Importing A Course / Qualification From TGA

Importing a Qualification for a Training Package and importing a Course follow similar procedures.

This information is retrieved for import from TRAINING.GOV.AU.

 Importing Qualifications including Units

Only Qualification details are imported from the TGA using this method. If you would like to import units as well, you can find the instructions to do so in our Importing Training Packages from TGA article.

For Qualifications:
  • Expand Training Packages and the relevant package.
  • Right-click Qualifications and choose Import Qualifications from TGA.
For Courses:
  • Expand Course based.
  • Right-click Courses and choose Import courses from TGA.

This will open the Importer Wizard:

The Course/Qualification list will immediately update with a list of items retrieved from TRAINING.GOV.AU.

Note: Only Qualifications related to the selected Training Package will be displayed.
  • The Import column indicates which package is to be imported, by ticking the box
  • Code reflects the Course/Qualification code
  • The Course/Qualification Name displays the full Course/Qualification Name
  • The Type column will detail if the record is considered a Qualification or Skillset

    Note: The Type column does not display within the Course importer option.
  • Status will show details relating to whether the Course/Qualification is considered Current/Non-Current
  • Last Updated displays the recorded date the Course/Qualification was last updated, according to TRAINING.GOV.AU

Note: Within this area you can use the Column Headings to search/sort the returned details - such as the ability to search Courses/Qualifications based off Name or Code, this can be used to efficiently find the Course or Qualification you are after:

Tick the checkboxes in the Import column for each desired Course or Qualification:

Click Import/Update button in the bottom left:

A dialog box will be displayed on completion showing the total number of Courses/Qualifications successfully imported. Click Ok to dismiss the message and close the Import Wizard.

The Qualification or Course will now appear under the appropriate heading in the Qualification Manager.

You can now associate Units or Modules with this item, finalising it ready for students to be enrolled.


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