Changing a VETtrak Password

Changing your own VETtrak password

Once signed into the VETtrak system, you can choose to change your Password by expanding the File heading, and selecting Change Password:

This will display the Change Password screen:

  1. Enter your Current Password
  2. Enter your desired New Password
  3. Enter your New Password a second time, to ensure no mistakes have been entered accidentally.

The password entered in here will be required to fulfil all requirements set in the Security Settings in VETtrak.

Press Next and Finish to save these details - you can now sign in using the new password moving forward.


Changing another User's VETtrak password

If you have sufficient VETtrak Security access, you can manage the passwords for other users.

To do this, go to the Manage menu, and select Staff:

Look up the Staff Member you require to change, and select Edit Staff Member by right-clicking the Personal heading:

Press the Next button once to show the Security Access window:

Within this area you can either choose to Set a new password for the client, allowing you to provide a password to someone who may have forgotten, and allowing them to then choose a new password when they next log in:

Alternatively, tick the User must change password at next login to prompt a password update when next the user signs in with their existing password.


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