- VETtrak Desktop
- VETtrak Desktop
- VETtrak Desktop
- VETtrak Desktop
- Public API
- VTDocs Portal
- Progress Portal
- Student Portal
- Trainer Portal
- VETembark
- VETenrol
- VETsurvey
VETtrak Desktop
Version released May 10, 2024.
- Ready Skills LMS - Training plan not complete unit dates.A 'Transfer dates for not completed units in training plans' setting has been added to the Ready Skills LMS integration configuration wizard. This controls whether existing start and finish dates for incomplete units are included when transferring training plans.
- VIC AVETMISS. Added new VIC AVETMISS validation to NAT130 that Program Supervised Teaching Activity Completion Date cannot be after the Date Program Completed.
- AVETMISS NAT30/30A. An issue causing a NAT30A file to be produced for a Qualification/Course that does not exist on TGA and is set to report enrolments as subject-only, has been fixed.
- VIC AVETMISS - NAT130 Open Menu. An error that could occur in the Generate State AVETMISS Wizard for the VIC NAT130 Open menu, has been fixed.
- Trainer portal attendance preferences. An issue with settings from other modes being preserved, has been fixed.
- Resolve Exceeded Licences Application error. An issue causing an Application when attempting to resolve exceeded licences during VETtrak startup, has been resolved.
VETtrak Desktop
Version released Apr 22, 2024.
- VETtrak feature guides. Fixed an issue with feature guides not scaling correctly with high system DPI.
- Importers - Hints. An issue incorrectly scaling hints in the importers, has been fixed.
- Importers - Status message. An issue incorrectly scaling the status message field for importers, has been fixed.
- Wizard navigation. An issue causing the wizard navigation to incorrectly scale, has been fixed.
- Missing icons. Missing icons have been restored in the importer `Fixed field values` delete column and the enrolment wizard pricing grid to calculate GST.
- Manager scrollbars. The horizontal scrollbar has been restored to various manager and wizards. Notably the client manager:
- QA manager - Changed values. An issue causing all new fields to display even when they haven't been changed, has been fixed.
- QA manager - Scrolling description. An issue preventing descriptions from being scrolled when viewing QA items, has been fixed.
- Payment wizard - Payment type. The payment type has been widened in the payment wizard.
- Empty menus. An issue causing empty menus to appear when no menu items are available, has been fixed. (A menu may be unavailable due to role permissions or data configuration.)Previously, right-clicking on the `Reports to` node in the client manager with no primary manager assigned would produce an empty menu:Now, right-clicking on the `Reports to` node in the client manager with no primary manager assigned displays no menu:
- Enrolment class options wizette. The Enrolment class options wizette has been widened to fit validation messages.
- Results manager. An issue causing an `Error finding results!` message in the Results manager, has been fixed.
- Data Insights - invalid match criteria. A change has been made to Data Insights criteria so that invalid criteria can be skipped by unticking them.
- VIC - Payment history import Commence date.: An issue interpreting the `Commenced` date field in the Vic Payment history import wizard for CSV files, has been fixed.
- Canvas LMS. An issue causing an error when linking an occurrence to a Canvas course with a long name or code, has been fixed.
- Standard report update - View changes. An issue viewing the standard report update changes at the end of an update, has been fixed.
- NSW AVETMISS 85 override. Restored previous functionality that only overrides outcomes with 85 when the start date of the unit is after the current date, and not the end of the generation period.
- Attendance - Edit attendance auto starts units.: Editing attendance from the Programme manager or Data Insights, when recording a positive attendance will now automatically start units if configured to do so.
VETtrak Desktop
Version released Apr 4, 2024.
- ReadyLMS (aNewSpring). - Results transfer. An issue preventing result transfers for the ReadyLMS integration has been fixed.
- AVETMISS filter. An error when applying filters in the generate AVETMISS wizards has been fixed.
- VETtrak startup. An error that produces a "Cannot load GUI preferences no Client ID" message during VETtrak startup has been resolved. This could occur when your MUS has expired or user licenses need reallocating.
VETtrak Desktop
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
User Interface Uplift
The primary focus for this release has been our ongoing User Interface uplift.
Delivering this work has been a very large undertaking, and almost every part of VETtrak has been improved in some way.
Over the past few releases, we have been working feverishly behind the scenes preparing VETtrak for these changes, implementing an improved Programme Manager, and updating menus and trees to support the changes needed to implement these improvements.
In the last few months since our last release, many hundreds of hours have been invested in updating all of the components used within our development systems to utilise the very latest versions that will allow us to incorporate the functionality expected of a modern application. This has necessitated upgrading almost every VETtrak dialog, manager, popup screen, and wizard.
In addition to that, we have upgraded all of the icons used within VETtrak to a modern SVG format, meaning that we can scale images as required without them looking blocky.
We have received a lot of feedback over the years from users who find it difficult to use VETtrak due to the size of the screen components. So based on that feedback, for the first act in our UI Uplift we have decided to tackle screen scaling. In VETtrak 24.2 users can now choose how their screen will be scaled from 100 to 150%.
View Settings Wizard
View Settings Wizard. A new View Settings Wizard has been implemented that will allow users to choose their scaling. On a users first access to VETtrak this wizard will be displayed to the user. Allowing them to be change settings to their personal preference.
Toolbar changes. A new View Settings Wizard toolbar item has been added to enable users quick access to change their personal view settings.
We hope that this new functionality will make VETtrak screens easier to read and use and will help to increase your productivity.
VETtrak feature guides. VETtrak now includes feature guides that walk you step by step through VETtrak features. New guides will be presented to you upon login. You can choose to step through the guide until its completion or skip it entirely. If you want to relaunch a feature guide for any reason this can be done via the View menu `View -> VETtrak feature guides`.
Data Insights - Tree filter. A tree filter has been added to Data Insights to assist with locating queries.
LMS Changes
- Ready LMS - Instructor group management. Added an instructor group management setting to control how instructor groups are managed by the Ready LMS integration. By default, 'VETtrak manages instructor groups' meaning VETtrak creates a group for each occurrence you link to a Ready LMS course and adds staff of the selected staff types to those groups. By selecting 'Manually manage instructor groups' this will prevent VETtrak from managing instructor groups allowing you to manually manage them in Ready LMS.
- AVETMISS override indicators: The Generate AVETMISS wizard will now show a new status "Over" in orange when VETtrak has replaced the outcome for reporting in the following circumstances. This new status can be filtered like warnings and errors.
In NSW and VIC when the unit has a start date in the future, and we report the outcome as Not Yet Started (85)
When the unit has a completed result with an end date beyond the reporting period, and we report the outcome as Continuing (70)
- VIC Payment History Importer. The VIC Payment History Importer wizard has been updated to work with the new SVTS Payment History file layout. When exporting the Payment History Details file from SVTS, ensure the file downloaded excludes GST amounts (use the Export Details to CSV file). NOTE: From VETtrak 24.2 onwards, the old format Payment History file will no longer be supported. If you need to re-import files from the past it will be necessary to download the new copies in the new version format from the SVTS website.
Other Changes
- Staff manager - Staff search personal menu. An issue that caused the staff manager staff search right-click menu to disappear has been fixed. You can now access the personal menu by right-clicking staff in the staff search.
- Staff manager - Selected item information. An issue causing the staff manager's selected item information panel to remain disabled has been fixed.
- Duplicate classes. An issue that would sometimes cause duplicate classes to appear under the Future classes and Today and past classes has been fixed.
- LLN Robot integration. An issue that would sometimes cause an error message when downloading the learner or learner summary reports has been fixed.
- Configuration manager - Tree filter. An issue causing the current filter to clear after adding or editing a record in the configuration manager has been fixed.
- Attendance manager. The old style attendance manager has been removed.
Public API
Public API
Compatibility release for VETtrak
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
VTDocs Portal
VTDocs Portal
Version released May 24, 2024.
- Security: General security updates including updates to third party libraries.
- Bug fixes
- Files:
- Hosted only - Sending files to AWS S3: Fixed an issue where large files (>200MB) were not saving.
- Files:
VTDocs Portal
Compatibility release for VETtrak
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
Progress Portal
Progress Portal
Compatibility release for VETtrak
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
Student Portal
Student Portal
Version released May 24, 2024.
- Security: General security updates including updates to third party libraries.
- Bug fixes
- Files:
- Hosted only - Sending files to AWS S3: Fixed an issue where large files (>200MB) were not saving.
- Resolved issue with Terms and Conditions version id not recording correctly for some file uploads.
- General:
- Fixed minor issues with dashboard widgets.
- Some help article links corrected.
- Recent Classes widget incorrect text when no recent classes to show, help article and tooltip referred to upcoming classes instead of recent classes.
- Files:
Student Portal
Compatibility release for VETtrak
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
Courses page:
Added new 'Progress' tab for each Course on the 'Courses' page
Shows Tasks completed percentage, Units completed percentage and Course delivered percentage
Improved ease of use of 'Courses' page, remembering which courses and tabs were recently viewed.
Trainer Portal
Trainer Portal
Version released May 23, 2024.
- Enhancements
- Employer Manager: Employer manager entity security setting controls display of Employer menu.
- Security: General security updates including updates to third party libraries.
- Bug fixes
- Files:
- Hosted only - Sending files to AWS S3: Fixed an issue where large files (>200MB) were not saving.
- Preview document: In some instances preview was not available.
- File list: A file with missing document information (Created by) prevented full list display.
- Rich text control: Reload issue resolved.
- Summary pages: When scrolling the page headers would become unaligned to the column.
- Calendar subscription timezone: Options updated.
- Files:
Trainer Portal
Compatibility release for VETtrak
Version released Mar 25, 2024.
- Enhancements
- Employer Manager: Added a new Employer Manager.
- Calendar Subscriptions: We have implemented an improvement when subscribing to a calendar in the Trainer portal to allow the user to specify their Time Zone when the URL is generated.
- Bug fixes
- My Students Pagination: We have resolved an issue when searching for students records on the My Students page when applying a filter to the page, that filter would be lost after navigating beyond the first page of results.
- Auto start unit from attendance: We have updated the behaviour when auto-starting a unit from recording attendance in the Trainer Portal to add a note "Result due to class attendance recorded in Trainer portal"
- Auto start units: We have updated the auto start behaviour triggered from the Trainer Portal to update Units recorded as Not Yet Started to Continuing.
Version released June 12, 2024
- Bug Fixes
- Custom Roles: New roles created were missing the ability to View work items.
- Work Item Type: New work item types were not displaying until after re-login process.
- Login: Where a specific URL was not given when loging on you would be falsely navigated to access denied page.
VETembark - version skipped.
Version released June 10, 2024
- Bug Fixes
- Page pagination: navigating to next page does not update information.
- Bulk Note addition: colouring on ticket for internal or to email mixed.
VETembark - version skipped.
Version released May 13, 2024
- Enhancements
- General: Updated code base to the latest version along with updates to third party components.
- Trading name: Ability to add custom trading name as the email text to outgoing email.
eg <trading name> [email protected].au - Roles: View work item role permanently on.
- Bug Fixes
- Individual work item title: Title editing not always updating text from the header or side bar.
- Work item note sending: From name not displaying the correct user's given name and surname on the receiving email.
- Form submission: work item bolded when a form has been submitted.
- About page: casing fixed on version display.
Version released May 29, 2024.
- Bug Fixes
- Push VETenrol Registration ID - Resolved an issue where the VETenrol Registration ID was not being pushed to VETtrak for Rapid Registrations and Post Payment Push transactions.
Version released Apr 30, 2024.
- Enhancements
- Class Display - Standard Enrolment: We have added a new option into Standard Settings-> Occurrence Details-> Do not list trainer on classes. When checked, this will prevent the Staff Member assigned to the class from being displayed on the Standard Enrolment Class display. We also fixed an inconsistency that could occur when Always show list classes with occurrences.
- Bug Fixes
- Always show list of classes with occurrence: We have resolved an issue that caused an error message to display when this setting was enabled when displaying occurrences with classes.
Version released Apr 23, 2024.
- Enhancements
- Discount codes. The Discount Code field in the standard registration process has been adjusted to be positioned before the user selects a payment method, to better display the Apply button with improved support for smaller devices, and also provide a success message when users apply a valid discount code to their registration.
- SA Work Ready. The Student Number step for South Australia has been updated to the Dec 2023 version of the participant agreement and will also allow download of the completed form from the Registration Details (or automatically attached to RTO Notification emails if SMTP details are available). There are also some small improvements to the visual presentation of the step and updates to the options for participants still attending school. RTOs should additionally collect Citizenship details as part of their standard registration process to ensure they can fully assess participants' eligibility.
- Enquiry form fields. Enquiries can now collect Date of Birth. There are settings to enable this feature and to make the field mandatory in the Admin via Standard Settings under the Course Display tab.
- Award verification:
- We have made a change to adjust the display of award details for clarity.
- Consistency changes to support standard settings for breadcrumbs, logo redirect link and display of contact details.
- Support for labelling of Given Name, Family Name and Parchment ID is now available. The default Surname label has been adjusted to Family Name for consistency as this labelling is shared. Labelling changes must be requested through VETtrak Support.
- Bug fixes
- Save for Later. Fixed missing text for Save for Later when returning to a previously saved registration and attempting to save again.
- USI Step navigation. We have resolved an issue on the USI Step Next button being disabled when returning to the step if the No options were selected.
- Access files - multiple VETenrol instances. We have resolved a permissions issue that could prevent access to view/download files for accounts with access to multiple instances.
- Modals in Firefox. We have resolved an issue with unexpected closure of modals when using FireFox (and possibly other browsers) when trying to create or edit a record, particularly on Discount pages and Step Exclusions.
- VIC Commencing Cohort Identifier. We have updated the Admin view of a registration so it will now show NN when that option is created in VETtrak due to the student did not selecting a cohort. The option was previously not working on some VETenrol instances.
- Enquiry page:
- The Register page now supports the Enquiries for inactive programmes standard setting.
- We have resolved an issue with the Enquiry Send button allowing multiple clicks that result in duplicate enquiry records.
Version released Apr 2, 2024.
- Bug fixes
- Pay now (BPoint). We have resolved an issue with the Pay Now link and the BPoint payment gateway where the payment link would not work with that gateway provider.
- VIC Commencing Cohort Identifier. We have updated the Admin view of a registration so it will now show NN when that option is created in VETtrak due to the student did not selecting a cohort. The option was previously not being shown.
Version released Mar 26, 2024.
Purge documents: We have implemented a new purge feature into the VETenrol Admin->Purge PII Data interface. This is a separate process Purge USI Identity data process, which has different requirements.
This new Purge Documents process will allow users to permanently purge documents from the VETenrol file storage bucket. Once deleted it is not possible to recover these files. When documents are deleted a record is saved in the events logs.
Users can choose the date range and the document type, which means for example Identity documents can be deleted separately to other types of documents which may require longer retention periods.
For users who have the VTDocs API configured, this process will NOT delete documents pushed from VETenrol and stored in VTDocs, only the local VETenrol copy will be removed.CRICOS number: We have updated the secure payment process to include the CRICOS number on the secure payment page footer.
RTO Notification: We have added the Mobile Phone number to the RTO Notification. This will be used by customers using Student Convert to trigger updates on their end when a registration has been completed.
Schedule view: We have updated the schedule view to allow courses to be displayed when a Program id is passed as a URL parameter, in cases where that program has been specially excluded from display.
Calendar/Kalendar views: We have added support for price id exclusions for the calendar views.
Parent workflow: We have updated the Parent Workflow process to ensure that a student provides a different email to their own address when nominating the parents email address.
Hide file uploads: We have added in new preferences in the Administration configuration to opt out of requesting file uploads on the Identity step and the Concession step - concessions.
Bug fixes
Pay Now - BPoint: We have resolved an issue that prevented the Pay Now link working on enrolments with deferred payment and using the BPoint payment gateway.
Skills First declaration - Save for Later: We have resolved an issue with the Skills First declaration step where questions were incorrectly populated when a users returned to complete a registration Saved for Later, or during the Parent workflow completion process.
Version released April, 2024.
VETsurvey has had a refresh with a new Admin interface , security updates and resolution of some outstanding issues.
New admin interface
We have upgraded the Admin interface which we have had in testing and limited release for some time. This will be rolled out to all instances when the main VETsurvey update is deployed.Security updates: All components used in the development of VETsurvey have been updated to the latest versions including the database platform. This includes
Survey Report: We have added Section Headings into Survey Report previews and exports to improve the readability.
Survey Summary:
We have added a notation that all times are AEST to survey summaries to clarify for users in timezones outside the eastern states.
We have added a name column to display the students name (where provided) to the Survey Summary page:
Survey Report: We have added Section Headings into Survey Report previews and exports to improve the readability.
Set Survey to Inactive: We have added a new field to allow surveys to be made Inactive, these surveys can now be including in reporting but not visible to students for completing:
Inactive reference items: We have added an ability to make reference list items Inactive. This will prevents these items being displayed in dropdown lists of the front end but retain the records for reports etc. This applies to the Course, Facilitator, Location, Project and Workshop lists.
Bug fixes
Report Export to XLS and Export to PDF: We have resolved an issue where some fields were displayed in survey reports but not included in the exported versions.
Students completing archived surveys: We have resolved an issue where it was possible for archived surveys to be completed by students.