Standard Report Update - Version 1001

Report Version: 1001

Release Date: 07/07/2017

Updated Standard Reports

Enrolment Reports\Enrolment Export Report

  1. Date Range. A date range filter option has been added for 'Contracts/Enrolments with Unit Result Dates Spanning'.

Export Reports\ASQA-VRQA Student Records Report

  1. Bug Fix. Amended a bug which caused the organisation filter not to work correctly.
  2. Date Range. A date range option has been added which will filter on the enrolment start date.

Unit Reports\Unit Report by Qualification

  1. Exclude Archived/Inactive Filters. Added check boxes above the filter options that can have archived/inactive records to exclude these from the selections. These will be checked by default.
  2. Bug Fix. A bug which caused the qualification code column within the excel export friendly side of the report to display incorrectly has now been fixed.
  3. Client Column Merge. The 'Given Name', 'Surname', and 'Client Code' columns have been merged into a single 'Client' column in the print friendly side of the report.
  4. Unit Column Merge. The 'Unit Code' and 'Unit Name' columns have been merged into a single 'Unit' column in the print friendly side of the report.
    New Column. A new column displaying the 'Outcome' of the unit result has been added.


New Standard Reports

VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VSL eCAF Student Progression Export Report July 2017

Designed for producing the initial cvs file for providing eCAF with a spreadsheet of the student engagement and progression for July 2017.

VET Student Loan/VET FEE-HELP Reports\VSL Statement of Covered Fees

Displays a Statement of Covered Fees similar to the example in the VSL Manual for Providers under Appendix C – Sample – VET Student Loan Statement of covered fees and Fee Notice.


Updated Right Click Reports

Client Manager\Show Awards Report

  1. Formatting Changes. The fonts and margins have been changed to align with the formatting of the standard reports.
  2. New Column. A new column has been added to show the last re-issue date.

Show Pricing Item Report

  1. Formatting Changes. The fonts and margins have been changed to align with the formatting of the standard reports.
  2. New Columns. New columns have been added to display 'Represents/ Calculates' and 'Invoice by Default'.

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