Confirm Step

VETenrol Admin Config Card for Registration Steps Confirm is a category of Registrations Steps, which is accessed from the Configuration (VETenrol Admin Icon Config) page in the VETenrol Admin.

These settings apply to the Confirm step in the standard registration process, which is the final step the in registration process before payment (if applicable) and receiving the on-screen confirmation.

VETenrol Admin Registration Steps page showing the Confirm tab

Key aspects of the Confirm category:

Confirm step options

The options in this section are:

VETenrol Admin Confirm step options section

Collect Referral Source

This option, if enabled, will include the question: How did you hear about us? The list of answers available to users are sourced from VETtrak.

The Mandate collection of Referral Source option is only available if Collect Referral Source is enabled. The option requires users to select an answer to the referral source question in order to complete their registration.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with Referral Source

Enabled ( ticked box )

Collect Study Reason

Toggle this option to enable or disable the Study Reason question at the Confirm step. The question is part of the AVETMISS step but can be collected at the Confirm step instead.

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego

Enabled ( ticked box )

Do not collect Special Requirements/Notes

Toggle this option to include or remove the Special Requirements / Notes section.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego without Special Notes section

Enabled ( ticked box )

Terms & Conditions

This section relates to the Terms & Conditions displayed at the Confirm step.

VETenrol Admin Terms & Conditions section

  • Do not provide Terms & Conditions
  • Do not include checkbox for accepting Terms & Conditions
  • Agreement Text
    This text appears in the scrollable area at the Confirm step. Changes will apply to new registrations from the time of save, but not to registrations already in progress or completed.
    • Click the Default button to insert the default text for editing, or type plain text or html directly into the field.
    • Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.


It is strongly recommend the default Terms & Conditions be inserted and edited, or replaced entirely. The Default is based on the NCVER Privacy Notice and requires you to add a link to your Privacy Policy.

Please refer to Initial Setup of VETenrol for instructions.

Do not provide Terms & Conditions

Toggle this option to show or remove the Terms & Conditions section for the Confirm step.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego without Terms

Enabled ( ticked box )

Do not include checkbox for accepting Terms & Conditions

Toggle this option to remove the acceptance checkbox for Terms & Conditions.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego

Enabled ( ticked box )

Sundry File Upload

This section is for the Document Upload feature.

VETenrol Admin Sundry File Upload section

  • Include file upload(s)
    Select the number of file upload fields to include in the Document Upload section of the Confirm step. If the setting is Off the section will not be displayed.
  • Heading
    Customise the section heading, replacing the default that is Document Upload. 
    • Type plain text directly into the field. Click Save for the page to commit the change.
    • This field will be disabled if the feature is not in use.
  • Text
    Customise the text for the section, replacing the default.
    • Type plain text or html directly into the field. Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.
    • This field will be disabled if the feature is not in use.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Setting OFF

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego including Document Upload section

Setting ON — with a selection of 1 using default heading and text

If any files are uploaded, Registration Details will include an additional section titled Sundry Upload where the file(s) will be listed. Clicking the file name will view/download the file.

File Size Limit

This step has a total file size limit of 10mb. If a user attempts to upload a single file over the limit or chooses multiple files with a combined size exceeding the limit, an error will occur.

Signature Pad

This section is related to the Signature Pad feature.

VETenrol Admin Signature Pad section

  • Include Signature Pad feature
    Toggle this option to enable or disable the signature pad section at the Confirm step. This will enable users to sign their name in the space provided using their mouse.
  • Text
    Customise the text for the section, displayed beneath the section heading.
    • Type plain text or html directly into the field. Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.
    • This field will be disabled if the signature pad feature is not in use.

For example:

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with default options

Disabled ( unticked box - default)

VETenrol Confirm Step of Standard Rego with Signature Pad

Enabled ( ticked box )

Submission Notice

This section displays text at the end of the registration process, just prior to confirming the registration.

VETenrol Admin Submission Notice section

  • Type plain text or html directly into the field.
  • Alternatively, click VETenrol Admin Pencil icon to open the Editor, where text can be entered and formatted, then click Apply and the resulting html will be inserted into the field. Click Save to commit the changes.

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