Email Preferences

The Email preferences section allows users to configure how VETtrak sends emails - this includes additional products that make use of the same email settings, such as the Trainer Portal

It is possible to use a third-party email client (the default email client for the operating system, such as Microsoft Outlook), or to specify mail server settings for VETtrak to connect to and send without involving another email client.

Note: If a third-party email client is used, mail server settings will need to have been configured in that program.

Choose File > Global Preferences.

Select Email preferences from the Preference items list.

The primary setting is Outgoing Email Preferences, which allows the choice between using VETtrak's built-in email client or an external mail client.

If the Use built-in VETtrak email client option is disabled, all other settings will be disabled with the exception of the Email address separator, which is the only applicable setting for external email clients.

When Use built-in VETtrak email client is enabled, further preferences can be configured within two tabs:

The Mail server tab will be chosen by default:

The Mail server preferences are:

Note: when configuring Mail Server settings, it may be useful to direct your IT team to the Cloud Service Email Settings page: Cloud Service Email Settings.

Mail server address (SMTP)

The address used to connect to the mail server needs to be entered here.


Email port

This is the port used. It defaults to the standard 25.


SSL/TLS connection method

If a secure connection is required to the mail server, select the method.

Note: The Implicit method has been depreciated and is not recommended for use.


Authentication type

If authentication is required when connecting to the mail server, select the type. If you do not choose to Use individual staff member logins, you will need to specify an Email login username and the Email login password.

If Use individual staff member logins is selected, you will be required to enter the Email Username and Password for each VETtrak user intending to send emails (This can be located within their Staff Member Wizard).

For more information on this, see the article below:


Wait time between emails

Depending on your Mail Server settings, you may be required to set a particular wait time between emails in order for the outgoing traffic to be successful, Enter an amount of time (In Milliseconds) here to specify this.


Once connection information is complete, the preferences in the Settings tab should also be reviewed.

Choose the Settings tab:

The Settings preferences are:


Default from address

This is the From address that will be used for emails sent from VETtrak.  

Note: You can edit the display name of this email address for email recipients to show an 'Alias' name, by formatting the name in quotes, followed by the full email in the correct brackets.
"Alias Name" <>

Default reply-to address

This is the reply-to address that will be used for emails sent from VETtrak. If there is only one VETtrak user, or if all email replies should go to a single email regardless of who actually sends them from VETtrak, then enter that address here. For example:  or

Note: Do not use this field if you want replies to emails to return to specific senders (e.g.. trainers, admin staff).

For bulk email, send legacy CC/BCC for

When sending bulk emails to clients where addresses have been specified in the CC or BCC fields, those copies can be sent for:

  • Only the first recipient
    A copy of the email that was sent to the first recipient of the bulk email will be sent to the address(es) in the CC and/or BCC fields.
    For example: If there are 10 students set to receive a bulk email reminding them of their upcoming class and their trainer is CC'd on the message, that staff member will receive one email (that might include the name of the first student).
  • Every recipient
    A copy of the email will be sent to the address(es) in the CC and/or BCC fields for all recipients included in the bulk email.
    For example: If there are 10 students set to receive a bulk email reminding them of their upcoming class and their trainer is CC'd on the message, that staff member will receive ten identical emails (except with differing student names).


Note: Choosing the Every recipient option will result in multiple copies of emails with very similar content being received by the CC and/or BCC recipients, In most cases this would be undesirable for the recipient and can result in email clients identifying and marking messages as spam.

Email address separator

This is the character used to separate multiple addresses. A semi-colon (;) is usually standard, but some external mail clients use alternatives, such as a comma.

Display name in "from" address when sending email from staff member

This controls the way the sender's name will be displayed when people receive emails sent from VETtrak, In addition to using the staff member's name, it is also possible to set your own display name (for example you could enter the name of your organisation).

RELATED: Cloud Service Email Settings (Communications)

Email Context

New in VETtrak Version 24.3, the Email Context tab sets the default recipient type when emails are sent from within VETtrak.

By opening the Edit option against a mail context, we can opt to include certain recipients on emails.

Using the above settings as an example; every time we send an Email to an Occurrence Class, the Class Staff members will be a CC for that email.

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