Process: Sharing Targeted Documents from VETtrak to a Student

VETtrak has the capacity to share documents across the range of its products and features.

A common use of these options is to provide a specific document to a student who can then download and amend the file before uploading it back into your system - allowing both their Trainer to review and your VETtrak Admin staff to oversee.

To do this you will need the document management features of VETtrak set up.

Contact VETtrak Support via to have these features enabled on your account

This article will cover an ideal use of this process - to share a document with a student so they can download and amend the item, then return it to our VETtrak system as a student upload!


For details on sharing Distributed Documents that are available for all enrolled students, see this article.

Linking the Document for Student Access

You can attach a document to many different student-specific data entities, such as the Student's Enrolment, Units, Tasks and even Awards.

In this example with will be using the Units within their Enrolment.

Selecting an item like this will highlight a panel in the bottom right-hand side, known as the Selected item information area:

Within this window, existing documents that have been linked the data will be displayed.

You can then choose to add a document via the Add button:

Pressing Add will display the following Wizard, where you can configure your Document!

In here, you can set up the following details:

  • Link Style determines how the file will be referenced to the data - selecting Doc Db means it will be stored in the Document Database, ready for use!
  • File Typeis a way to categorise the purpose of this upload. Specific Files Types are required for a file to appear in the VETtrak Portal products, including:
    • Trainer Upload
    • Student Upload
  • File Location indicates the original location of the document.
  • Name will default to the name of the file - but can be amended if you wish!
  • Description is an area to add some additional clarifying details regarding the document should you require.

Once configured, press Finish - and the file will now be stored!


Files can also be shared via VTDocs, by searching for a Student and selecting the Enrolment - Simply select the data item you wish to add the document to, and press Add File in the top right!

For a video demonstrating how to use VTDocs, please see here.


Accessing Files in the Student Portal

Once your student has signed into the Student Portal, they can look at files against their learning.

From the main dashboard, your student will want to press the Courses heading to see their enrolments:

Then press the More option under the specific enrolment:

Now they can see all the details of their course!

And, if they locate the Unit that was selected for the file, they can then can press Actions on the right hand side follow by View Files:

...This will display the file you have uploaded!

Your student can now press Download file and a copy will be saved for them to open on their computer.

At this point the student can take whatever action you have directed them to do so - after entering their information, they can save the updated file locally!

Once the student is ready to Upload the document back to you, they can once again open the Student Portal and view their Course.

They can then press Actions on the right hand side of the Unit and select Upload File:mceclip6.png

From here, they can select their edited file to upload - fill out some details and press Start Upload to get the document on its way!

Your student has now submitted the file to be reviewed by their Trainer - and even your VETtrak Admin staff.

Next, let's take a look at how the Document arrives in the Trainer Portal!


Student Uploads in the Trainer Portal

When a Trainer has signed into the VETtrak Trainer Portal, they will immediately see their Dashboard.

If a student has uploaded a document recently, the most direct way to see this item is via the Notifications area in the top right hand side:

Expanding this heading will display the notifications - including details regarding the document that has been uploaded by the student!

Clicking on the notification will display a new window, and provide an area where the Trainer can immediately download the Students uploaded file:

The trainer can then review this item however they need - checking the content or marking what has been submitted if it was an assessment task. If needed they could also choose to contact the student and advise that further work is required.

This concludes the document life cycle across these portals!


Viewing the Submitted Documents within VETtrak

As a VETtrak admin, you can also view the Student uploaded documents within VETtrak itself - they can quickly be viewed in the same Documents area that displays when you click a particular data type:

You can also view a list of related documents by opening the relevant wizard, like so:

In wizards like these, you can see the Document Storage button! Press this.

Within here, you can see all the documents for this data item - Including the ones your students (or trainers!) have uploaded:

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