Certain fields within VETtrak are derived from the National AVETMISS standard and are required to be kept up to date. To do this, VETtrak makes use of a NCVER Web Service to compare your current VETtrak data and import any mission information.
We recommend performing this process whenever a VETtrak version update is applied to your software.
To update your AVETMISS fields, select AVETMISS > Update AVETMISS fields.
- Click the Update VETtrak button and the process will commence.
Optional: Tick Update all records to force a check and update of existing information - A message will be shown before the process begins, alerting you that this process could take some time depending on how much data is required to be imported:
- As the wizard progresses with the update, red text will alert you to what information is currently being imported, while the grid will populate with details relating to the imported data:
- A message will display when the Update has completed:
- You can review the imported details by expanding the right-hand side fields to display more details:
If errors or warnings are encountered during the import, a message will display upon the end of the process:
Fields that contain alerts will be highlighted in the Status column on the left hand side. The field will turn Yellow for a Warning or Red for an Error, and you can expand this coloured box for details regarding the nature of the alert.
Once complete, press Close to exit the wizard.