This article describes setting the courses that are offered by your organisation within VETsurvey so they will appear for selection on surveys where participants are required to specify a course.
Open the Courses screen:
- Highlight Misc on the Navigation menu to display the sub-menu.
- Click the Courses menu item.
Add a course (at least one is required unless your RTO only offers workshops):
- Enter the Name of the course.
- Enter the course Code.
- Click the Save button to add the entries to the courses list.
If you have additional courses to add, click the New button to clear any existing entries ready for new input.
Use the course list to manage existing courses, if required:
- Click the ID link to pre-fill the Course Details section allowing that course to be modified.
OR - Click the Delete link to permanently remove a course.
NEXT: Setting up Facilitators (Trainers)