Sending SMS Messages to Students in the Trainer Portal

If SMS has been enabled for your Trainer Portal by the VETtrak administrator, you will be able to send text messages to students who have the appropriate contact details recorded. 

You can send SMS to an individual student by clicking Send SMS on the Student screen or on the View Details screen.


You can send an SMS to some or all of the students in a class by ticking the appropriate students on the Class screen and clicking Send SMS.

The Send SMS window will open:

  1. You can enter either a return phone number or your name here. If you want students to be able to reply, you must enter a phone number here. If you enter your name, the message will appear to students as being from you, with no phone number provided. NOTE: Do not enter spaces or punctuation in this field.
  2. Use this option to ensure that you only send an SMS to the Primary mobile for the selected students, ignoring the VETtrak setting to SMS both Primary and Secondary mobile numbers for a Student.
  3. If any of the students do not have a mobile phone number recorded in VETtrak, they will be greyed out here.
  4. If you are authorised to purchase more message credits, this link will take you through to the VETtrak website to make the purchase. Otherwise contact whoever is authorised to do this in your organisation.
  5. Type your message.
  6. This lets you know how many messages your organisation has paid for. If there are not sufficient messages to cover the number of students you are sending to, more messages will need to be purchased before you can send all the messages. This area will also measure your message length, and advise how many credits will be utilised to send the SMS to each student.
  7. Click Submit.

The message will now be available to view under each student's Messages tab.


RELATED: Sending Emails to Students in the Trainer Portal

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