NAT Files - Viewing and Fixing AVETMISS Errors/Warnings

When performing an AVETMISS Generation, your collected data will display within specific NAT Files. These serve to group specific reportable information together, ready for submission. They are generated as AVETMISS compliant TXT files.

This article details the NAT files generated by VETtrak, and what general data they should contain. It will also cover a general look at reviewing your AVETMISS data to identify errors, and how to amend the data to fix errors.

Training Organisation File (NAT00010 - Organisation)

  • The Training Organisation (NAT00010) File provides information about the training organisation for the national VET data collection.

Training Organisation Delivery Location File (NAT00020 - Delivery Location)

  • The Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) File contains a record for each delivery location associated with enrolment activity within a training organisation during the collection period. A training organisation delivery location is a specific training site. 

Course File (NAT00030 - Program)

  • The Course (NAT00030) File contains a record for each qualification or course associated with enrolment activity and completed qualifications during the collection period. 

Module/Unit of Competency File (NAT00060 - Subject)

  • The Module/Unit of Competency (NAT00060) File contains a record for each unit of competency or module associated with enrolment activity during the collection period. 

Client File (NAT00080 - Client)

  • The Client (NAT00080) File contains a record for each client (individual) who has participated in VET activity or has been awarded a qualification during the collection period. 

Client Postal Details File (NAT00085 - Client Postal Details)

  • The Client Postal Details (NAT00085) File contains address details of clients for mailing lists and is intended for use by the states or territories for administration of the Student Outcome Survey. 

Disability File (NAT00090 - Disability)

  • The Disability (NAT00090) File contains a record for each disability, impairment, or long-term condition associated with a client to assist with analysis for access and equity purposes. A client may have more than one type of disability, impairment, or long-term condition.

Prior Educational Achievement File (NAT00100 - Prior Educational Achievement)

  • The Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) File provides information about the types of prior educational achievements for a client to assist with the analysis of pathways and skill levels of clients entering training.

Enrolment File (NAT00120 - Enrolment)

  • The Enrolment (NAT00120) File provides information about training activity undertaken by clients during the collection period. This information is used to measure training activity and output for the VET sector. 

Qualification Completed File (NAT00130 - Program Completed)

  • The Qualification Completed (NAT00130) File provides profile information about clients completing the requirements of qualifications or courses, either during the collection period or in a prior collection period (where the qualification or course completion has not previously been reported). This information is used to measure successful outcomes from the VET sector.


Viewing and Fixing AVETMISS Errors/Warnings

Once your NAT files have been generated, any Warnings or Errors within the data will be displayed on the left-hand side of the grid: 


Clicking a coloured box will expand that particular NAT file, displaying the data within it. This will allow you to see the records within that particular NAT file - as well as the ones that contain errors:


Clicking a coloured box beside a NAT File Record will expand it to show you a detailed explanation of the particular error:


Depending on the nature of the error, you can often use the supplied Handy Buttons within this area to navigate directly to the data, and amend whatever details you require.


Once data has been amended, you can press the Re-Gen button at the bottom of the wizard to re-generate the data, and remove any reported errors that have been fixed.


Saving Your NAT Files

Once your NAT files are free of errors, you will have the ability to save them as the required .TXT files required by reporting bodies by pressing the Save Nat Files button at the base of the wizard.


The Export option in this Wizard is designed to export the AVETMISS files in an Excel format for review, it is not suitable for submission to a reporting body.

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