Fee Exemptions

For Victorian and Western Australian enrolments, it is mandatory to select a fee exemption. Standard fee exemptions for these states are available in VETtrak by default. Fee exemptions are optional for South Australia and you can set up your own fee exemption types.

Open the Configuration Manager by choosing Manage > Configuration from the menu. The Configuration Manager displays an alphabetically ordered explorer tree.


Adding a new Fee exemption

  • Right-click Fee exemptions and choose Add new fee exemption.
  • Expand Fee exemptions, right-click the appropriate state and choose Add new fee exemption.

This will open the Fee Exemption Wizard:

  • Select a State for the fee exemption. This will be preselected if you chose to add the new exemption by right-clicking the state previously.
  • Enter a Code for the fee exemption.
  • Enter a Name for the fee exemption.
  • This fee exemption is no longer applicable/reportable indicates if the exemption should be archived. If enabled, the fee exemption will be added/moved to the Archived fee exemptions branch for the state.
  • The Tuition fee calculation method allows the full tuition fee to be applied, reduced to a concession, or waived. This is important for Victorian and Queensland users to ensure the correct tuition fees are reported.
    • Do not reduce tuition fee will charge the full pricing item amount.
    • Reduce tuition fee to the concession amount will reduce the charged amount to the entered concession amount.
    • Fee waiver will charge a 0 dollar amount for pricing items calculated via this fee exemption.
  • Optionally provide a Description for the fee exemption.
  • Click Next and then Finish.


Editing an existing Fee exemption

  • Expand Fee exemptions and also the relevant state.
  • Right-click the exemption and choose Edit fee exemption.

This will open the Fee Exemption Wizard, where you can make changes.


Deleting a Fee exemption

  • Expand Fee Exemptions and also the relevant state.
  • Right-click the fee exemption and choose Delete fee exemption.
  • Click Yes when asked to confirm the delete.

If an error occurs, the fee exemption has likely been used previously and is included in historical data. In this case, you will need to archive the fee exemption to remove it from active use.


Viewing the fee exemption report

The Fee exemption report lists all the exemptions, including archived, by state.

To show the report for all states:

  • Right-click Fee exemptions and choose Show fee exemption report.


To show only a single state in the report:

  • Expand Fee exemptions.
  • Right-click the relevant state and choose Show fee exemption report.


The report will be displayed in a new tab/window.



Viewing the enrolment report

The Fee exemption enrolment report lists the clients that have enrolments with the selected fee exemption.

  • Expand Fee exemptions and also the relevant state.
  • Right-click the relevant fee exemption and choose Show enrolments report.

The report will be displayed in a new tab/window.

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