Setting Up A Document Database

As a local VETtrak customer, there are some steps that need to be completed in order for you to start making use of a Document Database storage solution for files, including downloading a blank database and connecting your VETtrak software to it.

This document database can then be used to store documents related to your VETtrak data in a central location. For more information see our Linking Documents & Files Within VETtrak article.

Contact VETtrak Support via [email protected] to have these features enabled on your account

Downloading a Blank Document Database

You will need to download a blank database that can be used to store your files. The process required to set up your document Database will differ depending on the database structure you make use of for VETtrak.

You may need to contact your Database Administrator to assist with setting up the blank document database.

  • Firebird database users

    Download the VETtrak Document Database (blank - for Firebird) from the Downloads section in the Support Centre, then extract it into the same location as your VETtrak database, or another suitable location.

    • A common location is in the Data folder where your VETtrak software is installed.
  • MS-SQL database users

    Download and restore VETtrak Document Database (blank - for SQL Server) from the Downloads section in the Support Centre to your SQL Server database server.

Configuring the Database Connection

Go to File > Global preferences and select Document database:


Within this area, you will need to:

  1. Select the type of database you are using for your document database - Firebird or Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Enter the connection information for your document database, including the user details and the location of the database. 
  3. Click Test Now! to test the connection to the database.

With these settings configured correctly, your document database should now be functional and ready to store documents!

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