VIC - Details about Enrolment, Program Commencement and Supervised End Dates

For Victorian enrolments, there are a range of Date Specific fields within the State Based Fields page of the Enrolment Wizard:


Pressing the Info or Dates Info items will show an expanding window that provides additional information about these dates; however, a summary of this information is shared below:

  • The Program Commencement Date is the training activity start date. When creating a new enrolment, if this field is left blank, VETtrak will automatically populate it with the Start Date of the earliest reported Unit Result (for the same Client, Funding Source, Purchasing Contract, and Qualification - taking into account any records flagged with Report this qualification as') when this enrolment is included for the first time in a VIC AVETMISS generation.
  • The Enrolment Date is the date when the student legally agreed to undertake the training and incur any related costs. For non-fee for service enrolments commencing 2015 and onward, this must be set before the enrolment can be reported.
  • The Supervised End Date is reported as the 'Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date' (PSTACD) and is the date when the student is scheduled to complete, or did complete, supervised training and assessment. For new enrolments with a funding source that does not require a purchasing contract, it defaults to Enrolment End Date.
  • The Enrolment Date must be on or before the Program Commencement Date, and the Supervised End Date must be on or after both of them.
  • Once the Enrolment Date or Program Commencement Date have been reported, they should not normally be changed. The Supervised End Date is allowed to be changed. 

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