Grouping the booking list

Bookings are listed in the Booking Manager. To open the Booking Manager, choose Manage > Bookings from the menu, or press F3 on the keyboard. Alternatively, click the  icon on the toolbar or from the Dashboard.

Click and drag any of the column headers that have an icon into the grey area to group the list of bookings.

  • Green arrows will indicate that releasing the mouse button will successfully add the column for grouping.


For example: Grouping by location.

  • All of the locations of the bookings within the date range will be listed. The individual locations can be expanded to show the applicable bookings.


More than one heading can be dragged into the area to create sub-groups too.

For example: Grouping by location and by programme.

  • All of the locations with bookings are still listed and can be expanded.
  • When a location is expanded, all of the programmes that have bookings at that location will be listed and can be expanded to show the actual bookings.


Remove groupings by dragging the headings away from the area.

  • While dragging, release the left mouse button where ever the cursor is a large X. The column heading will be restored to its previous position as a column heading.


Groupings can also be removed and placed back into a custom position.

  • Green arrow(s) will indicate the placement. Release the left mouse button to place the heading in the indicated location.



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