Report Version: 1001
Release Date: 07/07/2017
Updated Standard Reports
Enrolment Reports\Enrolment Export Report
- Date Range. A date range filter option has been added for 'Contracts/Enrolments with Unit Result Dates Spanning'.
Export Reports\ASQA-VRQA Student Records Report
- Bug Fix. Amended a bug which caused the organisation filter not to work correctly.
- Date Range. A date range option has been added which will filter on the enrolment start date.
Unit Reports\Unit Report by Qualification
- Exclude Archived/Inactive Filters. Added check boxes above the filter options that can have archived/inactive records to exclude these from the selections. These will be checked by default.
- Bug Fix. A bug which caused the qualification code column within the excel export friendly side of the report to display incorrectly has now been fixed.
- Client Column Merge. The 'Given Name', 'Surname', and 'Client Code' columns have been merged into a single 'Client' column in the print friendly side of the report.
- Unit Column Merge. The 'Unit Code' and 'Unit Name' columns have been merged into a single 'Unit' column in the print friendly side of the report.
New Column. A new column displaying the 'Outcome' of the unit result has been added.
New Standard Reports
VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VSL eCAF Student Progression Export Report July 2017
Designed for producing the initial cvs file for providing eCAF with a spreadsheet of the student engagement and progression for July 2017.
VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VSL Statement of Covered Fees
Displays a Statement of Covered Fees similar to the example in the VSL Manual for Providers under Appendix C – Sample – VET Student Loan Statement of covered fees and Fee Notice.
Updated Right Click Reports
Client Manager\Show Awards Report
- Formatting Changes. The fonts and margins have been changed to align with the formatting of the standard reports.
- New Column. A new column has been added to show the last re-issue date.
Show Pricing Item Report
- Formatting Changes. The fonts and margins have been changed to align with the formatting of the standard reports.
- New Columns. New columns have been added to display 'Represents/ Calculates' and 'Invoice by Default'.