Choose File > Global Preferences, or click on the toolbar.
Then choose Compliance preferences from the Preference items list. The AVETMISS tab will already be selected.
The preferences are:
- Enforce strict AVETMISS compliance
- Set client personal AVETMISS fields to most commonly used values
- Report employer as location in AVETMISS
- Use default funding model when creating enrolments
- Allow AVETMISS fields to be empty/invalid in occurrences and profiles
- Default collection state
Enforce strict AVETMISS compliance
This preference (on by default) turns on the following validation rules in various wizards. These rules are not enforced if the preference is turned off.
Client Wizard:
- If date of birth is specified, it must be before this year and cannot be more than 100 years ago
Client Personal Wizard:
- In QLD, if Learner Unique Identifier is specified, it must pass the validation check
- If home phone, work phone, mobile phone, email address or fax number are specified, they must pass the validation check (phone numbers must contain at least 10 digits, and email addresses must be well formed)
- Year completed school cannot be after this year, and cannot be less than 5 years after date of birth
Organisation Wizard:
- Contact person, phone number, complete address and provider type are mandatory
- In NT, fax and email address are mandatory
- Per-state organisation codes must be numeric
Location Wizard:
- Complete address and country are mandatory
- Country, state and postcode combination must be valid (eg. if postcode is OSPC, state must be Other or Overseas and Country must not be Australia etc)
Qualification Wizard:
- If is VET, recognition status, level of education, ANZSCO and field of education are mandatory
- If is VET, recognition status and level of education combination must be a valid (eg. you can’t have a recognition status of “Higher-level qualifications” and a level of education of “Year 10”)
Unit Wizard:
- Field of education is mandatory
Contract Wizard:
- In SA, vocation is mandatory
The idea is that RTOs should leave the preference on, and non-RTOs that do not report can turn off the preference to make VETtrak more lenient.
Set client personal AVETMISS fields to most commonly used values
This setting will preselect the most common values when running the Personal Wizard for a new client. The most common values are determined by the existing database entries.
The preselected values can be still be changed at the AVETMISS step of the Personal Wizard.
Report employer as location in AVETMISS
This preference will control the default state of the Report employer as location in AVETMISS checkbox in the Enrolment Wizard.
The checkbox can still be ticked or unticked manually in the Enrolment Wizard. If enabled, the location reported will come from the Employer details rather than the Location indicated at the first step of the Enrolment Wizard.
Use default funding model when creating enrolments
Enabling this preference will pre-populate the pricing step in the enrolment wizard with details from the default funding model for that qualification.
The default funding model is set in the Configuration.
Allow AVETMISS fields to be empty/invalid in occurrences and profiles
This feature is off by default; If on, VETtrak will allow you to leave fields blank or invalid on the AVETMISS page in occurrences and profiles, even if it's marked as reportable.
This option is useful to force users to enter the missing AVETMISS data when enrolling in those occurrences or profiles or not.
Default collection state
This sets the default state or territory for which you enter data.