VETtrak can be integrated with a web-based system to allow quick and easy deployment of web enrolments for RTOs, such as VETenrol.
In order for an Occurrence to be available online, it must first be published within VETtrak.
This functionality will only work if you are utilising an external web-based enrolment system
To access the publishing tool for a particular Occurrence, right-click the Details heading and select Edit publish options:
This will display the Quick Publish Wizette:
- The Programme that this occurrence belongs to will be shown here.
- The Start-date for the occurrence will be shown
- Within this area you can toggle the Publish options for this occurrence.
- Publish for LMS integration indicates that this option will make the occurrence available for an integrated Learning Management System.
- Publish for online enrolment indicates that this occurrence will be made available for an online Enrolment system, such as VETenrol.
- Auto-process web reservations allows for web registrations to be automatically processed.
- Toggle whether this occurrence accepts Client enrolments, Employer enrolments or both.
Within here, select as many items as required for your publishing options to send the Occurrence to the appropriate online resource.
To publish Occurrences in bulk, you can do so by expanding the Utility menu and selecting Publish Occurrences:
This will display the Publish Occurrence Wizard:
- Select a State to filter a particular set of Programmes, this will then allow the selection of a Programme that you wish to see Occurrences for.
- Toggle whether this occurrence accepts Client enrolments, Employer enrolments or both.
- Relevant Occurrences will display within the bottom section, and each will have a tickbox communicating the available publishing options, as follows:
- Publish for online enrolment indicates that this occurrence will be made available for an online Enrolment system, such as VETenrol.
- Auto-process web reservations allows for web registrations to be automatically processed.
- Publish for LMS integration indicates that this option will make the occurrence available for an integrated Learning Management System.
- Save will apply these options to the Occurrences.