VIC: Reporting Foundation Skills

To report VIC Foundation Skills, you will need to generate an export file.

To do this, go to Utility > Vic utilities > Foundation skills export:


This will display the VIC Foundation Skills Export Wizard:


  1. Select the Year you want to generate the report for.
  2. Click Generate.
  3. Click Export to generate a CSV file containing the information in the grid.
  4. The Status column will be green if the record is OK, and red if there is an error.
    Clicking the red box will expand it, allowing you to see details of any errors.
  5. Click these three buttons to edit the Foundation Skills, the Enrolment, or the Client.
  6. The grid will display enrolments in the selected year that:
    • have at least one unit with a result, and
    • have Foundation Skills information recorded.



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