Report Mappings

VETtrak has a huge range of default reports that can be run either through right click menu items on various nodes throughout the software or within the Standard Reports area. 

You may wish to utilise a Custom Report that is a modification of one of the existing standard or built-in reports in VETtrak. In this case, you will need to configure VETtrak to locate and run the custom report file.

To do this, go to the Report menu and select Report mappings.

The Report Mapping wizard will open. The wizard is separated into distinct areas, accessible by pushing the Next and Back buttons:


Right Click Report Mappings

The first page of the wizard allows you to add replacements for any of the right click reports that you access by a right-click menu in VETtrak.

A common example of a report of this nature can be seen when right-clicking an enrolment and selecting Show reports:

If you wished to customise the default Confirmation Report in VETtrak, you could then configure this customised report within this wizard.

To map a customised report:

  1. Locate the particular report that your customised version is designed to replace on the left hand side.
  2. Click in the empty box to the right and a small button with three dots will appear ()
  3. Clicking on this button will prompt VETtrak to display a Folder Browser window:

    Within here, navigate to the folder containing the report file
    NOTE: This can differ depending on whether you utilise VETtrak Hosting or run VETtrak locally.

  4. Select the report file, and press the Open button and the path will be placed into the right hand column
  5. Continue to click Next and then Finish to save the mapping

When you next run the report in the usual way, the modified version will display instead of the default one.


Record Type Report Mappings

Mapping unique Record Type  reports allows you to integrate the custom reports directly into the VETtrak UI for the sake of convenience. You can then prompt an award report to display from places such as the Client ManagerProgramme Manager or even within Data Insights.

The Record Type Mappings area of the report mapping wizard is slightly different, as it requires you to create entries for your reports based off your needs.

The strength of this option is that it allows you to shortcut running special Award and Enrolment reports when you right-click these items in VETtrak.

You can choose to either make use of a Custom Report created by our VETtrak Report Writing team, or a Self-Service Report made entirely by yourself within the Self-Service Report Manager.


Mapping an Award Report

To map an Award Report, make sure the Awards options is highlighted on the left hand side, then click the Add () button to add a new report. The Add Award Report Mapping Wizette will open.

  1. Enter the Report Display Name - this should indicate the kind of award it is, and will display in the Show Award menu.
  2. Select what Award Type it is - Certificate, Statement or other. This dictates what kind of awards can make use of this report option. (ie A Certificate award can only run a Certificate type award report)
  3. To map a Custom Report, do the following:
    1. In the  Report file name area, click the button with the three dots (). This will prompt VETtrak to display a Folder Browser window:

      Within here, navigate to the folder containing the report file and select the report file.
    2. Click Open.
    3. Click Next and Finish.
  4. To instead map a Self-Service Report in this area, do the following:
    1. select the created report in the bottom selection box labeled Self-Service Report:

    2. Press Finish.


There is also the ability to quickly map a Self-Service Report within the Self-Service Report Manager by right-clicking the created award and selecting Add award report mapping:

This will display a wizette where you can quickly set up the mapping:


To then run a mapped award report, You can now right-click on an existing award, and select the Show Award option to prompt the report to run:


Mapping an Enrolment Report

To map an Enrolment Report, make sure the Enrolments options is highlighted on the left hand side, then click the Add () button to add a new report.

The Add Award Report Mapping Wizette will open:

  1. Enter the Report Display Name - this should indicate the kind of award it is, and will display in the Mapped Report menu when right-clicking on an Enrolment.
  2. To map your Custom Report, do the following:
    1. In the  Report file name area, click the button with the three dots (). This will prompt VETtrak to display a Folder Browser window:

      Within here, navigate to the folder containing the report file and select the report file.
    2. Click Open.
    3. Click Next and Finish.
  3. Press Finish.

This report will then be available when you right-click an Enrolment, under the Mapped Reports option:


Standard Report Mappings

The third page of the wizard allows you to add replacements for any of the Standard reports that you access within the Standard Report Explorer in VETtrak.

The steps to map a customised report are identical to mapping a Built-in Report:

  1. Locate the particular report that your customised version is designed to replace on the left hand side.
  2. Click in the empty box to the right and a small button with three dots will appear ()
  3. Clicking on this button will prompt VETtrak to display a Folder Browser window:

    Within here, navigate to the folder containing the report file

    NOTE: This can differ depending on whether you utilise VETtrak Hosting or run VETtrak locally.

  4. Select the report file, and press the Open button and the path will be placed into the right hand column
  5. Continue to click Next and then Finish to save the mapping

When you next run the Standard report in the usual way, the modified version will display instead of the default one.


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