List of Standard Reports

The Standard Reports within VETtrak can be accessed by going to Report - Standard Reports.




ASQA Reports

ASQA Delivery Data Summary Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, award type, reportability option, organisationNoYes
This report was developed by VETtrak to capture the data from the Table A in the Delivery Data Summary tab of the T1.2 Delivery Data and Student Survey Data template supplied by ASQA to RTO's during an audit.

The method used to capture data in this report is outlined in the Report Logic and Field List Page which can be viewed as an option when running this report. Please read the Report Logic and Field List Page if there appears to be any discrepancies in the data.

This report includes an option to show a breakdown of the numbers by ticking the 'Show Client Names' option.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
ASQA Delivery Data Summary Report by Unit
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, unit, reportability option, qualification, organisation No Yes
This report was developed by VETtrak to capture the data from the Table B in the Delivery Data Summary tab of the T1.2 Delivery Data and Student Survey Data template supplied by ASQA to RTO's during an audit.

The method used to capture data in this report is outlined in the Report Logic and Field List Page which can be viewed as an option when running this report. Please read the Report Logic and Field List Page if there appears to be any discrepancies in the data.

This report includes an option to show a breakdown of the numbers by ticking the 'Show Client Names' option.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
ASQA Enrolment and Completion Data
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, result type, organisation, vet records only NoYes 
Designed to meet the data requirements for one of the spreadsheets of information ASQA requests during an Audit. This will show the following information.
- First and Last name
- Date of Birth
- Student ID Number
- Student Phone Number
- Qualification Code and Title
- Unit Code and Title
- Unit Start and Completion Date
- Delivery Site
- Unit Result
ASQA Student Survey Data Collection Sheet
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, unit, qualification, organisation NoYes 
This report was developed by VETtrak to capture the data from the Student Survey Data tab of the T1.2 Delivery Data and Student Survey Data template supplied by ASQA to RTO's during an audit.

The method used to capture data in this report is outlined in the Report Logic and Field List Page which can be viewed as an option when running this report. Please read the Report Logic and Field List Page if there appears to be any discrepancies in the data.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
ASQA/VRQA Student Records Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
organisation (Multi-RTO only), VET records only, date rangeNoYes 
Designed to meet the data requirements for cancelling registration with VRQA or ASQA. This will show the following information as required.
- family name and first name
- residential address
- contact number
- date of birth
- enrolment/commencement date
- code and title of qualification
- codes and titles of units of competency
- units of competency assessment results
- credentials and date issued.



Attribute Reports

Attribute Cross-Tab Report by Client
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, attribute, date range, client statusYesYes
Displays clients and the attributes that they are assigned to. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the clients down the left, their attributes across the top.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Attribute Cross-Tab Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
 employer, attribute, date range, employer statusYesYes
Displays employers and the attributes that they are assigned to. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the employer down the left, their attributes across the top.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Award Reports

Award Numbers Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, state, issued, award type, date range, organisationYesYes
Displays the number of awards per qualification. This report counts the number of distinct clients and awards then break the number down by certificate, statement and other. You can choose to display details about the awards that are being counted which includes client, qualification, parchment, date recorded, year completed, award type, reportability option, issued, license number, license expiry and employer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Award Register Contact Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, state, organisation, location, award type, issuedNoYes 
Displays details on awards. Includes client name, home phone, mobile phone, email address, usual address, postal address, qualification, parchment, date recorded, year completed, award type, reportability option, issued, license number, license expiry, employer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Award Register Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, issued, award type, state, organisationYesYes 
Displays details on awards. Includes client name, qualification, parchment, date recorded, year completed, award type, reportability option, issued, license number, license expiry, employer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Award Register Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, occurrence id, organisation, issued, state, date range, award typeYesYes 
Displays details on awards. Includes client name, qualification, parchment, date recorded, year completed, award type, reportability option, issued, license number, license expiry, employer grouped by programme.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Class Reports

Class Attendance by Jobactive Provider Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, room, programme, occurrence id, jobactive provider, date rangeYesYes
Lists client class attendance broken down by Jobactive Provider and client. Includes Jobactive Provider, client, class date and time, attendance time, attendance type, attended hours, programme, occurrence ID, occurrence short code, room and staff.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Class Attendance Cross-Tab Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, programme, occurrence ID, status, state, funding source, organisation, divisionYesYes 
Displays occurrence classes and client attendance in a cross-tab format. Includes occurrence ID, programme, occurrence start and finish dates, room, staff members, client name and class dates.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Class Attendance Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, room, programme, occurrence id, date rangeYesYes
Lists class attendance with the option to show the break down of client attendance. Includes class date and time, class hours, class code, programme, occurrence ID, occurrence short code, room, staff, class capacity, client count, ad-hoc count, attended and absent count. The client break down contains client, attendance time, attendance type, attended hours, attendance notes and ad-hoc client.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Class Attendance Report with Agreements
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, room, programme, occurrence id, date rangeYesNo

Displays Programme and Occurrence details, followed by the Class, Units Studied, Terms and Conditions, Trainer Signature, and Clients listed under each Class.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.

Class Roll Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, occurrence ID, staff member, room, programme, division, organisation, display optionsYesYes
Lists clients in a class and provides a space to sign. Includes class time, programme, occurrence id, staff member, room, unit/s, client name, client code.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Class Timetable Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, room, programme, occurrence id, date rangeYesYes
Displays classes and their details grouped by day. Includes class time, programme, occurrence id, staff member, room, no of students, unit/s.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Class Timetable Report by Client
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, staff member, room, programme, occurrence id, date rangeYesYes
Displays classes and their details grouped by client. Includes client, class time, programme, occurrence id, staff member, room, unit/s.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Client Attendance Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, date range, staff member, programme, occurrence, attendance type, roomYesYes
Displays client attendance records broken down by client and attendance types. Includes client, date, time, hours, class code, occurrence short code, occurrence ID and programme.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Client Reports

Client Information Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, client status, enrolments to include, occurrence id, group, qualification, employer, state, primary staff, status, funding source, organisation, divisionNoYes
A report with columns that can be turned on or off to show as little or as much information as needed. Includes detailed client information including the client email, phone numbers, address details and more.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Client QR Code Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Displays a list of clients in a standard card size template containing a QR code. Includes client name, code and QR code. This QR code is designed to be printed and scanned to record attendance in the Trainer Portal.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Mailing Label Report
client, occurrence, status
Displays mailing labels and allows the user to input their own label dimensions. Includes a list of Avery labels to load commonly used label dimensions. Includes client Given Name and Surname and options to include Other Names, Client Code, Usual/Postal Address and Email Address.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Deleted Record Reports

Awards Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays award information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client, award number, award date, award type and qualification.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Clients Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays client information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client name , client code and if the client was flagged as a staff member.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Course of Study Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays VET Fee Help course of study information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client, commencement date and qualification.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Enrolments Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays enrolment information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client/employer, enrolment start and finish date, enrolment type, occurrence ID and qualification.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Invoices Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays invoice information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client/employer, invoice date, invoice number and invoice amount. There is also an option to display the deleted payments from the invoice.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Occurrences Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays occurrence and booking information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, programme/employer, enrolment start and finish date, type, occurrence ID and qualification.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Unit of Study Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays VET Fee Help unit of study information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client, commencement date, qualification, unit of study, census date and completion status.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.
Units Deleted Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays unit information that has been deleted from VETtrak by the VETtrak user. Includes date/time deleted, client, enrolment id, enrolment start and finish date, enrolment type, occurrence ID, qualification, unit, unit start and finish date and unit result.

If you are logged in with a user who has access to a role with permission to view the security features of VETtrak you will also see the user who deleted the record.



Demographic Reports

Clients by Age Range and Gender Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, age range gap, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by age range and gender. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, dob, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Age Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes 
Displays number of enrolments by age. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, dob, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Country of Birth Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by country of birth. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Disability Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by disability. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Employment Category Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by employment category. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Gender Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisation, genderYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by gender. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Indigenous Status Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYes Yes
Displays number of enrolments by indigenous status. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Language Spoken at Home Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by language spoken at home. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Postcode Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by postcode. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by Prior Education Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by prior education. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Clients by School Level Achieved Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, status, enrolments to include, state, organisationYesYes
Displays number of enrolments by school level achieved. Option to display the client names to see details of the counted clients. Includes the client name and code, regn/tcid/cot/trs, enrolment id, status of the contract/enrolment, start and finish dates.

Filter the report by date range, status and type of enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Document Reports

Document Storage Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Client, Date Range, Employer, Entity, Occurrence, Task, Unit,YesYes
Displays details on Documents stored in VETtrak per Award, Client, Employer, Enrolment, Enrolled Task, Enrolled Unit, Invoice, Occurrence, or Payment.



Email and SMS

Sent Email Register
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays Email records much like the sent Email register in VETtrak. Includes client, date sent, sent to, sent from, cc, bcc, email subject, email message text, attachments and sent by user.
Sent SMS Register
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays SMS records much like the sent SMS register in VETtrak. Includes client, date sent, sent to, sent from, message text, sent by user, delivery status, reply message and reply date. The export friendly page will include more columns.



Employer Reports

Employer Information Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, include child employers, date range, client contract/enrolment status, qualification, employer business address state, employer type, employer statusNoYes
A report with columns that can be turned on or off to show as little or as much information as needed. Includes detailed employer information including the employer email, phone number, address and more.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Enrolment Reports 

Client Enrolment Report by Client
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, date range, result type, occurrence ID, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays details on each individual enrolment assigned to a client. It will display 1 page per enrolment and list the unit details for that enrolment including the unit results.

Filter the report by client, date range, result type.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Client Enrolment Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, result type, group, organisation, divisionYesYes
Display details on each individual enrolment assigned to a client where the client is associated with an employer. It will display 1 page per enrolment and list the unit details for that enrolment including the unit results.

Filter the report by employer, date range, result type.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Client Enrolment Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, location, result type, group, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays details on each individual enrolment assigned to a client. It will display 1 page per enrolment and list the unit details for that enrolment including the unit results.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Client Enrolment Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, date range, result type, group, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays details on each individual enrolment assigned to a client where the client/s enrolment has a staff member assigned as defined in the trainer assignment on the prompt page of this report. It will display 1 page per enrolment and list the unit details for that enrolment including the unit results.

Filter the report by client, date range, result type.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Contract/Enrolment Status History Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, status, occurrence, contract, enrolmentYesYes
Displays Status History records per Contract or Enrolment. Includes Client, Enrolment ID, Contract Code, Start/Finish Dates, Occurrence ID, Qualification, and Current Status assigned to the Contract or Enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Contact Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, client status, enrolments to include, occurrence id, qualification, employer, location state, programme, status, funding source, trainer, organisation, division, locationNoYes
Displays client contact information on an enrolment level. Includes the address, contact numbers, email address, basic enrolment details including contract/enrolment start and finish dates, qualification code and name, programme name, occurrence short code and occurrence id. The filters on this report are designed to work for all types of enrolments in VETtrak.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, client status, enrolments to include, occurrence ID, groups, qualification, employer, location state, staff member, status, funding source, organisation, divisionNoYes
Displays enrolment information such as basic client information, detailed enrolment information including funding source, purchasing contract and number of units enrolled/completed.

Filter the report by date range, client status, enrolments to include, qualification, employer, location state, staff member, status, and funding source.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment File Note Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, file note type, qualification, status, organisation, division, contact records to displayYesYes
Displays file note records entered on client enrolments, client enrolled units and occurrences. Includes Client, Enrolment/Unit/Occurrence assigned, Date, File Note Type and Comments.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, qualification, status, enrolments to include, date range, funding source, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of enrolments per employer. The report shows the status of enrolments by individual clients and can also display the client name if you choose.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Occurrence
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, status, date range, state, funding source, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of enrolments per occurrence. The report shows the status of enrolments by individual clients and can also display the client name if you choose.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, status, date range, state, funding source, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of enrolments per programme. The report shows the status of enrolments by individual clients and can also display the client name if you choose.

Filter the report by programme, status, and date range.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, status, enrolments to include, date range, state, funding source, reportability option, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of enrolments per qualification. The report shows the status of enrolments by individual clients and can also display the client name if you choose.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, qualification, funding source, status, enrolments to include, date range, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays number of enrolments per qualification grouped by trainer. The report shows the status of enrolments by individual clients and can also display the client name if you choose.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Pricing Item Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, pricing item status, pricing item, inventory itemYesYes
Displays pricing items allocated to contracts/enrolments broken down by pricing item. Includes client/employer, contract/enrolment, category, pricing item status, ledger, invoice, gst, amount and amount paid. A total is displayed at the end of the report.
Possibly Mismatched Enrolments Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, status, state, enrolments to includeYesYes
Displays enrolments that may be out of 'sync' between the enrolment settings and the settings in the enrolment units/modules.

It may be that this is intentional but this report will identify the enrolments to be checked in case it's unintended.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Event Reports

Client Event Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, event, staff member, date range, event status, contract/enrolment status, client status, qualification, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays events associated with clients. Includes client, event name, completed flag, staff member, start date, finish date, contract/enrolment assigned and description.

Filter the report by client, event, staff member, date range, event status.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Employer Event Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, event, staff member, date range, event status YesYes
Displays events associated with employers.

Includes information on events assigned directly to an employer only. It does not include events assigned to clients under this employer.

Filter the report by employer, event, staff member, date range, event status.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Occurrence Event Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, occurrence ID, event, staff member, date range, event status, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays events associated with occurrences with an option to show enrolled clients who have the associated event.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Trainer Event Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
active staff member, trainer assignment, event, date range, event status, qualification, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays events associated with trainers and other staff types.

Trainers can be associated with an event through the staff member selection in the event itself or through a contract/enrolment assigned to the event. This report is flexible enough to work for both of these situations through using the 'Trainer Assignment' filter option in the top right of the dialog page. This report has the option to show events assigned to an employer and/or clients.

Filter the report by staff member, trainer assignment, event, date range, event status.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



File Note Reports

 File Note Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, file note typeYesYes
Displays file note records for all record types. Includes Type of Record, Record Description, Date, File Note Type and Comments.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Financial Reports

 Aged Receivables Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, records filters, state, client, employer, organisationYesYes
Displays outstanding invoices and enrolments. Includes invoice number, enrolment number, invoice date, invoice due date, last payment date, enrolment start date, enrolment end date, payee and 30 day columns indicating the number of days the invoice/enrolment has been outstanding.
Profit & Loss Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, date range, status, occurrence ID, outstanding onlyYesYes
Displays profit and loss information from occurrences broken down by programme. Includes programme, occurrence, location, attendees, costs, revenue, receipts, outstanding and profit/loss. Also includes an option to show a breakdown of the data.



Invoice Reports

Invoice by Invoice Number or Date Range
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, invoice number, client or employer invoices, payment plan invoicesYesNo
Displays invoices for clients or employers based off the filter options entered. This report matches the right click report 'Show Invoice' but can be run for multiple invoices at a time.
Invoice Item Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, invoice number, client, employer, invoice type, organisation, payment plan invoices NoYes
Displays invoice data on an invoice item level. Includes invoice details such as invoice date, invoice number, invoicee, item amount, amount paid, enrolment details, inventory item and item type.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Invoice Item Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, client, employer, invoice type, organisation, payment plan invoices YesYes
Displays invoice data on an invoice item level. Includes invoice details such as invoice date, invoice number, invoicee, item description, ledger code, item amount, gst, amount adjusted and amount paid.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Invoice Item Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, client/employer invoice, programme, occurrence, organisation, payment plan invoicesYesYes
Displays invoice data on an invoice item level broken down by programme and occurrence. Includes invoice details such as invoice date, invoice number, invoicee, item description, amount, gst, amount adjusted and amount paid.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Invoice Payment Plan Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date Range, Payment Plan StatusNoYes
Displays Payment Plan records per Invoice, including the Client Name, Client Code, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Product, Provider Name, and other various fields.
Invoice Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, client, employer, invoice type, organisation, payment plan invoices YesYes
Displays invoice data on an invoice level. Includes invoice details such as invoice date, invoice number, invoicee, due date, invoice notes, amount, gst, amount adjusted and amount paid.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Invoice Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, client/employer invoice, programme, occurrence, organisation, payment plan invoicesYesYes
Displays invoice data on an invoice level broken down by programme and occurrence. Includes invoice details such as invoice date, invoice number, invoicee, due date, invoice notes, amount, gst, amount adjusted and amount paid.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Invoice Schedule Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment status, schedule rule, client, employer, organisationYesYes
Displays enrolment pricing that is scheduled to be invoiced. Includes client, category, pricing/inventory item, invoicee, ledger, amount, gst, issue date, payment due date, invoice date and invoice number.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



National Reports

National Training Plan (ATF-045)
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
individual, occurrenceYesNo
Displays the National Training Plan ATF-045 template as found on the DESBT QLD web page.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



New South Wales Reports

ACE Quarterly Courses Data Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date RangeNoYes

Lists Client Enrolment records per row against Funding Source Codes 'CSD','CSE','CSR','SLP','TSB', and 'TSS' as per the ACE Data Collaboration Project Data Sharing Manual Version 1.3.

ACE Quarterly Demographics Data Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date RangeNoYes

Lists Client records per row associated with Enrolments against Funding Source Codes 'CSD','CSE','CSR','SLP','TSB', and 'TSS' as per the ACE Data Collaboration Project Data Sharing Manual Version 1.3.

NSW Apprenticeship-Traineeship Training Plan (October 2020)
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
individual, occurrenceYesNo

Displays the NSW Apprenticeship-Traineeship Training Plan October 2020 template as found on the Training Services NSW web page. 

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.

NSW Smart and Skilled Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, staff member, status, region, reportability option, organisation, divisionNoYes
Displays NSW Smart and Skilled Commitment ID information such as basic client information and detailed commitment ID information.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
NSW Smart and Skilled Payment History Report by Region
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, staff member, status, region, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays NSW Smart and Skilled payment history information imported into VETtrak. Includes client, commitment ID, qualification, units enrolled, units complete, invoice number, invoice date, instalment, PD ID, PV approval date, subsidy and amount.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Payment Reports

Holding History Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesYes
Displays the status of holding accounts. This will include payments that are currently in holding as well as payments that have already been transferred out of holding. Includes who made the payment, payment number, holding transfer date, description of the holding entry and the amount. A summary is shown at the bottom of the print friendly page.
Holding Snapshot Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Displays holding accounts that are yet to be applied to an invoice. Includes who made the payment, payment number, holding transfer date, description of the holding entry and the amount. A summary is shown at the bottom of the print friendly page.
Payment Breakdown Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, invoice number, payment number, client, employer, invoice typeYesYes
Displays payment data broken down by the items the payment was distributed to. Includes a large number of columns to display almost all information related to a payment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Payment Breakdown Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, invoice number, payment number, client, employer, invoice typeYesYes
Displays payment data broken down by the items the payment was distributed to. Includes payment number, payment date, payment type, location, payee, invoice number, invoice date, item description, transfer to or from holding, amount and gst. A total is displayed at the end of the report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Payment Breakdown Report by Ledger
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, ledger, invoice typeYesqYes
Displays payment data broken down by the items the payment was distributed to and broken down by ledger. Includes payment number, payment date, payment type, location, payee, invoice number, invoice date, item description, transfer to or from holding, amount and gst. A total is displayed at the end of the report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Payment Breakdown Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, programme, occurrenceYesYes
Displays payment data broken down by the items the payment was distributed to and broken down by programme and occurrence. Includes payment number, payment date, payment type, location, payee, invoice number, invoice date, item description, transfer to or from holding, amount and gst. A total is displayed for each occurrence, programme and at the end of the report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Payment Information Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, invoice typeYesNo
Displays payment data broken down by location. Includes payment number, payment type, payee, payment date, drawer, cheque, bsb, account, card type, credit card, expiry and payment amount.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
 Payment Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, invoice number, payment number, client, employer, invoice typeYesYes
Displays payment data broken down by payment type. Includes payment type, payment number, payment date, location, payee, invoice number, invoice date, transfer to or from holding, amount and gst. A total is displayed per payment type and at the end of the report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Payment Report by Ledger
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, payment type, ledger, invoice typeYesYes
Displays payment data broken down by ledger. Includes payment type, payment number, payment date, location, payee, invoice number, invoce date, transfer to or from holding, amount and gst. A total is displayed per payment type and at the end of the report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Receipt by Receipt Number or Date Range
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, receipt number, client or employer invoices, payment plan invoicesYesNo
Displays receipts for clients or employers based off the filter options entered. This report matches the right click report 'Show Receipt' but can be run for multiple invoices at a time.



Placement Reports

Placement Report by Client
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
client, date range, statusYesYes
Displays details on each individual placement assigned to a client. Details included are host employer, contact, start date, finish date, contract/enrolment, supervisor, wage rate, change rate, hours per week and notes.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Placement Report by Host Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, statusYesYes
Displays details on each individual placement grouped by host employer. Details included are host employer, client, contact, start date, finish date, contract/enrolment, supervisor, wage rate, change rate, hours per week and notes.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Placement Report by Supervisor
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
supervisor, date range, statusYesYes
Displays details on each individual placement grouped by supervisor. Details included are host employer, client, contact, start date, finish date, contract/enrolment, supervisor, wage rate, change rate, hours per week and notes.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Progress Reports

Progress Hours Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, client status, statusYesYes
Displays the number of hours enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted hours per client grouped by employer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Hours Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, occurrence id, date range, status, state, client statusYesYes
Displays the number of hours enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted hours per client grouped by programme.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Hours Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Qualification, Date Range, Client Status, Status, State, Organisation, DivisionYesYes
Displays the number of Hours Enrolled, Commenced, Withdrawn, Completed and Un-resulted hours per Client, grouped by Qualification.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Hours Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, date range, client status, status, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of hours enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted hours per client grouped by trainer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Unit Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, client status, statusYesYes
Displays the number of units enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted units per client grouped by employer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Unit Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, occurrence id, date range, status, state, client statusYesYes
Displays the number of units enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted units per client grouped by programme.
Progress Unit Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Qualification, Date Range, Client Status, Status, State, Organisation, DivisionYesYes
Displays the number of Units Enrolled, Commenced, Withdrawn, Completed and Un-resulted Units per Client, grouped by Qualification.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Progress Unit Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, date range, client status, status, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays the number of units enrolled, commenced, withdrawn, completed and un-resulted units per client grouped by trainer.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Quality Assurance Reports

QA Documents Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date Range, Entity, File Type, Staff MemberNoYes
Lists QA Item records and their associated documents per row, depending on the filtering options selected.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
QA Manager Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date Range, Entity, QA Item Action, Staff MemberNoYes
Lists QA Item records per row, depending on the filtering options selected. There is an option to show the history of records per QA Item. Includes the Date and Time QA Item created, alongside the Staff Member, Entity, Description, Operation, Status, Last Action, Last Action Date, and Last Action User.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Queensland Reports

QLD Payment History Import Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, occurrence ID, qualification, funding source, purchasing contract, status, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays Queensland payment history information imported into VETtrak. Includes client, qualification, enrolment dates, funding source, contract/schedule number, units enrolled, units claimed, amount claimed and more. The report has the option to show the payment breakdown per enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Security Reports

Duplicate Records Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Designed to be used as a data pre-check when migrating database platforms from Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server.

This will show a list of duplicate records for Firebird databases only, including records associated with Attendance Reasons, Clients, Divisions, Elements, Employers, Employer Branches, Events, File Types, Finance Systems, Groups, Positions, Programmes, Purchasing Contracts, Result Types, Rooms, Suburbs, Tasks, Training Packages, and Units of Study.
User Entry Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, staff member, clientYesNo
Displays records in VETtrak that a user has Added or Edited. Key information will display for each type of record.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VETtrak User Access Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, product, login staff member, display optionsYesNo
Displays when a user has logged in and out of VETtrak, Trainer Portal, Student Portal, Progress Portal, VTDocs and Waiter.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



South Australia Reports

SA Payment History Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Client, Date Range, Division, Funding Source, Occurrence, Organisation, Purchasing Contract, Qualification, StatusYesYes
Displays South Australian Payment History information imported into VETtrak. Includes Client, Qualification, Funding source, Contract/Schedule Number, Units Enrolled, Units Claimed, Amount Claimed and more. The report has the option to show the Payment Breakdown per enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
South Australia Training Plan 2022
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
individual, occurrenceYesNo
Displays the South Australia Training Plan template as found on the Skills SA web page.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Staff Reports

Staff Education History Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, group, divisionYesYes
Displays education history records against staff members. Includes staff member name, code, qualification/award, code/year and description.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Staff Report by Credentials
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, credential, credential type, division, staff memberYes Yes
Displays staff members broken down by credentials. Displays credential, staff member, status, start date, expiry date and units.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Staff Report by Deliverable Units
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Staff Member, Unit, Division, Client StatusYes Yes
Displays staff members broken down by Deliverable Units. Displays each Deliverable Unit, Staff Member, and supported Credentials.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Staff Summary Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, group, divisionYesYes
Displays a page for each staff member displaying their staff type, credentials and deliverable units. This report also has the option to include education history records if needed.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Task Reports

Task Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
task, date range, task status, state, status, employer, organisation, divisionYes Yes
Displays clients and the tasks that they are enrolled in. Includes client, enrolment, task, task status, date of status change, start date, completion date, due date, staff, number of units for task, percent and comments for the task. Includes an option to show task status history records as well as units and results associated with the tasks.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Task Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, date range, task status, task, state, occurrence ID, status, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the tasks that they are enrolled in broken down by programme. Includes programme, client, task, task status, date of status change, start date, completion date, due date, staff, number of units for task, percent and comments for the task.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Task Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, task, date range, task status, staff type, state, status, employer, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the tasks that they are enrolled in broken down by trainer. Includes trainer, client, enrolment, task, task status, date of status change, start date, completion date, due date, staff, number of units for task, percent and comments for the task. Includes an option to show task status history records as well as units and results associated with the tasks.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Task Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
unit, result, task, date range, task status, state, status, employer, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients, the units they are enrolled in and the tasks associated with the unit. Includes client, enrolment, unit, task, task status, date of status change, start date, completion date, due date, staff, percent and comments for the task.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Unit Reports

AMEP AVETMISS Fields for Interim Performance Measure
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, organisationNoYes
Designed to match the fields requested by Department of Home Affairs in the 'AVETMISS Data Fields for Interim Performance Measure' spreadsheet. Includes enrolled unit level information for enrolments with a specific funding identifier of 42 Adult Migrant English Program. Only enrolments with a qualification/course selected on the first page of the enrolment wizard will be included unless the qualification filter is used to include all enrolments.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Numbers Report by Unit
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, status, state, funding source, unit, result type, reportability option, organisation, division, enrolments to includeYesYes
Displays the number of enrolments per unit. A breakdown of the different result types are displayed in separate columns. An option to display the breakdown of client records is included to allow the user to see where the numbers are derived from.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Enrolment Units Data Dump Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date Range, qualification, group, employer, location, state, organisation, divisionNoYes
Shows all details for a client, their enrolments and the units listed under them. This report is designed to be exported to Excel (or as a CSV) and for providing all of your data in the one flat file.
Unit Cross-Tab Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, status, result type, unit, state, location, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by employer and qualification. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the clients down the left, their units across the top and their unit result and result dates in the cross section.

Includes employer name, qualification code and name, client name and code, unit code and name, unit result name and result dates.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Cross-Tab Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, date range, status, occurrence ID, result type, unit, state, location organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by programme and occurrence. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the clients down the left, their units across the top and their unit result and result dates in the cross section.

Includes programme name, occurrence ID, occurrence short code, occurrence dates, client name and code, unit code and name, unit result name and result dates.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Cross-Tab Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, status, result type, unit, group, state, location, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by qualification. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the clients down the left, their units accross the top and their unit result and result dates in the cross section.

Includes qualification code and name, client name and code, unit code and name, unit result name and result dates.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Cross-Tab Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, date range, status, result type, unit, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by trainer and qualification. Displays in a cross-tab format that lists the clients down the left, their units across the top and their unit result and result dates in the cross section.

Includes trainer name, qualification code and name, client name and code, unit code and name, unit result name and result dates.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, date range, status, result type, unit, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by employer. Includes employer name, client name and code, qual code, unit code and name, unit result dates, hours and result type.

Filter the report by employer, date range, result type, and unit.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
programme, date range, status, occurrence ID, result type, unit, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by programme. Includes programme name, client name and code, qual code, unit code and name, unit result dates, hours and result type.

Filter the report by programme, date range, result type, and unit.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, date range, status, result type, unit, group, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units that they are enrolled in broken down by qualification. Includes qualification name, client name and code, qual code, unit code and name, unit result dates, hours and result type.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, date range, status, result type, unit, state, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays clients and the units they are enrolled in broken down by trainer. This report can also be used for other staff types. Includes trainer name, client name and code, qual code, unit code and name, unit result dates, hours and result type.

Filter the report by staff member, date range, result type, and unit.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Unit Result Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, result type, client status, status, occurrence ID, employer, state, qualification, unit, organisation, divisionNoYes
Displays clients and the units they are enrolled in. Includes unit result information, funding source, purchasing contract and the unit reportability option to show if the unit is set to report to state, national or not to report at all.

The Last AVETMISS Export Date column is only relevant for AVETMISS generations after VETtrak version 4.4.8 or later.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Upstream Barcode Reports

Upstream Barcode Report by Enrolment
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, client status, enrolments to include, occurrence ID, groups, qualification, employer, location state, staff member, status, funding source, organisation, divisionYesNo
This report lets you generate cover sheets for client enrolments. These cover sheets contain a QR Code that can be used for referencing a client when scanning the document(s) and uploading them to a third party document provider, such as Upstream. The barcode will contain the text 'Administration Documents' which Upstream will recognise as an enrolment level document.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
Upstream Barcode Report by Unit
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, client status, enrolments to include, unit, occurrence ID, groups, qualification, employer, location state, staff member, status, funding source, organisation, divisionYesNo
This report lets you generate cover sheets for individual units in a client's enrolment. These cover sheets contain a QR Code that can be used for referencing a client when scanning the document(s) and uploading them to a third party document provider, such as Upstream.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



USI Reports

Identity Document Deletion Candidate Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
This report shows a list of clients who have a valid USI and have identity document records. If you store identity document information in VETtrak solely for the purpose of submitting USI applications, these identity documents should be deleted from VETtrak, to help meet your requirement to “Destroy any personal information which is collected solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on behalf of a student”.
Invalid USI Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
This report shows a list of clients who are not exempt from reporting a USI, but do not have one entered or the entered USI has not been successfully verified. This list is restricted to clients with a current enrolment, defined by the current date being within the date range of the enrolment.
USI Report by Employer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
employer, USI verify status, status, date range, USI exemptionsYesYes
Displays the client data required to create a USI on behalf of a client broken down by employer. This report will show information on an enrolment level. Includes client personal details, qualification, employer, start and finish dates and location of the enrolment.

The export friendly option will highlight the missing details in red to help easily identify the missing information.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
USI Report by Programme
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, USI verify status, status, date range, USI exemptionsYesYes
Displays the client data required to create a USI on behalf of a client broken down by programme. This report will show information on an enrolment level. Includes programme name, occurrence details, client personal details, qualification, employer, start and finish dates and location of the enrolment.

The export friendly option will highlight the missing details in red to help easily identify the missing information.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
USI Report by Qualification
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
qualification, USI verify status, status, date range, USI exemptionsYesYes
Displays the client data required to create a USI on behalf of a client broken down by qualification. This report will show information on an enrolment level. Includes client personal details, qualification, employer, start and finish dates and location of the enrolment.

The export friendly option will highlight the missing details in red to help easily identify the missing information.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
USI Report by Trainer
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
staff member, USI verify status, status, date range, USI exemptionsYesYes
Displays the client data required to create a USI on behalf of a client broken down by trainer. This report will show information on an enrolment level. Includes client personal details, qualification, employer, start and finish dates and location of the enrolment.

The export friendly option will highlight the missing details in red to help easily identify the missing information.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
USI Status Data Check Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
USI verify status, status, date range, USI exemptions, locationNoYes
Displays data required to create a USI for a client. Missing data will be highlighted in red to help identify missing information.

Filter the report by USI verify status, status, and date range.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports

VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP CAN (Bulk)
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, unit of study, client status, completion status (355), organisation, divisionYesNo
Displays a VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) for VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP records in the same format as the right click CAN report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, unit of study, client status, completion status (355)NoYes
Displays almost all information found in the VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Client Details Wizard, Course of Study Wizard and Unit of Study Wizard.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Fee Notice (Bulk)
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, unit of study, client status, completion status (355), organisation, divisionYesNo
Displays a VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Fee Notice for VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP records in the same format as the right click Fee Notice report.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VET FEE-HELP Invoice Notice Due Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, unit of study, client statusYesYes
Displays clients enrolled into VET FEE-HELP units of study. This report is designed to show clients who are due to be sent an invoice notice and the unit of study that is due to be included in the invoice notice. The date range will default to 14 days in the future through to 14 days after this date.

Includes client, qualification, email address, unit of study, census date, days until census date, course start date and days until course start date.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VSL Statement of Covered Fees
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
course and units of study for a single client, date range, qualification, unit of study, completion status, organisation, divisionYesNo
Displays a Statement of Covered Fees similar to the example in the VSL Manual for Providers under Appendix C – Sample – VET Student Loan Statement of covered fees and Fee Notice.
VSL TCSI Data Reconcile Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, individual, qualification, organisationNoYes

Displays data in a format that can be compared to records in the TCSI system. The purpose of this report is to compare data in VETtrak to TCSI where needed.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.


Victorian Reports

Eligible Clients Missing VSNs
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesNo
A VSN exception report as per VSR business requirement 11.
Prior Education without Recognition Information
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
none YesNo
Shows a list of all clients and their prior education that does not have a Recognition Status entered against it.
Student Contact Hours Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, location, funding source, status, organisation, show client namesYesYes
Displays student contact hour information broken down by funding source, purchasing contract, location, unit and an option to show client names. Includes unit, nominal hours, number of enrolments, total SCH enrolled, SCH reported prior to the date range, SCH reported during the date range, SCH reported after the date range and unreported SCH.

This report uses SVTS like logic to apportion the hours for a Unit/Module and dividing by the number of months of delivery (using the result start and finish dates). The date period may be set to part of a calendar year but cannot span more than one calendar year.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VIC Foundation Skills Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, qualification, funding source, status, occurrence ID, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays Victorian Foundation Skills details. Includes client, enrolment, assessment framework, assessment results and comments.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VIC Payment History Import Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, occurrence ID, qualification, funding source, purchasing contract, status, organisation, divisionYesYes
Displays Skills Victoria payment history information imported into VETtrak. Includes client, qualification, course commencement date, funding source, purchasing contract, units enrolled, units claimed, hours enrolled, hours claimed, amount claimed and more. The report has the option to show the payment breakdown per enrolment.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VIC Workplace Based Training Plan Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
individual, occurrenceYesNo
Displays the VIC Workplace Training Plan template as found on the Department of Education Victoria web page. 

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.
VSN Naming Inconsistency Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date rangeYesNo
A VSN exception report as per VSR business requirement 9. Includes client code, client surname, client given name and VSN.

For a client to be considered by this report the
following must apply:
1. The client has a unit/module result that overlaps the date range
2. The client has a reportable enrolment in a Victorian location.
3. The client is under 25.



Waitlist Reports

Programme Waiting List Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
date range, programme, occurrence, referral sourceYesYes
Displays clients who have been added to a waitlist for a programme/occurrence. Includes programme, preferred occurrence, client, address, home phone, mobile phone, email address, employer, date entered, date last updated, referral source and notes.

Most of the filters are optional. Only select the filters you would like to use.



Web Enrolment Reports

Web Enrolment Records Export Report
ParametersPrint FriendlyExcel Export Friendly
Date Range, Occurrence ID, ProgrammeNoYes
Displays Enrolments not yet processed or rejected in the Web Enrolments Manager. There is also an option to show the logs per Web Enrolment for further information.


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