VETtrak 18.2.0 Release Notes - 27/04/2018

Important - please read this first

USI web service - if you are using any USI functionality in VETtrak, you must upgrade VETtrak to version 18.2.0 or later by 22 July 2018.

  • On this date, the USI office are increasing the security requirements for the USI web service, and versions of VETtrak prior to 18.2.0 will then no longer be able to access the USI web service.
  • The new security requirements require Windows Vista or Server 2008 or later, and require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later installed. Refer to this article for more information on this requirement.

Report updates - you must perform a report update in VETtrak. To do so, after updating to 18.2.0, go to the File menu -> Global Preferences -> Report Preferences -> Check Web For Updates button.

Version 18.2.0 is a major update from 18.1.x and includes database updates. Ensure you have a backup of your database before updating. If at all unsure please contact VETtrak Customer Support on 1800 838 872 or email

The most significant changes are:

Changes in (14/06/2018)

  • WA: TRS number changed to WAAMS number. In WA contracts, the TRS number is now called the WAAMS number. This field can now be between 8 and 10 characters long.
  • QLD: Learner Unique ID in contracts. In QLD contracts, the Contract wizard will now show the client's LUI read-only.
  • Scheduled SMS status. Fixed an issue that could cause an SMS message in the Client Manager to show a status of "Scheduled" even when the scheduled date has passed. When an SMS reply is saved in the Retrieve SMS Replies and Delivery Receipts wizard, the status of the SMS message is now set to delivered.
  • Programme Manager error. The Programme Manager can now be opened successfully if VETtrak has an issue accessing your printer, instead of giving an "access violation" error.
  • Training Plan wizard text. Fixed references to tasks instead of classes in the Info for the "Reassign all units to classes" tickbox in the Training Plan wizard.
  • Canvas LMS connection. Fixed an issue connecting to Canvas LMS if a space is entered at the end of the Client ID.

Changes in (11/05/2018)

  • National generation of NAT30A file.Until now, the Generate National AVETMISS 8 wizard would generate a NAT30A file if reporting any qualifications that do not have "Exists on" ticked. However, NCVER will not allow A-format NAT files to be submitted, thus all qualifications being reported in a national generation must be on The following changes have been made to VETtrak to deal with this:
    1. In the Qualification wizard, the "Exists on" tickbox is now disabled and unticked if "Yes is a VET based Qualification/Course" is not ticked.
    2. The option to generate A-format files has been removed from the Generate National AVETMISS 8 wizard. The wizard will always generate non-A files.
    3. For national generations, any qualifications/courses used by any reportable units or awards that do not have "Exists on" ticked will now not be included in the NAT30 generation, any units reported with such qualifications/courses will have the program identifier cleared out of the NAT120 file, and any awards reported with such qualifications/courses in the NAT130 file will produce a validation error. This change allows you to continue to have "custom" courses that group units together, and have VETtrak automatically clear out those "custom" courses when reporting.
    4. If any qualifications/courses are excluded because they have "Exists on" unticked, a Removed Qualifications Information screen will now appear at the end of the generation, listing the qualifications/courses that were removed from the NAT30 generation. If any of them are listed on, you can easily fix this by using the button to open the Qualification wizard to edit the qualification/course, tick "Exists on", save, and re-generate the files.
    5. If you frequently use "custom" courses to group units, and do not need to see the information screen any more, you can untick the new "Warn when excluding qualifications/courses not on" option in the Generate National AVETMISS 8 wizard. The last setting used is remembered.
  • For more information on this, refer to this article.
  • WA Enrolment Export course fee calculation. If you have recorded enrolment-level tuition fees in WA enrolments, the WA Enrolment Export wizard will now divide them among the reported course fees for the units based on the proportion of the unit's hours, instead of splitting them evenly across the units. Any hours for any units with a Credit Transfer result, Did Not Start result, or fee exemption F or V, are excluded from this calculation, as such units always report a $0 course fee.
  • Staff and type grid. In the Enrolment Staff and Contract Staff fields, you must now select a staff type and staff member when you tick "Pri" (primary) on that row.
  • Contract wizard TAS fields. In the Contract wizard in Tasmania, the "Trg Agmt No" has been renamed to "Regn No", and the "Trg Agmt Client ID" renamed to "Trainee ID".
  • Send email template with delay. An issue that could cause the email template merging to not work correctly if you have configured a "Number of milliseconds to wait between sending each email", and you click the recipient list during sending of emails, has been fixed.

DebitSuccess payment plan integration

The Payment Plan Add-on can now use DebitSuccess, in addition to the existing Ezidebit integration. This allows you to create automated payment plans to collect regular invoice payment instalments from students, utilising the DebitSuccess service. Functionality includes:

  1. Configure VETtrak's connection to your DebitSuccess account.
  2. Create a new payment plan for a VETtrak client invoice into DebitSuccess. Email a link to the student to open their pre-filled payment plan form and allow them to enter their payment details (bank account or credit card). You can allow students to adjust the payment frequency and start date to suit them, with the amount automatically pro-rated.
  3. Confirm which payment plan forms have been completed by students.
  4. Make adjustments to and cancel payment plans.
  5. Download information about payments collected from the student by DebitSuccess and record them as payments against the VETtrak invoice.
  6. Send updated student details from VETtrak to DebitSuccess.

The DebitSuccess integration is currently being trialled by selected users. If you are interested in using DebitSuccess and VETtrak to manage your payment plans, please contact VETtrak.

Assess2Educate integration

Assess2Educate (A2E) is a tool that can help you identify a student's commitment to a course and help you improve completion rates through targeted intervention. Functionality includes:

  1. Configure VETtrak's connection to your Assess2Educate account.
  2. Create assessments for client enrolments individually or in bulk. Send an email to the student with a link to the assessment form that they complete. Students can also access the assessment form via the Student Portal.
  3. Download assessment results from Assess2Educate into VETtrak.
  4. VETtrak shows the most recent assessment rating and stage for the student in the Client Manager and Trainer Portal.

VETtrak has partnered with Esher House to provide this service. Contact VETtrak for more information about Assess2Educate or to sign-up for the service.

Foundation Skills add-on improvements

The following enhancements have been made to the Foundation Skills add-on.

  1. Individual Pathway Guide (IPG) assessments. Record multi-stage IPG assessment details, and overall IPG details for the client. Many lists of options can be customised in the Configuration Manager.
  2. ACSF assessment importer. A new wizard has been added allowing you to import ACSF assessment results into Foundation Skills records in VETtrak.
  3. Childcare arrangements. You can now record an overall childcare arrangement record, and later record individual childcare sessions into the arrangement.
  4. Data Insights. You can now retrieve and query on Foundation Skills information in Data Insights.
  5. Removed extension file. The Foundation Skills feature no longer requires separate extension files to be downloaded and installed, but it still requires activation in your registration key.

AVETMISS changes

  1. USI exemption code SHORT. VETtrak will now show an error in the NAT80 if you try to report a client with a USI exemption of SHORT, as this exemption is no longer valid in 2018.


  1. Bulk VIC PUSH/PSTACD update. This wizard now allows you to filter and group columns, to make it easier to select groups of enrolments to update. When you press the Bulk header, only rows that are currently visible in the filters and groups will have their tick toggled. In addition, you can now turn on columns to show the enrolment's occurrence ID and/or code.
  2. Generate program commencement date. When the Generate AVETMISS wizard is automatically populating missing program commencement dates, it will now not include any units that have a non-reportable result when determining the earliest unit start date.

New South Wales

  1. Activity period. NSW has changed the activity periods from calendar years to financial years. "4" now means the first half of 2018, "5" means the 2018/19 financial year, etc. This new logic is now reflected in VETtrak.

South Australia

  1. Claim XML files. State Development SA no longer require the claim XML files, so the functionality to produce these has been removed from VETtrak. Additionally, because these were only used for the claim XML files, the Contract wizard has been changed so that the Vocation field is no longer mandatory in SA, and the SA on/off job page no longer shows for new SA contracts.

Western Australia

  1. Outcome 61. The WA Enrolment Export wizard can now export units with an outcome of 61 (Superseded subject).

Australian Capital Territory

  1. Funding source updates. The list of funding sources for ACT has been updated. VETtrak now allows multiple funding sources with the same code in the same state, as long as they have different national funding sources, to fully support the ACT funding source AAP "Australian Apprenticeships".

Client changes

  1. Advanced client search. A new advanced search tickbox has been added to the client search panel. Ticking this shows a pop-up where you can search for clients by any combination of surname, given/preferred name, former surname, date of birth, email address, home phone and mobile phone. Searching for phone numbers will ignore any spaces, brackets or hyphens in the number.
  2. Search by USI. An option to find a client by their full USI has been added to the search type drop-down in the client search panel.
  3. USI display. The Client Details panel in the Client Manager will now show the client's USI, as well as the USI verification status.
  4. Multiple external codes. You can now assign multiple external codes to a client, so a client can have different external codes for different external systems (at most one code per system). You can create External Systems in the Configuration Manager. The external codes field in the Client Personal wizard is now a drop-down to show a grid that allows you to specify a separate external code for any of the external systems you have set up. One can be marked as primary. When searching by external code in the Client Manager, all the client's external codes are searched. Client external codes are accessible in Data Insights. One external system is marked as default - this is the external system used when setting a client's external code via the Client Importer or API.
  5. Make username match client code. A new "Set username to match client code when creating new clients" tickbox has been added to the Client tab in General Preferences. If ticked, when creating clients, the client's new username will be defaulted to match the new client's code.
  6. Client employment termination date. The Client Employment wizette will now show an error if the client employment record is active but the termination date is in the past.

Occurrence changes

  1. Waitlist in occurrences. A new Waitlist node is now available for occurrences in the Programme Manager. This allows you to create waitlist entries for clients, without using the Waiter application, and optionally associate them with a particular occurrence. This is a simple way to associate a client with an occurrence without having to create a whole enrolment. You can edit and delete waitlist entries, and move them from one occurrence to another in the same programme. You can also now add, edit, and delete waitlist entries for programmes in the Configuration Manager, as well as edit them in the Client Manager. You can send email or SMS for an individual waitlist entry or for all waitlist entries in an occurrence or programme. When enrolling into an occurrence from the waitlist, two tabs separate the clients waiting for this particular occurrence, from those waiting for other occurrences in the programme, and you can select a mix of clients on both tabs to enrol.
  2. Occurrence class attendance. The Occurrence Class Attendance wizard has been replaced by a brand new version, that makes it quicker to record variations of attendance. This wizard shows all the existing client attendance in the class in a grid at the bottom, and you can modify any of the attendance individually in the grid if you wish. To make it easier to assign similar attendance to multiple clients, you can tick "Fill" for the attendance rows you wish to change, and use the fill-down functionality at the top of the wizard to fill-down a selected individual field value, or all field values, to all attendance rows that have "Fill" ticked. A "Bulk select" button presents some common options to allow you to set the "Fill" ticks in bulk. A "Clear ticked rows" button allows you to clear/delete the attendance on all rows with "Fill" ticked.
  3. Show class attendance report. The Occurrence Class Attendance wizard has a new tickbox to "Show class attendance report" on the last page. Ticking this will run this report to show the attendance after your changes.
  4. Link units and classes. A new "Link units and classes" option is available when right-clicking the Units/Modules and Classes nodes in the Programme Manager. Selecting this shows a new Link Occurrence Units and Classes wizard that has a grid of all classes and all units in the occurrence, with a tickbox for each combination, and allows you to easily link or unlink units and classes by toggling the tickboxes.
  5. Link units to classes from training plan. A new "Reassign all units to classes based on the planned dates of the training plan" tickbox has been added to the last page of the Training Plan wizard for an occurrence. Ticking this will change/replace the links between all units and classes in the occurrence so that any classes that overlap the training plan date range of a unit will be linked together, and those that do not are not linked together. VETtrak will show the Link Occurrence Units and Classes wizard so you can review the proposed links and make adjustments (note though that those manual adjustments will not be retained if you tick the box again in future). This is useful if you make extensive use of training plans for occurrences and want it to reflect in the unit/class links, especially if you are using the Trainer Portal.
  6. Bulk update occurrence dates. When querying for Occurrences in Data Insights, you can now perform the "Update dates" bulk action. This has an additional tickbox to "Update all active enrolments in the occurrences to the same dates". This allows you to change the start and/or end date of all the selected occurrences, and optionally all the active enrolments in them by ticking the box. This is particularly useful for extending out the end date of occurrences and the enrolments in them.
  7. Auto-commence unit after attendance warning. If the "Automatically start units in class when recording attendance" preference is on, and the class is outside the date range of the enrolment, the Attendance wizards will now show a warning message that the units will not be automatically started.
  8. Duplicate class. When you are duplicating a class and have a "Copy clients" action of "Enrolment" selected, only clients whose occurrence enrolment has an active-type status are added to the new class.
  9. Sorting. You can now correctly sort the "Class start" and "Class finish" columns in the Delete Occurrence Classes wizard. The Occurrence Results wizard now shows the last result type at the start of the "Last result" column, instead of at the end of the "Client" column, so you can sort the grid by last result type.

Enrolment/unit changes

  1. Unit expected duration. You can now set an expected duration in days against units in the Unit wizard. If this is entered, when entering a start date for a result or training plan entry for the unit, and the finish date has not been entered, the finish date will be automatically calculated and set based on the start date and expected duration. This may be particularly useful for units that you normally deliver in one day. The Trainer Portal will also use this to default the finish date when recording results.
  2. Update enrolment end date when completed award recorded. A new tickbox to "Update end date of enrolments linked to award to the date completed" has been added to the Result, Unit and Award Preferences. If ticked, when an award is added or edited, and a "date completed" is entered, the end date of all enrolments linked to the award are automatically updated to the award's "date completed".
  3. Extend start dates of 85 outcomes. If you are using 85 "Not yet started" results, you can now use the Extend Unit Dates wizard to find any units with this result and with a start date in the past, and extend the start (and finish) dates forward into the future.
  4. Extend unit dates effective date. The Extend Unit Dates and Extend NSW Unit Dates wizards now allow you to choose the date to use to find units, which defaults to today.
  5. Contract wizard. The fields on the first page of the Contract wizard have been rearranged to make it flow more like the corresponding page on the Enrolment wizard. The "Award" field has been renamed to "Industry award".
  6. Results record award. An issue that caused some "Record award" tickboxes to be available on the Finish page in various record result wizards when the user doesn't have access to add awards has been fixed.
  7. Award wizard unit count. The Award wizard will now show a count of how many units have been selected on the unit selection page.
  8. Remove NAC. All references to "NAC" (New Apprenticeships Centre) in labels have been replaced by "AAC" (Australian Apprenticeships Centre), as the former no longer exists.

Finance changes

  1. Invoice an enrolment. A new "Create invoice" option has been added when right-clicking a client or employer enrolment. This is a handy shortcut that opens the Invoice wizard to create an invoice for the client or employer that owns the enrolment, and automatically opens the Invoice Item wizard and selects that enrolment, so you can immediately add selected pricing items in that enrolment to the new invoice. You could then search for and add additional items. The "Record payment" menu option when right-clicking an enrolment has been removed, and replaced with a new tickbox to "Record payment for invoice" at the end of the Invoice wizard - if ticked, this will open the Payment wizard to add a new payment for the invoice.
  2. Invoice employee enrolments. You can now invoice pricing items that are on employee enrolments (within employer enrolments) in all the same ways that you can invoice client enrolments. This includes "Create invoice", "Auto create invoice", you can select them when adding items to an invoice, and you can create and generate invoice schedules for them.
  3. Invoice client enrolments by employer. A new option to add "Client enrolments by employer" has been added to the Invoice wizard. This allows you to search for an employer and select a client enrolment to invoice that has that employer assigned to it.
  4. Add to invoice and stay open. A new "Add to invoice and stay open" button has been added to the Invoice Item wizard when adding client enrolments by client or employer, contracts by client or employer, or employer enrolments/bookings, to an invoice. Pressing this will add all the ticked pricing items to the Invoice wizard, and remove them from the grid, but keep the Invoice Item wizard open where it was, so you can easily select another enrolment, or perform another search, and add more pricing items to the invoice.
  5. Default payment type. You can now set a payment type as default in the Configuration Manager. This payment type is selected by default in the Payment wizard when adding a payment.
  6. Invoice paid by invoicee. The "Paid by client" tickbox in the Payment wizard has been renamed to "Paid by invoicee", and is now also available when creating a payment (not just when editing a payment).
  7. Archived merge templates. Invoice item merge templates that have been archived no longer appear in the merge template list in the pricing grid, unless you are editing an enrolment or contract that is already using that archived merge template.
  8. Credit terms for exported invoices. The "Credit terms" field is now disabled, as per the other fields, when editing an invoice that is marked as exported.
  9. Setup Invoice and Receipts editor. The Setup Invoice and Receipts wizard now has a full editor allowing you to more easily edit the standard invoice and receipt header and footer.

Event/attribute changes

  1. Attribute alert improvements. Any enabled attribute alerts will now show whether adding or editing the applicable record type. You can now set attribute alerts to show when recording a training plan, and when recording results.
  2. My upcoming events. The dashboard now shows events that start today or in the future, and have the staff member set to the logged-in user. You can double-click an event to edit it, and use the button in the top-right corner to refresh the list. This display is limited to the next 10 client events and next 10 employer events for the staff member.
  3. Duplicate events. A new option to duplicate event has been added when right-clicking an event. This opens the Event wizard pre-populated with all the details from the duplicated event (except Complete will be unticked). You can adjust any fields as needed, and pressing Finish will create a new event. This option is available for client events, employer events, occurrence events, and events in profiles.
  4. Assign events linked to staff member. You can now right-click the "Events (linked to staff member)" node in the Staff Manager to create client or employer events, with the staff member in the Manager selected by default.

Email/SMS changes

  1. Email and SMS merge template categories. If you have a large number of email or SMS merge templates, you can now put them into user-defined categories to make them easier to find. New right-click options have been added to the Email and SMS nodes within the Merge Templates node in the Configuration Manager to add, edit and delete merge template categories. Email and SMS have a separate list of categories. You can then assign a merge template to a category in the Merge Template wizard. When selecting a merge template to use in various wizards, if any of the merge templates applicable to the merge type and context are assigned to any categories, an additional drop-down appears allowing you to select the category to filter the list of merge templates by. Any merge templates that have not been assigned to a category are treated as "Uncategorised".
  2. 1st class staff merge fields. The Occ Enrolment and Waitlist merge contexts have had these merge fields added to allow some information about the staff member assigned to the 1st class in the occurrence to be merged: 1stClassStaffSurname, 1stClassStaffGiven, 1stClassStaffEmail and 1stClassStaffMobile.
  3. Client detail merge fields. The Enrolment, Occ Enrolment, Waitlist, Class, Attendance and Award merge contexts have had these merge fields added to allow details about the client to be merged: DateOfBirth, Email, EmailSecondary, Mobile, MobileSecondary, HomePhone, WorkPhone, UsualAddrStreet, UsualAddrSuburb, UsualAddrState, UsualAddrPCode, PostalAddrStreet, PostalAddrSuburb, PostalAddrState and PostalAddrPCode.
  4. URL merge field hyperlinks. When adding the URL merge fields PayPlanEddrUrl or A2EAssessFormUrl to a merge template, they will now be automatically added as hyperlinks.
  5. Accept SMS replies. A new "Accept SMS replies by default for non-template messages" tickbox has been added to SMS Preferences, to control whether "Accept replies" is ticked by default when sending non-template SMS messages.
  6. Large merge template warning. The Merge Template wizard will now show a warning message if your merge template is large (eg. if it contains large high-resolution images), as this could cause out-of-memory errors if sent to a large number of recipients.
  7. Throttle email sending. A "Number of milliseconds to wait between sending each email" preference has been added to Email Preferences, allowing you to introduce a delay between sending each email, if your email server has a limit.
  8. Report scheduler email. The Report Schedule Item wizard will now show an error if the selected merge template does not have a subject entered. More error information is now included in the log if email sending fails.

Data Insights changes

  1. MUST NOT match criteria. A new "Include MUST NOT match criteria" tickbox has been added to the bottom of Data Insight queries. Ticking this shows an additional criteria panel where you can specify criteria that must not match in order for a record to be found. This is useful to find, for example, clients that do not have a particular type of event etc.
  2. Bulk replace enrolment staff. A new "Replace enrolment staff" bulk action has been added to Data Insights when running Client Enrolment queries. This allows you to replace all staff associated with the selected enrolments with the new set of staff you specify.
  3. Client referral source. The "Referral source" relationship is now available in the "Client" table, allowing you to access the client's referral source.
  4. Contact records. You can now access contact records for enrolments and enrolled units in Data Insights. The ability to run the Enrolment Contact Record report in bulk when querying client enrolments has been added.
  5. Querying issues. An issue causing queries for contracts to not find any contracts that were created from profiles has been fixed. An issue with the "Invoice item" relationship in the "Enrolment pricing" table has been fixed. An issue causing the "Web published/Privacy release signed" field in the "Client" table to show the opposite value has been fixed.
  6. Bulk update field to not stated. An issue preventing some fields from being able to be bulk updated to a "Not stated" value has been fixed.

VET Student Loans changes

  1. TFN lookup file. The VET Student Loans Exporter wizard now allows you to export the Tax File Number Lookup (TL) file.
  2. Course of study organisation code. The organisation code column has been removed from the organisation grid in the VET Student Loans Course of Study wizard (in the Qualification Manager), as this was confusing.
  3. Edit client details after deleting. The ability to edit existing VET Student Loans client details is now available even after deleting all the client's courses of study
  4. eCAF integration TLS 1.2. The eCAF integration will now use TLS 1.2, as eCAF will be removing support for older versions. This means you must be running Windows 7 or later for the eCAF integration functionality to work.

Web portal changes

  1. Location web link. New fields for "Web portal link title" and "Web portal link URL" have been added to the Location wizard. The portals can show this link when showing details about the location.
  2. iCal calendar subscription. A new "Allow iCal calendar subscription" preference has been added to both Student Portal preferences and Trainer Portal preferences. If ticked (as it is by default), users in the portals can subscribe their calendaring application to show applicable events and classes from VETtrak in their calendar. Click here for more information about this feature.
  3. Security changes. A new "Client details" entity is available in Trainer Portal roles - this controls trainer's access to view/edit personal details of students in the Trainer Portal. The "Waitlist" entity is now available in Student Portal roles - this controls student's access to their waitlist entries in the Student Portal.

Other changes

  1. Digital signature. The VETtrak applications are now digitally signed to certify that they are published by VETtrak Pty Ltd and have not been modified since being signed.
  2. Firebird database backup/restore. VTConfig.exe has new tabs allowing advanced users to backup and restore your VETtrak database, if you are using Firebird. Note that restore can only restore to a new database file, so that your existing database is not lost if the restore fails.
  3. Backup type. The Standard/Advanced options have been removed from the Backup wizard. VETtrak will always do an advanced backup if you are using Firebird Server, or a standard backup only if you are using Firebird Embedded.
  4. Read-only mode after subscription expiry. If your VETtrak subscription expires, VETtrak will now allow you to log in, but you will be restricted to read-only access. This allows you to obtain your data using AVETMISS generations and reports even after your subscription has expired.
  5. Usage summary data upload opt-out.VETtrak will perform small weekly background uploads of summarised information about how VETtrak is being used. This consists of:
    1. Count of how many times each VETtrak screen has been opened during the week
    2. Count of logins to each VETtrak application during the week
    3. Count of Assess2Educate assessments created during the week
    4. Count of CRICOS CoEs active during the last month (once per month)
    5. Count of web enrolments processed during the last month (once per month)
    6. Count of units started per month for the last 24 months (only occurs when performing a major database version upgrade)
  6. Each upload also includes your organisation name, and the type, version, name and location of your VETtrak database.

    This information allows us to identify VETtrak functions that are most commonly used, allowing us to better target future development of the product and assess the impact of making future changes to the product. The VETtrak Support Team can also use this information in order to provide you a better support service.

    No personally identifiable information, such as information about your students, staff or training, is uploaded. This information is used solely by VETtrak Pty Ltd and is not shared with any other organisation.

    You can opt-out of this usage summary data upload by unticking "Enable usage summary data upload" on the General Preferences page. This will disable all usage data uploads, but the software will still inform us when you upgrade to a new major VETtrak version.

  7. Proxy server NTLM Windows authentication. If you configure a proxy server in VETtrak with NTLM authentication, and leave the username and password fields empty, VETtrak will now use the logged-in Windows user's account to authenticate with the proxy server.
  8. USI web service security. The USI web service now uses TLS 1.2 for additional security. This requires you to have .NET Framework version 4.5 or later installed on machines that run VETtrak, which requires Windows Vista or Server 2008 or later. In addition, VETtrak now uses version 1.3 of the VANguard STS, which offers a higher encryption standard, instead of version 1.2. Refer to this article for more information on this requirement.
  9. Error with archived records. An "InactiveQ: Parameter ITEM_ID not found" error that could occur when opening a wizard to edit a record that has an archived attendance type, attendance reason, class type or visa type selected has been fixed.
  10. Report this qualification as code. The "Report this qualification as" field in the Qualification wizard now shows the qualification's code.
  11. Expand enrolments in Qualification Manager. Enrolments under a qualification or unit in the Qualification Manager can now be expanded to see all details of the enrolment.
  12. Moved preferences. The "Default custom report path" preference has been moved from the General Preferences page to the Report Preferences page. The "Automatically link enrolments" preference has been moved from the General Preferences page to the Adding tab on the Programme Preferences page.
  13. Security Manager changes. The "Bookings" feature in the Security Manager has been renamed to "Bookings/Employer enrolments", to make it more obvious that it contains employer enrolment entities as well. The "Item description" panel in the Security Manager is now enabled (but still read-only) to make it more obvious that it contains useful information.
  14. NZ changes. An "Abstract Error" that can occur in the NZ preferences page has been fixed. An issue with the NZ fields when resizing the Client wizard has been fixed. An error that occurs when starting the NZQA Exporter in the Programme Manager when in list view has been fixed. "ESAA" has been relabelled to "ESL".

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