Submitting A Report Request - Dialog Filters

What is a Dialog Filter?

Dialogue filters are options that are provided at the time a report is run in order to better shape the generated data. For example, selecting a date range for a report will ensure that the retrieved information is only relevant to that period.

Requesting a Dialogue Filter on your Report

If you are unsure what type of filter options, we can offer on you custom report please see some example below. These filters are broken down into the following filter types, which are based on common standard filters that should satisfy most use cases:

  • Date Range - A Date Range allows the user to filter on a specific date field, or allow the user to select from multiple date fields in VETtrak to filter the report on. The Date Range can default to a the current year, month, or week.

  • Single Select - A Single Select allows the user to filter on 1 specific record type. These can range from selecting a single Client, entering a single Occurrence ID, or searching for a single Client Enrolment.

  • Multi Select - A multi select box allows the user to select one or many records from a list, such as a Qualifications.
  • Combination - A combination of filters can be requested on your custom report such as the below example to filter on Contract, Non-Contract or Occurrence Enrolments.

  • VETtrak Search Filters- Using the same search engines as available in VETtrak, the following filtering options are also available for use in reports.
    • Client Filter
    • Employer Filter
    • Staff Filter

Note: If you are unsure of what fields are available to query within VETtrak a helpful resource is our online Data Dictionary.

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