Setting up Unique Student Identifier (USI) features in VETtrak

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is mandatory for all students studying nationally recognised (accredited) training, where no exemption exists. This article serves to explain the requirements to have USI functionality set up to work within your VETtrak system

To access VETtrak USI functionality, you will require to complete the following:

  • Register for USI Web Services
  • Set up a myGovID
  • Link your RTO/Business in the Relationship Authorisation Manager website
  • Create a Machine Credential if you are a Local VETtrak Customer, or set up a RAM Notification if you are a Hosted VETtrak Customer


Register for USI Web Services

In order to perform USI related tasks within the VETtrak system, you will first need to register your RTO on the USI Taskforce Website. This is accessed via the following URL:

On this website, you will need to select that you are a Training Body that wishes to perform USI related tasks.

You are then looking to complete an item known as the USI System Access Request Form. This is a form that adds your Registered Training Organisation to the list of approved bodies that can perform USI related tasks. It will ask relevant questions regarding your organisation, as well as confirm contact information. 

This form can be accessed in the following location:

The form displays the following information and provides immediate options to start the process:

As you complete this form, you will be asked the following question - 'What are you applying for'

It is important that you specify 'Web Services' as your answer. This communicates that you intend to have VETtrak speak directly to the USI website, allowing VETtrak's internal USI features to work.

Upon submitting this form, the USI Registry System will complete your system access, and you will receive an email when your access is ready. You will then be able to configure the rest of the required details for VETtrak.


Configure Your External USI System Resources

Some additional steps to get USI running involves visiting government websites. You will be required to register a myGovID and then link your business within the Relationship Authorisation Manager website.

From there, the process will differ depending on whether you are a VETtrak Hosted Customer, or a VETtrak Local Customer - To help with this, we have created some additional articles to guide any user to successfully setting up the external website requirements for USI! 

View our USI Help Centre articles here:



With these steps complete, VETtrak will be able to utilise full USI functionality provided to your organisation.

For more information on the USI services provided within VETtrak and how to start using them, please see our Unique Student Identifier (USI) Overview article.


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