Manually Adding a Course / Qualification

This represents a manual data entry process - for details on directly importing this information from TRAINING.GOV.AU please see our article here: Importing A Course / Qualification From TGA

Manually adding a Qualification to a Training Package and adding a course follow similar procedures.

Any curriculum item that is not from a Training Package should be stored in the Course based tree branch in the Qualification Manager.

For Qualifications:
  • Expand Training Packages and the relevant package.
  • Right-click Qualifications and choose Add new qualification.
For Courses:
  • Expand Course based.
  • Right-click Courses and choose Add new course.

This will open the Qualification/Course Wizard:

For a course, many of the following requirements are not enforced/necessary.

  • Enter the Name of the qualification/course.
  • Enter the National Code or State Code as applicable.
  • For qualifications, enter the Release number as shown on
  • For qualifications, choose the Status as shown on
  • Optionally, indicate how many Core units and Elective units are required to achieve the qualification. This can be used in reports to analyse a client's progress towards completion.
  • If adding a qualification, tick the Yes is a VET based Qualification/Course checkbox.
  • This Qualification/Course is inactive can be ignored, as it is used for archiving.
  • The checkbox for Exists on is utilised to communicate that this Qualification/Course can be looked up on the website.
  • The Multi-state claiming values table should be completed for qualifications. It is possible to copy the same values to all states by entering the value into the first row and then clicking the column header.
    • Expiry (mths) is for where accreditation is only for a fixed period of time. The value entered here will be used to automatically calculate the licence expiry date in the Award Wizard.
  • Click Next.

 For a course, this page can be left blank.

  • For a qualification, use website to ensure correct entries for these fields:
    • Recognition status
    • Level of education
    • ANZSCO
    • Field of Education
  • The Report this qualification as field can be used to specify an alternative qualification, the details of which will be used for AVETMISS reporting instead of any previously specified details. This is commonly used for Streams, however is rarely used when adding a new course or qualification.
  • You can optionally provide an Accreditation expiry date if the accreditation for the qualification expires.
  • If the Status selected previously was "Non-current" or "Cancelled", you will be able to choose a qualification from the Course superseded by drop-down menu.
  • A Description of the qualification/course can be entered, if desired.
  • Click Next.

  • You can optionally add a training and assessment strategy if you are adding a qualification. It can be typed in manually, copied and pasted from another document, or loaded from a RTF file.
  • Click Next.

  • You can optionally manage Unit Clusters for your qualification in this area. VETtrak has default clusters including Core and Elective unit clusters, or you can use the Handy Button on the top right hand side to create additional ones.
  • Click Next and Finish.


The qualification or course will now appear in the Qualification Manager, under the appropriate heading.


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