Managing Occurrence Details

When you select an Occurrence within the Programme Manager, you can view the details for that occurrence on the far right hand side, in a panel titled the Selected Occurrence Details. 

Within this area you have full control over every aspect of the occurrence, and the people enrolled within it.

  1. The Details heading can be expanded to view a quick summary of the occurrences details, with information such as Enrolled Clients, and basic financial summaries regarding the Pricing Items attached to your student enrolments.
  2. Units/Modules can be expanded to see all units/modules within this occurrence. You can also add additional units by right clicking on the Units/Modules heading and selecting the option to do so.
    If you expand a Unit/Module under this head, it will show a list of the Students who are enrolled to be trained in that particular Unit/Module, as well as their current result (if one has been applied):

    Right-clicking a unit in this area will also provide you with particular options for that unit, such as the ability to Record a Result for the students enrolled.
  3. Tasks are an optional feature that allows you to manage additional objectives or assessment level items within an occurrence.
  4. Events can be associated with occurrences, and provide a fantastic resource for recording and managing milestones. They are categorised into two headings, for Future dated events, and ones that have occurred in the Past.
  5. The Enrolment heading will display all Clients that are enrolled within the Occurrence. Right-clicking a client's enrolment under this heading will provide a range of Enrolment level management options that mirrors interacting with an enrolment in others areas of VETtrak.
  6. Expand the Class heading to see the classes associated with this occurrence. They are categorised into two headings, for Future dated classes, and ones that have occurred in the Past.
  7. Costs provides an option to associate relevant expenses associated with running this occurrence.
  8. Linked Staff will display any Staff Members that are attached to this occurrence. Right-clicking this item provides an option to contact the associated staff by SMS or Email.
  9. Invoices will display any invoices that have been created that incorporate items associated with the occurrence.
  10. Similar to the Invoices heading, the Payments heading will specifically list payment items.

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