VETtrak 18.1.0 Release Notes - 3/01/2018

Important - please read this first

Product updates - if you are using any web portal product (Trainer Portal, Student Portal, VTDocs Portal or Progress Portal), the VETtrak API, Products API, or any products that use the VETtrak API such as VETenrol, you should also update these products to the new versions for VETtrak 18.1.

VETtrak API security changes - security rules in the updated VETtrak API for 18.1 have been tightened. If you are using VETenrol, or if you have third-party products using the VETtrak API to integrate with VETtrak, these may require updates to work with the new version of the VETtrak API for 18.1. For details, refer to the VETtrak API Security Changes for VETtrak 18.1 article.

Report updates - you must perform a report update in VETtrak. To do so, after updating to 18.1.0, go to the File menu -> Global Preferences -> Report Preferences -> Check Web For Updates button.

Version 18.1.0 is a major update from 17.3.x and includes database updates. Ensure you have a backup of your database before updating. If at all unsure please contact VETtrak Customer Support on 1800 838 872 or email

The most significant changes are:

Changes in (7/03/2018)

  • Disallow both reportable certificate and statement. The Award wizard will now show a validation error when recording a reportable certificate or statement if there is already a reportable certificate or statement for the same client, qualification and year of the date completed.
  • Occurrence awards parchment numbers. Fixed an error that could occur when manually entering parchment numbers into the grid when creating awards for an occurrence.
  • Occurrence awards unit linking. Fixed an issue that could cause some valid units not to be linked when creating awards for an occurrence when some of the enrolments don't contain some of the selected units.
  • Saving enrolment with Embedded Firebird. Fixed an error that occurs when saving an enrolment when using an Embedded Firebird database.
  • Recalculate Enrolment Pricing error. Fixed an error that occurs when performing a search in the Recalculate Enrolment Pricing wizard when "Use enrolments from last AVETMISS generation" is ticked.
  • Qualification wizard level of education. The "Level of education" field in the Qualification wizard is no longer disabled and automatically set to "Statement of Attainment not Identifiable by Level" (991) when a "Recognition status" of "Nationally recognised skill set" (13) or "Locally recognised skill set" (16) is selected, as this rule only applies in VIC.

Changes in (19/02/2018)

  • No entry in NAT120 for NAT130. In Generate AVETMISS, the "There is no entry in the Nat 120 for this client and qualification combination" error in the NAT130 has been changed to a warning, since this is allowed if the units were reported in a previous year.
  • VIC no entry in NAT120 for NAT130. In Generate State AVETMISS for VIC, if there is no unit being reported in the NAT120 for an award reported in the NAT130 with a completion date within the reporting period, instead of reporting an error, VETtrak will now look back at the units for enrolments linked to the award to determine the program commencement date and other enrolment-level information.
  • VIC program status 25. A new entry "Student successfully achieved intended outcome" (25) has been added to the Program Enrolment Status drop-down in the Enrolment wizard in VIC.
  • WA CT and RPL delivery mode. An issue causing the not-applicable delivery mode for Credit Transfer and RPL units to be reported as "N" instead of "Z" in the WA Enrolment Export wizard has been fixed.
  • Booking pricing occurrence information. An issue causing occurrence and Programme-related information to not be merged into invoice item merge templates used for booking pricing has been fixed.

Changes in (8/02/2018)

  • Outcome 85.Some changes have been made to better support the new outcome 85 "Not yet started", if you choose to use it:
    • Start date in the past. Generate AVETMISS 8 will now check in the NAT120 file if you have an outcome 85 with a start date in the past. This is an error for VIC, and a warning for national and all other states.
    • Ending in future reporting period. In the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS 8, any unit with an outcome of 85 that finishes in a future reporting period is no longer translated to outcome 70.
    • VIC units starting in future. In the NAT120 file in Generate AVETMISS 8, for VIC only, any unit that has a start date in the future will be reported with outcome 85.
    • Attendance starting units. When recording attendance that starts units, it will now also start any applicable units that have an outcome of 85.
    • Tasks starting units. When recording task activity that starts units, it will now also start any applicable units that have an outcome of 85.
    • Canvas LMS starting units. When downloading results from Canvas LMS that starts units, it will now also start any applicable units that have an outcome of 85.
  • Reporting statement awards. Statement-type awards in the award wizard can now only be reported if they have a qualification with a recognition status of 13 (Nationally recognised skill set), 16 (Locally recognised skill set), or 14 (Other courses). If any other qualification is selected for a statement award, or no qualification is selected, the reportability option is now automatically set to "do not report" and disabled.
  • Award organisation. An issue that can cause the wrong organisation's code to appear on an award node in the Client Manager, when using Multi-RTO, has been fixed.
  • Trainer Portal access to events. Trainers in the Trainer Portal now also have access to all events that belong to any enrolments that the trainer is assigned to.

Changes in (19/01/2018)

  • QLD school type. A new "School type" field has been added to the Enrolment wizard for QLD. This is only available and mandatory for enrolments continuing into 2018 that have "VET in Schools" ticked. This will be reported as the "School type identifier" in the NAT120 file in QLD AVETMISS 8 generations.
  • Unit cluster ordering. Units under clusters in the Qualification Manager are now ordered by code.
  • Version on dashboard. Wording on the dashboard is now clearer when a VETtrak update is available.
  • Report scheduler column. A column showing the client that will be emailed the report output has been added to the grid in the Report Schedule wizard.
  • Temporary licence key check. The Temporary Licence Registration Key check wizard will now show before you log in, to eliminate the possibility of it appearing behind the splash screen.
  • Courses. An issue causing the ANZSCO field to be available when creating a course with "Yes is VET" unticked has been fixed. An issue in the Qualification Manager causing the course node to disappear when dragging it to a training package and then answering "No" to the confirmation message, even though it wasn't moved, has been fixed.

Changes in (10/01/2018)

  • Courses. An error that occurs when creating courses in the Qualification Manager has been fixed. The right-click menu options for clusters in qualifications are now also available for clusters in courses.
  • Generate AVETMISS defaults. The Generate AVETMISS 8 State and National wizards will now always default to the current year. "Enforce end of year validation" will be automatically ticked if the year entered is before the current year, or is the current year and it is December, otherwise it will be unticked. The Generate AVETMISS 7 State and National wizards will now always default to 2017 with "Enforce end of year validation" ticked.
  • Upstream. The Upstream Barcode Report now always uses uppercase field names in the barcode, as this is what Upstream expects. Issues that could cause Upstream documents for the wrong record to be shown in the Upstream tab have been fixed.
  • Invoice Exporter existing batches. The drop-down of existing batches in the Invoice Exporter wizard now shows the date/time and user that exported each batch.


Refer to the VETtrak AVETMISS Changes - 2018 article for a walkthrough of changes to screens to allow recording of AVETMISS 8 data.

  1. AVETMISS 8 generation. All AVETMISS-related menu options have been moved to an "AVETMISS" submenu at the top of the Utility menu. New menu options for the new AVETMISS 8 versions of Generate State and Generate National AVETMISS have been added, for reporting of 2018 data with the new AVETMISS 8 format and rules.
  2. AVETMISS 7 generation. The AVETMISS 7 State and National generation menu options are still available in the new Utility -> AVETMISS menu, so you can complete your 2017 data reporting in the previous format.
  3. "A" format files. In the Generate State and National AVETMISS 8 wizards, a new "Use A format files for NAT10 and NAT30" option is available, which is unticked by default. VETtrak will normally produce NAT10 and NAT30 (non-A) files for national and all state generations except Victoria. It will produce a NAT30A file instead if any of the qualifications being reported don't have "Exists in" ticked. If you tick the "Use A format files for NAT10 and NAT30" option, VETtrak will instead produce NAT10A and NAT30A files. This option is not available in Victoria; instead, VETtrak will always produce "A" format files with the non-A filenames in Victoria, as this is what SVTS expects. ACT will always produce a NAT30A file.
  4. Award issued date. A new "Date issued" field has been added to the Award wizard. This is reported in the NAT130 file. This is mandatory for reportable awards that have been issued. If it is empty when "Parchment has been issued to client" is ticked, it will be defaulted to today's date.
  5. Reporting statement awards. You can now set statement-type awards to be reported in national or state AVETMISS generations, in addition to certificate-type awards.

Following are details of the changes made for AVETMISS 8 reporting.

National and all states

  1. NAT10 (Organisation). The following fields are always empty in a NAT10 non-A generation, as they will be sourced from "Training organisation type identifier"; "Address first line"; "Address second line"; "Address - suburb, locality or town"; "Postcode"; "State identifier".
  2. NAT30 (Program). The following fields are always empty in a NAT30 non-A generation, as they will be sourced from "Program recognition identifier"; "Program level of education identifier"; "Program field of education identifier"; "ANZSCO identifier"; "VET flag".
  3. Unit subject flag. The unit's "Subject flag" (unit of competency or module) is no longer reported in the NAT60.
  4. Removed client fields. The client's "Proficiency in spoken English" and "Year highest school level completed" fields are no longer reported in the NAT80.
  5. Survey contact status. The client's "Survey contact status" is now reported in the NAT80.
  6. Labour force status. Labour force status code 04 has been renamed from "Employer" to "Self employed - employing others".
  7. Not specified postcode. The postcode for a not specified address in the NAT80 and NAT85 is now reported as "@@@@", as "0000" is no longer valid.
  8. Alternate email address. The client's secondary email address is now reported in the NAT85.
  9. Training organisation identifier. The "Training organisation identifier" field is now reported in the NAT120.
  10. Delivery mode identifier. The "delivery type" is no longer reported in the NAT120. Instead, the "delivery mode" and "predominant delivery mode" fields are reported in the NAT120.
  11. School type identifier. A "School type identifier" field is now reported in the NAT120. This is always empty for National VET Provider collections.
  12. Scheduled hours. The "Scheduled hours" field has been moved from above-the-line to below-the-line in the NAT120. It is no longer required for national generations.
  13. Client tuition fee. The length of the "Client tuition fee" field in the NAT120 has been increased from 4 to 5 digits.
  14. Fee exemption identifier. The length of the "Fee exemption/concession type identifier" field in the NAT120 has been increased from 1 to 2 characters. The Fee Exemption wizard now allows 2-character codes to be entered.
  15. Date program completed. The "Year program completed" field has been replaced by the "Date program completed" field in the NAT130.
  16. Parchment issue date. The new "Issued date" field is now reported in the NAT130.
  17. Parchment number. The "Parchment number" field is now reported in the NAT130. The length of this field has been increased from 10 characters to 25 characters in the Award wizard.


  1. Program enrolment. The "Program status identifier" and "Program enrolment identifier" fields are now reported in the NAT130. The "Program enrolment identifier" is also reported in the NAT120 to link up the records. VETtrak will generate any missing program enrolment identifiers in Generate State AVETMISS 8 for VIC.
  2. Victoria program enrolments when using "report as" qualifications. If a client has multiple enrolments with qualifications that have the same "report as" qualification selected, they will now all share the same Victorian program enrolment information, so that they are reported correctly. "Report as" qualification selections are also now taken into account when VETtrak is populating empty VIC program commencement dates in Generate State AVETMISS 8.
  3. Funding sources. Funding sources "D" (Training activity funded directly by the Commonwealth) and "F" (Fee for service - overseas full fee-paying students) have been added if they had not already been added.

South Australia

  1. Parchment issue date and number. These fields are no longer specific to SA reporting. The order of the fields in the NAT130 have been swapped to suit the national standard. The award's "Issued date" instead of the "Recorded date" is now reported as the "Parchment issue date" in the NAT130.

Unit Clusters

Functionality has been added to allow you to define your own clusters of units per qualification. This allows you to extend the current Core and Elective categories and add your own. The functionality includes:

  1. Configure clusters. A new "Unit clusters" node is available in the Configuration Manager. Use this node to create new clusters. There are already two that have been set up for you - Core and Elective. Any cluster with "default" ticked will be assigned by default to any new qualification you create. Each cluster is categorised as a "core" or "elective" cluster.
  2. Assign clusters to qualification. A new page has been added to the Qualification wizard to allow you to select which clusters to assign to the qualification. Note that you cannot untick any cluster that already has units assigned to it in the qualification. Changes made to clusters in a qualification do not affect any existing enrolments in the qualification.
  3. Assign units to clusters in a qualification. When expanding a qualification in the Qualification Manager, a node for each cluster assigned to the qualification will be listed. You can assign units to these clusters in the same way as you assigned Core and Elective units in the past, by dragging-and-dropping units onto them. You can right-click a cluster to add a brand new unit, move all units from this cluster to another one, or remove the cluster (and removing the units in that cluster).
  4. Add units to enrolments. When adding units to an enrolment/occurrence that has a qualification selected, the "Add units" button will list all the clusters assigned to the qualification. Select a cluster to add all units from that cluster in the qualification to the enrolment. You can also choose to add all units (regardless of cluster), or all units in all clusters that are categorised as "core" or "elective".
  5. Assign cluster to enrolled unit. When adding units to enrolments, and in the Enrolment Results and Training Plan wizards, you can optionally set or change the cluster for each enrolled unit.

Client changes

  1. Client enrolment panel. The list of enrolments for a client is now shown in a separate panel at the bottom of the manager, so it is always visible, instead of being hidden behind the "quick view" button. You can close or hide this panel if you do not want it. To allow this panel to be added, all existing saved layouts for the Client Manager have been cleared, so if you have a custom layout, you will need to configure it again.
  2. Client enrolment panel jump to enrolment node. A new button has been added to the enrolments grid panel in the Client Manager to allow you to jump directly to the node in the tree for the selected enrolment, and expand it.
  3. Client enrolment panel new fields. The following columns have been added to the enrolments grid in the Client Manager: Study reason, VIC enrolment date, VIC PUSH and VIC PSTACD. These new columns are hidden by default, but you can use the column selector button on the top-left of the grid to turn them on.
  4. Jump to enrolment node. In the Client Manager, you can now right-click any of these related enrolments and choose to "Select enrolment in manager" to jump straight to that enrolment in the tree:
    1. For enrolments under a completed or not completed unit
    2. For invoiced enrolments under an invoice (only for enrolments that belong to the client that is being viewed in the Client Manager)
    3. For related enrolments under an award
    4. For linked occurrence enrolments under an enrolment
    5. For related enrolments under a VET Student Loans course of study
    6. For related enrolments under a CRICOS CoE
  5. Client employment manager on-the-fly button. When adding or editing a client employment record, the manager field now has an on-the-fly button allowing you to add or edit the manager's client employment record. When adding, you must search and select a client that will be the manager (or create a new client using the add client on-the-fly button), and then you will be able to add a new client employment record for that client.

Enrolment changes

  1. Bulk withdraw units in enrolment. When using the "Bulk record results" wizard for an enrolment, you can now select a Withdrawn result type. If you do so, a new "Hours (actual)" column is added to the grid. This defaults to the hours for the enrolled unit. You must enter into this column the actual hours for each unit you tick to withdraw. When you hit Next, VETtrak will warn that you are withdrawing units. You can then proceed and withdraw all the selected units at the same time.
  2. Class options when changing enrolment status. When changing the status type of an occurrence or occurrence enrolment in the Enrolment wizard, the Class Options wizette (asking whether to add clients to or remove clients from classes) will no longer appear in these circumstances where it is not required:
    1. When editing a client or employee occurrence enrolment and changing the status type to completed or cancelled, and the client is not in any classes in the occurrence
    2. When editing an occurrence or booking that does not have any classes
  3. Add employer enrolment contact. When adding employer enrolments, and you have selected only one employer to enrol, you are now able to select a contact from that employer on the new enrolment.
  4. Delivery modes when changing WA enrolment reportability. The list of available delivery modes will now be updated correctly when changing a WA enrolment from national to state reportable.
  5. VIC enrolment date for web enrolments. A new preference to "Set VIC enrolment date when processing web enrolments" (ticked by default) has been added to the Programme Preferences -> Adding tab in Global Preferences. If this is changed to not ticked, the VIC enrolment date will be left empty when processing web enrolments. You must update your VETtrak API to version or later for this setting to take effect.
  6. Adding units to profile enrolments. Errors that occur when adding units to enrolments in profiles have been fixed.

Occurrence changes

  1. Booking Manager combined into Programme Manager. The Programme Manager now has two tabs - a Gantt view and a List view. Use the tabs to swap between the two views. The List view has much the same functionality as the Booking Manager had, including sorting/filtering/grouping, plus you can now select an occurrence and manipulate it on the right in the same way as on the Gantt view. Use the column selector button at the top-left of the grid to select the columns to show. When you save the layout, the selected tab and columns are remembered. The date range has been moved to the top as it applies to both views, and the Booking Manager has been removed. Other improvements to the Programme Manager include:
    1. When the manager is refreshed (e.g.. when changing dates, clicking Refresh etc), the currently expanded Programme types and currently selected occurrence are retained.
    2. When creating or duplicating occurrences, the manager automatically refreshes and selects the new occurrence.
    3. You can right-click an occurrence directly in the Gantt view to get the same menu as right-clicking the occurrence's Details node.
    4. When searching for an occurrence in the Gantt view, or using "Show occurrence in Programme Manager", the Programme type containing the found occurrence is automatically expanded.
  2. Duplicate occurrence security. A new security entity of "Duplicate occurrence" has been added to the Short Courses feature in the Security Manager. This allows you to control access to duplicate occurrence separately from add occurrence, so you can allow a role to duplicate existing occurrences but not allow it to create new occurrences from scratch.
  3. Bulk publish for LMS. The Bulk Publish Occurrences wizard now allows you to publish for LMS enrolment in bulk, as well as publish for web enrolment.
  4. Schedule classes using calendar default break times. The times for breaks added in the Schedule Classes using Calendar wizard will now default to the class times set in Global Preferences -> Programme Preferences -> Adding tab, instead of 12am.
  5. Attendance source. Attendance nodes in trees will now indicate if the attendance was added through the Trainer Portal or API, for attendance recorded since upgrading to 18.1.

Data Insights changes

  1. Field selection interface. The user interface for selection of available fields in Data Insights has been redesigned, to make it easier to find fields and reduce confusion when expanding multiple levels of relationships. It is now a grid that lists the fields, custom fields and relations that are available at your current level of the hierarchy only. You can sort and filter the list at the top, to make it easier to find fields and relations. New buttons are available to add fields to query fields and query criteria (and you can still drag-and-drop them, double-click them, right-click them, or use the Add buttons). You can navigate to a relationship by double-clicking it or pressing the "right arrow" button for it, which replaces the list with the new list of fields and relations for the new level of the hierarchy. A breadcrumb at the top indicates the relationships you have navigated through to reach the current level you are on. You can use the "left arrow" button to go back one level, the "home" button to return to the top level, and you can use the breadcrumb itself to navigate back and forth between relationships (similar to browsing folders in a file system). This new interface is also used in Triggers and Actions.
  2. VIC program enrolments. You can now query for VIC program enrolment information in Data Insights. You are also able to bulk-update the VIC program enrolment status from here.
  3. Bulk update client employment. Bulk updating client employment records through Data Insights will no longer clear the other client employment fields (commencement date, last assessment date, termination date, salary, position, employment type and employee number).

Triggers and Actions changes

  1. Edit triggers. You can now set up triggers to fire when editing attendance, client enrolment or award records. "Editing" triggers have two sets of criteria - before edit and after edit. Any record that is edited in the corresponding wizard in VETtrak that matches the specified "before edit" criteria before it was changed, and also matches the specified "after edit" criteria after it was changed, will cause the trigger to fire. For example, you could create a trigger to send an email when a client enrolment status is changed from "Active" to "Completed", by specifying before edit criteria of "Status equals 'Active'", and after edit criteria of "Status equals 'Completed'". Edit triggers will never fire when records are updated as the result of other triggers' actions, or any bulk update function in VETtrak.
  2. Client enrolment trigger auto-create invoice action. A new action of "Auto create invoice" is now available for client enrolment triggers. This action will generate an invoice containing all un-invoiced pricing items on an enrolment. This has an option as to whether to show the new invoice(s) so they can be printed. This action can be used in client enrolment triggers to auto-create invoices when client enrolments are added or edited. This bulk action is also available when querying client enrolments in Data Insights.
  3. Client enrolment trigger add event action. A new action of "Add event" is now available for client enrolment triggers. This action will show a wizard to allow a new event to be added to an enrolment. This has an option for the default event type to use. This action can be used in client enrolment triggers to add events when client enrolments are added or edited.
  4. Display alert message action. A new action of "Display alert message" is now available for any type of trigger. In this action, you select a type of image and enter message text. When the trigger is fired and the action is run, it will simply display the entered text in an alert dialog with an OK button. You can use this action to alert the user of something.
  5. Notification of triggers running. Whenever VETtrak is executing triggers, a notification message indicating what trigger and action is being run will appear in the lower-left of the screen.

Client Importer changes

  1. Additional fields. New import columns for client's "Referral source", "Credit terms", "Survey contact status" and "Disable login flag" fields have been added, allowing you to import these fields.
  2. Not specified address. A new column for "Usual address not specified" has been added. Importing "Y" in this column will set the client's usual address to not specified.
  3. Field rules. Field names, and validation rules for phone numbers, emergency contact number and date of birth, have been changed to match the Client and Client Personal wizards.
  4. Client employment fixes. You can now import empty values for client employment fields to clear them out. If you update the employer, but not fields dependent on employer such as branch and manager, and the employment record's existing branch or manager are then invalid for the new employer, they will be automatically cleared.

VET Student Loans eCAF changes

  1. eCAF progression response data. The Download eCAF Progressions wizard will now show additional information entered by the student in their progression, that is accessible to you, such as their intended date of deferral, withdrawal etc. This information will be stored in VETtrak when the progressions are saved. You can now right-click an eCAF progression in the Client Manager to view details of the progression, including this response data.
  2. eCAF course cap. It is no longer necessary for you to have filled out the Applicable Course Cap field in the VET Student Loans Course of Study Setup wizard when creating an eCAF. The eCAF system will automatically determine the course cap.

Custom report changes

  1. Custom report explorer. The folder location display at the top of the Custom Report Explorer has been replaced by a breadcrumb allowing you to navigate the file system from there, and copy/paste file paths. A button has also been added to open the current folder in File Explorer.
  2. Report dialogs in high DPI. An issue causing the text on report dialog pages to be double-scaled when using high DPI settings has been fixed.

Changes for web portals

  1. Progress Portal preferences. A new Progress Portal preferences page has been added if you have the Progress Portal, allowing you to configure its URL to use for notification emails.
  2. Training plan file type. A new system FileTrak file type of "Training plan" has been added. This is used by the Trainer Portal when uploading documents for training plans.
  3. Training plan unit documents. Any documents that have been uploaded for training plan units in the web portals have been moved to the corresponding enrolled unit, so they can be viewed in VETtrak. These documents have had the text "- Training plan unit" appended to the end of the name.

Other changes

  1. Email template on-the-fly merge fields. When sending email using a merge template, on the first page on the Email Template wizard, a new drop-down of "Merge fields" is available after you have selected a template. This allows you to add extra merge fields on-the-fly to the email template you are about to send.
  2. Award dates. When awards are shown in trees, the text "Comp:" will indicate which date is the completed date, and the text "Rec:" will indicate which date is the date recorded.
  3. Award organisation qualifications. When editing an award and changing the organisation, the list of qualifications will now be updated to suit the new organisation. The currently-selected qualification will still be retained even if it does not apply to the new organisation.
  4. SQL Server TLS connection. VTConfig.exe has a new option when using SQL Server to select the vendor library. VETtrak can now connect to a SQL Server that requires TLS encryption if you choose to use a "SQL Server Native Client" vendor library, and install the SQL Server Native Client on each computer that runs VETtrak. The Dashboard will now show the type of connection being used to connect to the database.
  5. Ordering of same events on same dates. When a tree lists multiple events of the same type, with the same dates, the most recently-created one will now be listed first.
  6. 2018 public holidays. Public holidays in 2018 have been added.
  7. Splash screen. A new VETtrak splash screen is shown while VETtrak is loading, after logging in. This splash screen can be turned off if desired by unticking the new "Show splash screen" tickbox in VTConfig.exe.
  8. Delete employer in use. You can no longer delete an employer that is used in any client employment records.
  9. Corrupt USI keystore after auto-renew. An issue that could cause the AUSkey keystore.xml file to become corrupted when it is auto-renewed has been fixed.
  10. Credit card fields. For security reasons, to avoid the requirement for PCI/DSS compliance, the credit card number, name and expiry date fields have been removed from the Payment wizard for credit card payments. The SecurePay payment gateway add-on has also been removed and is no longer available.

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