. The rate types are:
    1. $ / Unit. The amount in the pricing item will be applied to each unit in the enrolment. Each unit will get that same amount.
    2. $ / Unit hour. The amount in the pricing item will be multiplied by the number of hours in each unit in the enrolment and applied to each unit. This means the final amount of each unit will vary depending on the hours of each unit. This calculation will exclude any Credit Transfer results if the pricing item is a tuition fee.
    3. $ / Enro. The amount in the pricing item will be applied to the enrolment level.
  3. Optional qualification. Funding models no longer require a qualification. A funding model without a qualification will always be available to use, regardless of the qualification of the enrolment. This is useful for funding models you want to use for different qualifications or to use with module-only enrolments.
  4. Funding models in Qualification Manager. Funding models for a qualification are now also shown under that qualification in the Qualification Manager.
  5. Applying a funding model to an enrolment. The Funding Model field has been moved to the top of the pricing grid in the Enrolment wizard. To apply a funding model to an enrolment, select it, and click the Calc button. This will add pricing items with amounts to the pricing grid based on the selected Funding Model and the year. The Calc button can also be used to update existing pricing items in the enrolment, for the ones that haven't been invoiced.
  6. Concession amounts. Concession amounts can only be used for tuition fee pricing items. They are applied instead of the amount if the enrolment's fee exemption has a tuition fee calculation method of "reduce tuition fee to the concession amount", or in Vic, if the client is indigenous. Concession amounts in funding models are ignored for any other type of pricing item.
  7. Calculated at time of enrolment. In VETtrak 4.4.2, enrolments with funding models used to have their reportable tuition fees calculated at time of AVETMISS generation. Because the amounts now need to be on the enrolments up-front (in order to generate an accurate Statement of Fees etc), all amounts (including tuition fees) are now calculated when you apply the funding model at time of enrolment. Generate AVETMISS will use the amounts for tuition fee pricing items in the enrolment as the total reportable tuition fee figure. If you need to re-calculate amounts (because something has changed in the funding model, or there are tuition fees and you record credit transfer results, or you go to the next year etc), this can be done individually by pressing the Calc button in the Enrolment wizard, or in bulk using a new Recalculate Enrolment Pricing wizard.
  8. Recalculate enrolment pricing. A new Utility -> Recalculate Enrolment Pricing menu option has been added. Use this to update the pricing of enrolments from their assigned funding model in bulk. In the wizard, search for enrolments by organisation, state, funding source and optionally a date range. Click an enrolment to view its pricing. You can further filter or group columns to help find the enrolments you want. Tick the Use tickbox to select the enrolments to update, or click the Use column heading to select them all, and click the Update button to update the pricing of the selected enrolments from their assigned funding model. Note that this will not update any pricing items that have been invoiced, and will never remove any existing pricing item.
  9. Preference for default funding model. A new preference to "Use default funding model when creating enrolments" has been added to Compliance Preferences. If ticked (the default), this will automatically select (but not Calc) the default funding model for the selected qualification, if any, when creating an enrolment.

Invoicing and Payment changes

  1. Add items to invoice options. The options in the "Add items to invoice" panel in the Invoice wizard have been expanded to allow you to add nearly any type of amount to any invoice. In general, you can add contracts by client or employer, or enrolments by client (including occurrence enrolments) or employer enrolments/bookings, and loose inventory items, to any invoice.
  2. Invoice pricing items. When selecting an enrolment or contract when adding items to invoices, the pricing grid will now show with a Use tickbox column, allowing you to select one or more un-invoiced pricing items or inventory items from the enrolment or contract to add to the invoice. You can also add scheduled pricing items to an invoice in this way.
  3. Pay multiple invoices. In the Client and Employer Managers, a new "Pay invoices" option has been added to the right-click menu on the Invoices node. This allows you to record a single payment from the client or employer, and distribute it across multiple invoices, without having to use holding.
  4. Adjustments. For clarity, "credit notes" are now called "adjustments". They work in much the same way as before, as a mechanism to record a reduction amount that cancels out part or all of the amounts of one or more invoice items. When an adjustment is recorded against an invoice item for a pricing item, the amount of the pricing item is also reduced by the reduction amount. This means that, if the reduced amount needs to be re-invoiced, you can add another pricing item to the enrolment or contract for the difference, and then invoice it.
  5. Auto-create invoice. The "auto create invoice" right-click menu option is now available for normal (non-occurrence) enrolments.
  6. Changes to booking amounts. If you cause a change to the amount of a booking, or an employer enrolment that is using corporate pricing, that has been invoiced (such as by changing values on the corporate pricing page, or adding or removing employee enrolments if its calculation method is actual employees), you can then invoice the booking again to invoice the difference in the amounts (which may be a negative amount). You can create a new invoice with the difference, or add the difference to an existing unpaid invoice.
  7. Export invoices. A new Utility -> Invoicing utilities -> Export invoices menu option has been added. This allows information about invoices in VETtrak to be exported to an external finance system. The format of the export is provided by a specially-created custom report (.fr3 file). Request the VETtrak support team to create a custom report for the Invoice Exporter with the columns and logic you need, and then select that report in the wizard. The wizard can be used to create and export a new batch of un-exported invoices, or re-export a previous batch.
  8. Import invoice payment statuses. A new Utility -> Invoicing utilities -> Import invoice payment statuses menu option has been added. This allows you to import invoice numbers, payment statuses and/or payment dates from an external finance system into VETtrak. In the wizard, select a CSV file created from your finance system, and then indicate which columns contain which data (note that there must be a column with the VETtrak invoice number). Importing this will then cause that data to be displayed in the invoice displays and Invoice wizard in VETtrak.

AVETMISS reporting changes

All states

  1. AVETMISS list changes. Added outcome code 61 "Superseded subject". Added specific funding identifier 14 "Industry skills fund". Archived specific funding identifiers 13 and 31.
  2. Removed AVETMISS 6.1. The ability to generate old AVETMISS 6.1 format NAT files has been removed from VETtrak.
  3. Reporting single name clients. When a single name client is reported in AVETMISS, the given name is now reported as "NONE".


The following changes have been made to comply with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines 2015 document issued by DEECD.

  1. Funding source codes. Funding sources AEP and AEL have been added. On state funding sources ZC and ZP, the national funding source has been changed to 15. Funding sources NGP, NGL, NSP and NSL have been archived.
  2. Client industry of employment. A new "Industry of employment" field is shown in the Client Personal wizard when the collection state is set to Vic. This will need to be set for all students with enrolments commencing in 2015 or later, whose labour force status indicates that they are employed. This will be reported in the NAT80 file in Generate AVETMISS.
  3. Client occupation identifier. A new "Occupation identifier" field is shown in the Client Personal wizard when the collection state is set to Vic. This will need to be set for all students with enrolments commencing in 2015 or later, whose labour force status indicates that they are employed. This will be reported in the NAT80 file in Generate AVETMISS.
  4. Prior education achievement recognition identifier. A new "Recognition" column has been added to the Prior Education grid in the Client Personal wizard. For students with enrolments commencing in 2015 or later, this needs to be set for each ticked prior education type. This will be reported in the NAT100 file in Generate AVETMISS.
  5. Enrolment date. A new "Enrolment date" field has been added to the Enrolment wizard in Vic. This must be set for any non-fee for service enrolment commencing in 2015 or later. It is the date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs, and cannot be after the course commencement date. This will be reported in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS. VETtrak will show a warning if the user modifies an existing enrolment date in the Enrolment wizard.
  6. Course commencement date. The course commencement date is now empty by default when creating a new VIC enrolment. It can be left empty, in which case VETtrak will automatically set it to the earliest unit result start date in the enrolment when the enrolment is first reported in Generate AVETMISS. VETtrak will now show a warning if the user modifies an existing course commencement date in the Enrolment wizard.
  7. Enrolment identifier. VETtrak will automatically generate and report enrolment identifiers in the NAT120 file as required.
  8. Delivery provider ABN. This new field must be reported for all continuing and commencing students undertaking government-subsided training. The delivery provider ABN is reported in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS. There are two ways to specify the delivery provider ABN:
    1. An ABN field has been added to the Organisation wizard. If you fill this in, the ABN of the enrolment's organisation will be reported as the delivery provider ABN for all enrolments by default (as long as the enrolment does not have an "RTO for enrolment (delivery provider)" employer set).
    2. Alternatively, an ABN field has also been added to the Employer wizard (this is migrated during the database upgrade from the existing ACN/ABN field if it contained a valid ABN). If an "RTO for enrolment (delivery provider)" employer is selected on the enrolment, the ABN of that employer will be reported as the delivery provider ABN (instead of the organisation's ABN). You can also select different delivery provider employers for each unit in the Edit AVETMISS Values wizard.
  9. Client fees - other. This will be calculated from the total of the pricing items entered against the unit, plus an average of the pricing items entered against the enrolment, excluding all tuition fee and government contribution pricing. This will be reported in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS.
  10. Payment history import. The Vic Payment History Import wizard has been changed to pick up the invoice number from its new column.
  11. Single name in VSN upload. When uploading a single name client to Vic VSN, the single name will be repeated as both the given name and surname.

New South Wales

Support has been added to VETtrak to allow state AVETMISS files to be generated for reporting Smart and Skilled enrolments through the eReporting portal in STS Online.

  1. Funding source code. A new "SAS" funding source has been added for Smart and Skilled enrolments.
  2. Enrolment wizard. An "APL reportable enrolment" tickbox has been added to the Enrolment wizard to indicate whether the enrolment is APL or Smart and Skilled funded. The new Smart and Skilled tab contains standard AVETMISS fields, as well as the NSW-specific Commitment ID, Expiry Date and Training Status fields.
  3. Commitment IDs. Each Smart and Skilled enrolment must be pre-registered with the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator, with valid eligibility information, before it can be reported. If successful, this results in a commitment ID, which needs to be recorded in the Enrolment wizard, and VETtrak will report it in the Purchasing Contract Identifier field in the NAT120 file by Generate AVETMISS (note: you should not create purchasing contracts in VETtrak for Smart and Skilled). You have two options to obtain commitment IDs:
    1. Manually enter the enrolment and eligibility information into the Provider Calculator website. When you have obtained a Commitment ID, record this into the Commitment ID field in the Enrolment wizard.
    2. Upload a bulk spreadsheet of enrolment and eligibility information to the Provider Calculator website. To generate this from VETtrak, mark the enrolments to be exported in the Enrolment wizard by ticking the "Include this enrolment when creating bulk provider calculator exports (until it has a Commitment ID)" tickbox, and filling out the eligibility information on the second and third bottom tabs.
  4. Provider Calculator export. To export a spreadsheet in order to obtain Commitment IDs from the Provider Calculator, go to the Utility menu -> NSW claims -> Provider calculator export. Click the search button, tick the enrolments to export (or click the Use column header to tick them all), and click the create export button to create the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can be uploaded to the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator website. Currently, due to a lack of information from the NSW government, VETtrak is not able to import the Provider Calculator results spreadsheet. Until this functionality is available, you can go through the results and enter the resultant commitment IDs, expiry dates and pricing into the Enrolment wizard.
  5. Not started results. Smart and Skilled requires every unit that has not yet started to have indicative start and end dates, with no result, to be reported. The Record Results wizard now allows you to enter results dated in the future with no result type for this purpose.
  6. Training status. To report an enrolment as Deferred or Training Not Completed, record this in the new Training Status field in the Enrolment wizard. VETtrak will report this in the Outcome Identifier - Training Organisation field in the NAT120 file by Generate AVETMISS.
  7. AVETMISS generation. To generate your AVETMISS files for Smart and Skilled, in NSW, go to the Utility menu -> Generate state AVETMISS files.

South Australia

Support has been added to VETtrak to allow reporting of VET activity for school students to STELA, as requested by the Department of State Development. To do so, in the school student's enrolment, set the funding agreement to VIS (use the Configuration Manager to create it if you don't already have one) and tick the "This is a VET in Schools enrolment" tickbox. The following extra fields also need to be specified and reported:

  1. SACE Student ID. A new SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) student ID field is shown in the Client Personal wizard when the collection state is set to SA. This is reported in the Associated Course Identifier field in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS.
  2. School Location ID. You must also report a School Location ID for each VET in Schools unit in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS. To do so, create an employer in VETtrak for each school you deal with. Set the User Code of the employer to the correct 3-digit School Location ID as per the list provided by DSD, and set the RTO/NAC/AAC field to one of the RTO options. In the enrolment, set the "RTO for enrolment (delivery provider)" field to that employer that represents the school. This will cause VETtrak to report that school against all units in the enrolment, but you can also set (or clear) a different "Delivery provider" for each individual unit using the Edit AVETMISS Values wizard. The User Code of the selected "RTO for enrolment (delivery provider)" employer is reported in the Hours Attended field in the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS. Generate AVETMISS will show an error if the selected "RTO for enrolment (delivery provider)" employer does not have a User Code set or it is not 3 digits.


In Queensland, the calculation of government contributions has changed to work with the new funding model and enrolment pricing mechanism, for consistency in every state. It no longer uses the figures entered in the Qualification wizard to perform the calculation. Instead, you can include government contribution calculations in your funding models, to store the government contributions per-enrolment or per-unit.

Western Australia

  1. Delivery strategy 90. VETtrak now allows a delivery strategy of 90 to be selected and reported for units with an RPL, RCC or Credit Transfer result.
  2. WA Fee Updater. The WA Fee Updater wizard has been moved from the WA Utilities menu into the Utilities menu as "Recalculate enrolment pricing". It has been changed to be more general and can now be used in any state.


  1. Validation of 90 results. Generate AVETMISS will now report a warning if a result with a 90 outcome (Not yet available at interim collection) is reported with a finish date in the past.

Australian Capital Territory

Changes have been made to comply with the "ACT VET AVETMISS Data Standard Version 1.0 - 1 January 2015" specification.

  1. Funding source. The enrolment's funding source code is now reported in Generate AVETMISS in ACT.
  2. Student File Number and Sequence Number. In ACT, the "Contract File No" field in the Client Personal wizard is now called "Student File No". This should not contain a slash or the sequence number. In the Contract wizard, the "Sequence No" field should just contain the sequence number. VETtrak will combine the "Student File No" and "Sequence No" together, with a slash between (if there isn't already one), when reporting. VETtrak will report an error if you try to report a client, with a contract, that does not have a "Student File No" or if it is more than 8 characters long.
  3. Reporting Student File No without a contract. When reporting an enrolment that does not have a contract, the "Student File No" in the Client Personal wizard is now reported in the purchasing contract field in the NAT120 file.
  4. Statistical area level 1 and 2. Blank fields for statistical area level 1 and 2 identifiers are now included in the NAT80 file.

Client changes

  1. Client Preferences. Client-related preferences have been moved from the General Preferences page to a new Client tab in General Preferences.
  2. Preference for excluding clients from marketing messages. A new preference to "Exclude from marketing email/SMS (default for new clients)" has been added to the Client tab in General Preferences. If ticked, this will tick the "Exclude client from marketing emails and SMS's" tickbox by default when creating new clients.
  3. Preference for client web publish. A new preference to "Web publish clients (default for new clients)" has been added to the Client tab in General Preferences. This allows you to control whether the "Web publish/Privacy release signed" tickbox is ticked by default or not when creating new clients.
  4. Preferences for auto client codes. VETtrak no longer puts a hyphen in between any configured client code prefix, and the generated client code. If you want a hyphen, it can be entered into the Prefix field in the Client tab in General Preferences. A new option for "# of digits" has also been added to this preference page, allowing you to customise how many digits VETtrak will use to pad a generated client code.
  5. Record attendance in Client Manager. You can now record, edit and delete class attendance in the Client Manager by right-clicking the client's class.
  6. Email validation. The validation of the email address in the Client Personal Wizard has been improved, to perform a more thorough check that it is valid.
  7. School Level vs Year Completed. In the Client Personal Wizard, if the school level is set to "Did not go to school", the "Year school completed" field is no longer available.
  8. Repeating client creation. The title and date of birth fields are now cleared when repeating the Client wizard to create another new client.

USI (Unique Student Identifier)

  1. Award wizard check. The Award wizard will now show a warning or error (depending on configuration in the Organisation wizard) if the client does not have a USI when recording a certificate or statement, regardless of whether it is reportable.
  2. Proxy server support. Support for proxy servers has been improved in the USI web services interface.
  3. Large batches. A "maximum message size quota for incoming messages" error that could occur when dealing with large batches of USI applications has been fixed.
  4. Medicare individual ref number. The Identity Document Wizard will no longer accept a Medicare individual ref number of 0.

Other changes

  1. Username and password merge fields. New merge fields for client username and password have been added to the Client, Group, Occurrence Enrolment, Occurrence Class and Waitlist merge contexts, available in both email and SMS templates. Note that password will only be merged if the logged-in user performing the merge has access to Security, or is performing the merge for a client who is not a VETtrak user.
  2. Duplicate merge template. A new right-click menu option to duplicate a merge template (SMS, email or invoice item) has been added.
  3. Group Manager. The "Clients in Group" panel in the Group Manager will now show a count of the number of clients in the selected group. You also now right-click a client in the group to edit the client or view them in the Client Manager.
  4. Pending status. A new enrolment status type of "Pending" has been added, if you didn't already have one.
  5. Change booking employer in Programme Manager. The option to "Change booking employer" has been added to the right-click menu for a Booking in the Programme Manager.
  6. Year completed in Award Wizard. When adding an award, the "Year completed" will now default to the year of the entered "Date recorded".
  7. Occurrence cost names. VETtrak will now not allow more than one occurrence cost to be set up with the same name.
  8. Delivery strategy codes. VETtrak will now not allow more than one delivery strategy to be set up with the same code.
  9. SMS wizard keyboard shortcuts. A problem that prevented a user from using cut/copy/paste shortcut keys when typing an SMS message has been fixed.
  10. Enrolment class options wizette. A problem that could cause the Enrolment Class Options wizette to appear when clicking an existing cancelled status in the Enrolment wizard has been fixed.
  11. Unit search. A "string truncation" error that could occur when performing a unit search with more than 12 characters has been fixed.

Student web portal support

A new student web portal product is being launched in conjunction with this version of VETtrak. Some functionality has been added to VETtrak to support this product, should you decide to implement it.

  1. Setting usernames, passwords and default roles. During the 4.4.3 database upgrade, usernames and passwords will be generated for each client in the database who is missing them. Each existing and new client will also be assigned to the default student portal role. This will allow all students to start using the portal straight away, if you decide to implement it, even if you don't have VETtrak Security.
  2. Default student portal role. If you have the student portal feature, the "Default web portal role for new clients" field will be available in the Client tab in General Preferences, allowing you to set the default role for new clients (or can be cleared to not give the student access to the portal by default). The "student web portal role" field will also be available in the Client wizard, which is set to the configured default when creating a client, allowing you to change an individual client's access to the student portal.
  3. Security Manager. If you have the student portal and Security features, a new "Web portal" application will be available in the Security Manager, allowing you to set up or customise student portal role(s). From here, you can also assign clients in bulk to a web portal role. A client can have no more than one web portal role.

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