NSW - Extend Unit Dates Wizard

NSW Smart and Skilled require that each unit the student plans to undertake has the approximate start and finish dates recorded. Sometimes, the dates that you expect units to start and finish may slip past without the units being themselves started / completed. As this would cause an error in your NSW Smart and Skilled AVETMISS reporting, you need to change these dates to a time in the future before you run your reports. A utility is available to allow you to do this in bulk.

To open this utility, go to Utility > NSW utilities > Extend unit dates.

This will display the Extend NSW Date Wizard:

  1. The grid fills with all NSW unit enrolments with a valid Commitment ID that:
    • Have not commenced but have a start date of today or in the past, or
    • Are continuing but have a finish date of today or in the past.
  2. These columns show the Start and Finish Dates currently recorded against each unit.
  3. These columns show the new Start and Finish Dates that will be recorded after processing through this wizard.
  4. Click this button if you want to edit the Enrolment that any of the units is associated with.
  5. Click this button if you want to edit the Unit Results directly.

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