When a qualification is superseded and a client is transitioned to a superseding qualification, it is required that you report that the enrolment in the new qualification supersedes the enrolment in the old qualification.
In addition, units that were partially completed in the old qualification, and continue in the new qualification, need to be reported as withdrawn in the old enrolment, as do the hours for the same unit in the new enrolment need to be adjusted to subtract the withdrawn hours.
When any Victorian documentation mentions a "Subject" this refers to the Units of Competency (UoC) or Unit, whereas "program" refers to the Qualification associated with the enrolment in question.
As the below steps are regarding compliance-specific requirements, you should always refer to your State Training Authoritiy's guidance on the superseding of Training products and Provider Guidelines.
Refer to the Guide to Superseding Training Products document within VET Funding Contracts page of the Vic.gov.au website for further clarification on reporting requirements.
Importing the Current (new) Qualification
First; create the new qualification in the Qualification Manager if it doesn't already exist by following the steps to either Import Qualifications from TGA or Manually Add a new Qualification.
Modify the Superseded (old) Qualification Status
To allow your Qualification to be reported alongside its Associated Course Identifier (To reflect the prior Qualification); you will need to adjust its Status.
To do this; edit the old qualification in the Qualification Manager and set the status field to Non-current.
This will make the Qualification superseded by field available on the second page of the current wizard, in this field proceed to select the new qualification that supersedes this one.
Adjusting a Student's Enrolment Details to Reflect the Superseded Qualification
For a client's enrolment that needs to be transitioned from an older, non-current Qualification to a new one, you will need to record a Withdrawal for each unit that is Continuing into the new qualification, with the correct number of attended hours applied.
If one or more units have been superseded alongside the qualification, you will need to record a superseded subject outcome with the attended amount of hours attached. You can do this by selecting the relevant outcome within the Withdraw Unit/Module Wizard.
After you have amended the prior enrolment, create a new (or edit a second existing one if you have already done so) enrolment that will supersede the old one and then select the new qualification.
Add the units for the new qualification, including any that are continuing in this superseded enrolment.
On the Victorian State AVETMISS page, the new "Supersedes enrolment" field will list the client's enrolments that have a qualification that is marked as 'superseded by' the qualification associated with this enrolment.
This will also set the new Enrolment's Start Date to the same as it was in the selected Enrolment.
When you click Next, VETtrak then looks for any units on the new enrolment that are withdrawn in the superseded enrolment.
For any that it finds, it will automatically reduce the hours associated with the prior withdrawn units against the current Units if possible.
VETtrak will display a message informing you of the unit hours that will be adjusted when you save the enrolment, or warn you if the data is not available to perform an automatic adjustment.
When you perform your next State AVETMISS generation, the qualification from either
- "Report this Qualification as"
- (or) "Supersedes this enrolment"
within the Qualification Manager; will be reported as the Associated Course Identifier in the NAT00120 for All Units in the superseding enrolment.
Superseding a Single Unit
If you are required to supersede one unit while maintaining the original enrolment, you can use the Superseded subject outcome available in the Withdraw Unit/Module Wizard.
According to the Guide to superseding training products document, available under VET funding contracts, you should set the Finish date to the transition date.
After recording the Superseded outcome for the first unit, you will need to add the new unit. This unit will need a reportable outcome to make Skills Vic aware of the change. The Superseding guide from Skills Victoria indicates that you should record a 70 - Continuing result for new units.