Creating Invoice Item Templates

VETtrak allows you to set up templates for displaying Invoice Items on an Invoice. This feature can be useful if:

Merge templates are set up in the Configuration Manager, which can be opened by choosing Manage > Configuration from the menu.

  • Expand Merge templates.
  • Right-click Invoice Item templates and choose Add new Invoice Item template.
  • This will display the Merge Template Wizard:

  • Select the Context for your Invoice Item. This will determine what merge fields are available to insert into your message and where the template is available for use.
  • Enter a Name to identify the template.
  • Optionally, enter a Code for the template.
  • Optionally, select a Template Category if you wish to add this to a group of Templates.
  • Optionally, enter Notes about the template. This might include instructions for use, or when and why it was last updated.

Now you can being entering the template:

  • Format your Invoice Item Template into the Template body field.
  • The Field List (for type and context) shows the available merge fields. Double-click a merge field to add it into your template at the current cursor position.

    These merge fields will make use of the data within your VETtrak to populate the template based off the corresponding data you have entered.

    A basic example would be the following template, created to display entered Client Information/Pricing Item Details within VETtrak:

    At the time of generating the Invoice, this item will then be interpreted like so:

    NOTE: A Merge field that has no corresponding data within VETtrak will display as blank within the Template at the time of generation.

Once you are satisfied with the content and appearance of your Invoice Item Template:

  • Click Next and then Finish.


When you send an SMS from the applicable context, you will be prompted to choose between composing an SMS manually and using a template.


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