Email Issues and Troubleshooting


Types of Errors

There are two types of errors that you will see when attempting to send emails:

  • Dialog box - this takes the form of an error dialog that appears after a email has attempted to send. These indicate that the connection with the server was not successfully established.

  • Status error - these show up against each email which could not be sent in the Email Wizard in the form of a red 'Status' indicator. Click the box to determine the error that occurred. If an email in the list appears with a green status indicator, this indicates the email was sent successfully, even if others in the list are marked red. The error code and message are produced by the mail server in this case. The message is provided by the email server and thus messages will vary depending on the SMTP server that is being connected to, even for the same error.

When you encounter a Status Error, VETtrak does have the ability to display a more detailed breakdown of the steps your mailserver took when attempting to send the email. This is located in the bottom-right hand side of the wizard, and can be expanded like so:

These details should explain where the process failed, and if you need to send this information to VETtrak Support for troubleshooting you can press the Copy button and paste it into a VETtrak support email.

Hosted Customers

If you are hosted with VETtrak, please note that the firewall in our hosted environment only permits email to be sent out of standard SMTP ports (25, 465, and 587).

If your mail server is on a non-standard port, please send an email to requesting that your mail server be unblocked, indicating the hostname and port number for your mail server.

We will only accept unblock requests which specify the mail server hostname in the request. We will not unblock a port to allow connection to all mail servers, apart from the aforementioned standard SMTP ports.

Troubleshooting Email Errors

Below is a list of email errors that can occur when attempting to send email in VETtrak. These take the form of a code and a message. For server connection problems, you'll get a 5 digit code and a dialog box, for SMTP errors, you'll get a red 'Status' indicator and a 3 digit error code (and possibly a sub-error code after this).

The 'Message' column is an indication only and the actual error returned for a given code will depend on the SMTP server software in use. If your error matches a code, even if the message is slightly different, it is most likely caused by the same issue as listed in the 'Explanation/resolution' column for that code.


10013Access deniedVETtrak has been blocked from opening the connection to the mail server. Try disabling any firewall/anti-virus software. If emailing works after disabling security software, add an exception to allow VETtrak to send emails.
10060Connection timed outVETtrak was unable to contact the mail server. Check settings in 'File', 'Global preferences', 'Email preferences'. If you are hosted and using a non-standard SMTP port, contact VETtrak support.
11011Host not foundThe DNS lookup for the mail server failed. Check settings in 'File', 'Global preferences', 'Email preferences'. Ensure you do not have a local address if you are a hosted customer.
421 4.3.2Service not availableThis error is returned by the mail server indicating that it doesn't want to service the request. Check if your email server is blocking emails or if you need to enter different details into 'File', 'Global preferences', 'Email preferences'.
535 5.7.3Authentication unsuccessfulThe authentication settings are not correct. Check settings in 'File', 'Global preferences', 'Email preferences'. Verify the details listed against 'Email username' and 'Email password'.
550 5.7.1Unable to relayThe user does not have permission to send emails to an external domain. This is usually caused by missing user credentials in 'File', 'Global preferences', 'Email preferences'.
276Server certificate verification failed. Connection Aborted.The certificate received from the mail server isn't valid. This could indicate a mismatch in the hostname, an expired certificate, or a self-signed certificate. Check the certificate using the "Check TLS" service at TLS can often be disabled by setting the SSL/TLS option to 'None (no SSL)' and setting the port to 25, although this is not recommended.
161: SMTP protocol error. 451 5.7.3STARTTLS is required to send mailThe SSL/TLS Connection Method and/or the Authentication Type are not configured correctly. Configure these within File -> Global Preferences -> Email Preferences. Refer to the Cloud Service Email Settings article for recommended settings.
161: SMTP protocol error. 554 5.2.0'Submission.Exception:SendAsDenied'Someone has attempted to reference an email address different from the configured 'Send As' email account. This can be fixed by using Individual Staff Member Log-ins or ensuring the Reply To address is the same as the Sender email address.
161: SMTP protocol errorService unavailable, Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus.This indicates that the authentication settings may be missing within VETtrak. Ensure the SSL/TLS connection method is 'Explicit', change the Auth type to username/password, and enter a valid email address and password.


535 5.7.139Authentication unsuccessful, the request did not meet the criteria to be authenticated successfully.Two-factor authentication has been enabled on your Office365 account. An SMTP relay needs to be configured within your Office365 tenant. Follow the steps in the Microsoft article for setting up an SMTP relay. An SPF record will also need to be set up for the relay to work.
535 5.7.139The SMTP Server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.Basic authentication has been disabled and SMTP authentication will no longer work in the Office365 tenant. Set up an SMTP relay and SPF record following the steps in the Microsoft article.


530 5.5.1 OR 530 5.7.14 (or similar)This message is typically issued by Gmail indicating that authentication failed. Enable less secure apps in Gmail settings. See Cloud Service Email Settings for more information about configuring VETtrak for Gmail.
161: SMTP protocol error. 534 5.7.14Username and Password not acceptedThis usually indicates that you may be unable to email through Gmail. Test enabling “Access for less secure apps” for the account. It's found in the account settings on the Security tab -> Account permissions.
535-5.7.14Follow on ErrorThis is usually a follow-on from the above error. Go to and click Continue. Then authenticate your Additional Email Address from your Gmail Account.
552 5.2.3Guidelines. y3-20020a17090a134300b0022bb9f05753sm6843806pjf.48 - gsmtp.This indicates the file being sent exceeds a file size limit of 25MB while using Google as an SMTP provider. Reduce the file size or data entry to resolve the issue. See Gmail SMTP errors and codes for more information.
535 5.7.8Bad CredentialsTwo-factor authentication has been enabled on your Gmail account. Set up an application-specific password in your Google/G Suite account and enter it within your email preferences.

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