Training Plan Wizard

Many state governments require RTOs to submit printed Training Plans for New Students. There are many options to record the sort of data which is required on Training Plans, using the various data fields in VETtrak regarding Contracts/Enrolments, along with the Training Plan Wizard and the structures set out in the Qualification Manager.

Speak to VETtrak support about creating a Custom Report which utilises this data to automate the production of these plans.

To have a Training Plan set up, the client must have an enrolment with units or modules attached to it.

To access the Training Plan Wizard, right-click on a client's contract or enrolment in the Client Manager or Employer Manager:

This will display the Training Plan Wizard:


The Status column will display details regarding any conflict with data entered that may incorporate functionality from other areas of VETtrak, such as Staff Credentials.

  1. The grid fills with the codes for all the units the client is enrolled in.
  2. Hover the mouse over a unit code to see the name of that unit.
  3. The Sequence No simply represents the order that the units are displayed in the grid.
    • NOTE: Units can be arranged in whatever order you wish, and will take on a new sequence number depending on where in the grid they are positioned. To change the order of the units, drag and drop them, or use the number sequence arrows to move them up or down.

      This ordering will be reflected in the order of the units as they appear under the Enrolment within VETtrak's UI, and on reports designed to take this into account.

  4. You can set here the order in which the units are to be undertaken. Several units can have the same start order if several are to be delivered at once.
  5. The stage can be used as optional method of grouping/ordering units. This information can be utilised as a way to sort units in a custom report. Stages can also be used as a way of representing a certificate level that a unit belongs to, e.g. Certificate I, II or III.
  6. Enter the planned start and finish dates.
  7. Select a Delivery Strategy from the drop-down list. These are set up in the Configuration Manager -> Delivery Strategies.
  8. Select relevant Assessment Modes from the drop-down list. These are set up in the Configuration Manager -> Assessment Modes.
  9. A Staff Member can be associated with the unit.
  10. Up to five free-text comments can be added for each unit, along with corresponding dates should you require.


Click on the heading of any column to automatically fill all rows in that column with the value entered in the first row. You can then change individual rows if needed. In the example above, the Delivery Strategy heading has been clicked to indicate that all units are to be delivered in the Workplace.

The fields in the training plan can also be accessed in the Record Results Wizard. Any changes made there will be reflected in the Training Plan Wizard, and vice versa.


Training Plans in Occurrences

If you are using Occurrences/Short Courses, training plans can also be set up against occurrence enrolments by right-clicking on an occurrence enrolment in either the Client Manager or Programme Manager.

It is also possible to set it up against the occurrence itself, in which case all new clients enrolled in that occurrence will automatically inherit that training plan against their enrolment. To do this, right-click on the Units/Modules node for the occurrence in the Programme Manager:

Making changes in this way will also provide you with the option to propagate these changes to all Active Enrolments within the occurrence, by ticking the appropriate box at the time you finish the wizard:

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